Super Study God

Chapter 2189: Chaos!


Su Hang regained his consciousness and quickly nodded. Before going up the mountain, he asked, "What fruit do you want to pick?"

"There is a tree on the mountain, and there is a fruit on the tree, even if it is picked!" Chaos said.

Asked Niu Dama, Su Hang wanted to ask what kind of fruit would make such existence worry, but Chaos obviously did not give him the answer he wanted.

Su Hang did not dare to ask any more, and with a bit of anxiety, walked carefully towards the mountain.

This thing is really weird. With the power of this beast, can't we pick a fruit? Why do you want to pick it yourself, is there any powerful monster hiding in this mountain?

But if there are any powerful monsters, the monsters can't get it, and they certainly can't get it.

The top of the mountain was not high, and Su Hang went up the mountain in a few steps. Sure enough, he saw a tree growing on the top of the mountain.

The area on the top of the mountain is not small, but it is just such a tree, which seems a little abrupt. Suhang looked around for fear of danger.

After confirming it again and again, this was the step towards the tree.

When I came to Suhang, I looked up and saw that the tree was not tall, and it was one foot high. The branches and leaves on the tree were not lush, but Suhang did not recognize its variety. It looks like Li is not like Li. Like a jujube, I looked carefully at that leaf. Under a leaf at the top of the tree, Su Hang saw a fruit.

The fruit was golden and golden, and its appearance looked like a light bulb. It was about the size of a slap, and it was still shining with light. After a long distance, Su Hang smelled a faint scent.

The fragrance is a bit like osmanthus and a bit like an orchid!

Su Hang has some vision, but he does not know what kind of tree it is, what kind of fruit it is.

On the huge tree, there was such a fruit. The leaves tremble gently, the air of chaos surging, and slowly gathered towards the tree, as if the tree was breathing.

Scanned it with the Xueshen system, but there was no information about the tree. Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. It was impossible for this tree to have a avenue.

Looking at the fruit, Su Hang did not dare to act rashly. In case the tree is conscious, he may not be able to do it.

Think about it, the giant beast chaos didn't come by himself, but let him come. There must be a reason for this, and there must be something wrong with it!

But the behemoth chaos is waiting next to it, and Suhang does not dare to go empty-handed!

At the moment, Suhang pointed at the tree, "Predecessor, boy Suhang, borrow one of your fruits today, and will definitely double it back in the coming days..."

When the words fell, Su Hang waited for a while, but the tree didn't respond!

no response? Is that agreed?

From Suhang's point of view, if the tree disagrees, it must be expressed. If you don't speak or do nothing, it's the default!

"Since the senior has no opinion, then the younger picked it?" Su Hang asked again.

The tree remained unresponsive.

"The junior offended!"

Su Hang's heart loosened, and he leaped up and flew up to the branch to lift the leaf. The fruit was exposed, and the golden light reflected Su Hang's eyes.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the fruit in his hand, and gently pulled it off.

The fruit is warm and warm, with some hot, really like a bright light bulb.

So easy to get it?

After looking at the fruit in his hand, Su Hang couldn't help but froze for a moment, and it felt a bit unbelievably simple. It was so simple to get the fruit. Why did the monster chaos let him take it? Isn't this superfluous?

Looking down at the tree again, after the fruit was picked, the tree seemed to have lost its vitality, quickly withered, the branches and leaves fell back to chaos, and soon the tree disappeared, leaving only a golden trembling The seeds are buried deep in the soil on the top of the mountain!


Everything was in a flash, Su Hang was a bit stupid, but he was just picking a fruit, wouldn't the tree be destroyed?

Guilty Guilty! Su Hang said secretly in her heart that she was sorry, but she did not dare to delay. She quickly took the fruit and went down the mountain.

Chaos is still waiting on the side of the mountain, and the huge body is almost as high as the mountain!

"Senior, this is the fruit you want?" Su Hang presented the fruit.

"Hmm!" Chaos nodded slightly, and with one mouth, he inhaled the fruit and swallowed it directly.

After seeing that the monster's chaos covered with a faint golden light, Su Hang quickly stepped back, and saw that the monster's figure quickly shrank, not long after the light faded, the monster was no longer, showing a The fat old man with white hair and white eyebrows came.

"Are you... Senior Chaos?" Su Hang asked with some differences. The fruit just now, wouldn't it just be used for this old man?

An existence that can make all the vain and the old daunted, needs to be transformed with a fruit? Is this possible?

"Why? Was it unexpected?" Chaos glanced up at Su Hang, his eyes still lazy, but with a faint expression.

Su Hangdao, "It's a little unexpected. I'm just a little strange. That fruit is so easy to pick. Why do you call me?"

"Old age, bad eyesight!" Chaos looked at Su Hang, in those turbid eyes, the chaos was like deep cataract.

Hearing this reason, Su Hang couldn't help but feel a bit chilly. If you exist like this, can you still look bad? Even if the eyes are not good, can it be used as a consciousness?

I felt that Su Hang’s eyes were a bit Chaos seemed to feel that his reason was too far-fetched, and said, "The fruit tree's name is Hunyuan Tree, and I have a little contradiction with me. I hide when I see it. I think it is impossible to borrow his fruit, but unfortunately there are very few people in this chaotic world. I just happened to meet you today. Is this reason feasible? But then again, what am I talking to you as a child? "

Su Hang felt a terrible cold, "The tree on the mountain has withered..."

Chaos waved his hand and said, "Wither something, just hide it. It won't take long, and it may come out from which corner!"

Su Hang heard this and felt a little better in her heart, at least not because she destroyed the tree!

What kind of tree is that, what kind of fruit, what exactly does this old man exist, why did he want this fruit, Su Hang doesn’t want to ask any more, now he only remembers the battle of the Xuanhuang Realm, and eagerly wants to go back, saying, "If the senior has no other Matter, the younger generation will leave!"

After he finished talking, Su Hang looked up at Chaos secretly, and there was some uneasiness in his heart, not knowing if the old man would let him leave.

The old man stared at Su Hang for a while, "Young man, don't you have any trace of curiosity about me?"

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