Super Study God

Chapter 2190: 1 box!

"Uh..." Su Hang said with a smile, and said, "Curiosity is curiosity, but the juniors are really in a hurry, or should we make appointments with the seniors?"

"Alas, I haven't talked to people for a long time. I finally caught one and didn't want to talk to me more!" Chaos waved his hand. "Well, you go back!"

"Thank you, Senior!" Su Hang was delighted!

At this time, Chaos said, "However, young man, I have to remind you!"

"Senior, please talk!" Su Hang said quickly, a deaf ear.

Chaos Road, "There are many territories in this chaos, some are insignificant, some are behemoths, the heavens and heavens where you are can be regarded as the best, the master of heavens and heavens is even a terrific figure, you put His grandson had done that, and he was cowardly..."

Su Hang heard the words and smiled bitterly, "Senior, there are some things I have to do, some people, I also have to kill, everything is forced by the situation, I have no retreat, where do I still care who his son is , Whose grandson, moreover, to be honest, has made such a situation right now, and the real people in the sky will also bear half of the responsibility!"

Chaos heard a smile on his face, "Young man, it's a bit bloody, but your future path may be more difficult to walk, and everything is still a bit forgiving!"

"Thank you senior for reminding me, before dawn, where there will be no darkness, the darker the sky, it proves that the light is not far away!" Su Hangdao.

"That's good!" Chaos nodded slightly. "You just helped me, and I have to pay you back!"

Su Hang quickly waved his hand, "Senior just saved my life. Where can the juniors dare to compare with their predecessors? What's more, it's just a piece of cake for me to get a fruit..."

"One yard to one yard!" Chaos shook his head and looked at Su Hang up and down. "I think you are physically stronger than the realm. There must be something extraordinary. The breakthrough of the realm of the avenue is just around the corner. The realm of flesh is not good, and we will intensify our efforts in the future..."

Suddenly, Chaos said, "I will give you something, you keep it well, maybe it will be used in the future!"

With that said, something appeared in the hands of Chaos and was directly presented to Su Hang. Su Hang reached out and took a look. It was a wooden box, painted in black, which looked ordinary, but Su Hang tried to open it. When I clicked, I found that the box was tightly closed and could not be opened at all.

Looking up at Chaos, Chaos said, "When it's not time to use it yet, when it's useful, it will open itself, keep it alive, don't lose it!"

"Senior?" Su Hang looked at Chaos doubtfully. "Senior can tell me, is there anything in this box?"

"Fate!" Chaos said directly.

"Fate?" Su Hang froze directly, staring blankly at Chaos.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing Su Hang's expression, Chaos laughed directly, "You believe it, are you stupid?"

Su Hang was in a chill, and was joking with himself. The chaos just surprised Su Hang. In his opinion, how powerful is destiny, how can it be confined in a small box? It was really a ridiculous joke.

Chaos said, "When the box is opened, you will naturally know what is hidden in the box. Now ask me, I don't know!"

Su Hang was sweating, and when he asked again, the chaos faded away, and soon disappeared from the front of Su Hang. When Su Hang looked at it again, he saw nothing but chaos. Repair, only the box in hand proves that what just happened is true.

"This old man is so mysterious, but he doesn't know what kind of character, realm, do you know?" Su Hang asked suspiciously.

There was no response for a while.

At this time, Su Hang only reacted, reached out and touched his chest, his heart was pounding vigorously, some people were gone!

Somehow, Su Hang felt that his eyes seemed to be in the sand, and there was some wetness. Suddenly I saw less people talking to myself. The feeling in my heart was really sour.

He took a deep breath and pressed the mood hard, "Relax, I will not let you sacrifice in vain, whether it's you, or not, or others..."


Xuanhuang Realm!

It is not that there is no time in chaos, but it is not that there is no time in chaos, but because there is no day and night in chaos, you don't know how long it has been.

On the other hand, the time in chaos is very chaotic. The time axis is not sure at all. Sometimes it is fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes it is not fast or slow. Therefore, high-level monks generally do not like walking in chaos.

Once you go in and then out, you won't know how long it has been in your original world.

Just like Su Hang, he fought Lin Xuan in a chaos this time. In his own opinion, it looked like at most ten days and a half months, but when it was placed in Xuanhuang Realm, it had already passed. Three thousand six hundred years.

Over the past 3,600 years, the fighting has not stopped, and the earth has turned into a scorched earth. No matter how the sky, land, or ocean, it has been very rare to see activities.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, ruins after battle...

It's even hard to see the traces of civilization. The whole world's karma is monstrous, and the whole sky is clouded.

At the beginning of the rebellion, the sentient beings of the Xuanhuang Realm actually prevailed. Almost all of the power of the Taihuang Mountain was driven out of this world. However, as the steady flow of extraterritorial forces entered the Xuanhuang Realm to station, the situation became more and more It's getting worse.

In three thousand six hundred years, the masters of the Xuanhuang Realm Heavenly that entered the war successively reached more than six hundred at one time, but now, ten out of ten, less than fifty people have survived to this day.

At this moment, these dozens of masters of Heavenly Dao Realm all gathered in Kunlun Mountain to stick to the last line of defense.

Today, the surviving souls of all ethnic groups are less than 100 million, and among them, the human race is less than 30 million. All of them are hidden in the Kunlun God Realm, which is already the last kind of fire in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Forty or so masters of Heavenly Dao Realm, most of them are wounded and seem to have never been down.

In front of the Kunlun Mountain Gate, Xue Qi stood with a gun, and beside him stood Wang Fang, Ao Xue and Yin Yu'er.

Under the mountain is the endless green grassland, but the green grassland at that time has long been gone, leaving only endless scorched earth.

A golden shield protects the entire Kunlun, and a golden wheel floats in the air, continuously supplying energy to the mountain guard.

A group of giant beasts outside the mountain are violently attacking the enchantment, headed by a monster that looks like an orangutan but has three heads and six arms, covered in black hair, and looks like a hairy zombie.

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