Super Study God

Chapter 2211: If you want to marry, you won't lose each other

Su Hang laughed dryly, "But now is not the time, I can't be so selfish, let you be like Xueer, follow me with fear, but you can rest assured that the World Assembly is coming, and I will definitely overthrow the world by that time. Those who treat me lightly will step on their feet. At that time, if you are willing to marry, Suhang will not be disappointed!"

Yin Yu'er stood in a daze for a moment, his face flushed slightly, his eyes dodged a bit, "You guys, why did you say this suddenly, and people have no psychological preparation, don't you still have to cure the red cloud, hurry up Don't make Xiaoqi anxious!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Yuer directly dropped Su Hang and fled into the Cangwu Abyss.

Su Hang stood still, shook his head bitterly, how old they were, and still having such a young daughter's mentality, they were so embarrassed by three or two sentences.

Regarding Yin Yuer, Su Hang said that she didn’t feel anything at all. That was purely deceiving herself. After all, she did so much for herself. If she was a woman, she was afraid that she would have given her a hug and promised herself. But now, he is in a lot of trouble on his own, Xiang Xiang in a crotch has not been cleaned up, he does not want to drag Yin Yuer.

Hao Ao Xue has been harmed, how can she harm her again, so, Su Hang can't promise Yin Yuer now, at this time, he has no intention to talk about the love of these children, and he will only consider it after he has reached the peak.

Otherwise, it would not be fair to them if they were killed by the old guys someday.



On top of the holy tree, in the frozen log cabin.

These days, Xue Qi has been guarding the side, and has not left for a moment. He and Hongyun have been together for hundreds of millions of years. The deep feelings between them can be imagined. Now that Hongyun is in trouble, one can imagine how painful Xue Qi feels.

If it weren’t for Xue Qi’s undead body, I’m afraid he would have gone with Hongyun long ago. Now, hope is seen in despair. Xue Qi is staying by Hongyun these days, and he keeps talking, regardless of whether Hongyun can hear it, as if to be Complain all your sufferings and thoughts over the years!

Su Hang and Yin Yu'er came outside the door and heard Xue Qi talking to Hongyun in the house, and they stopped.

Yin Yuer turned to look at Su Hang, and asked what love is in the world, and taught life and death. This is true. Life is to live for love. There will always be some people who are worthy of your protection. If this world does not What's the point of life like a person who has lost love and lost guardianship?

Xue Qi is so infatuated, isn't he?

At the moment, Su Hang was filled with emotions. If it was not because of his mistakes that Xue Qi had accidentally come to the ancient world, would there be so many cause and effect entanglements.


Su Hang coughed softly, Xue Qi was quiet in the room. At this time, Su Hang walked in with Yin Yuer,

Xue Qi was unshaven, full of decadence, and still had tears on his face. I'm afraid I haven't cried much these days.

"Brother Hang, you are here." Seeing that it was Su Hang, Xue Qi quickly stood up to meet.

Su Hang looked at him and said, "Look at you like this, how long it hasn't been cleaned up, if Hongyun wakes up and sees you like this, I don't know if I dare to recognize you."

Xue Qi heard the words and smiled, but didn't say anything. He stayed beside Hongyun for the past three months. When did he have time to refresh and dress up, and his loved ones were gone?

"Brother Hang, can you cure Yun'er now?" Xue Qi asked.

He was a bit impatient. Before the Soviet Union said that he had been away for a few days, he didn't expect this to be a few months. He almost thought that Soviet Airlines had left too old.

Su Hang nodded slightly and looked at the frozen red cloud, "It is easy to cure poison, but it takes too much time. Still, that poison is very strong, but I have never seen it in my life. Pass over you and use your life soul to kill it. After 65 million years, I will slowly dissolve it."

Xue Qi nodded again and again, "What are you waiting for, Brother Air, quickly show your magical powers?"

Su Hang looked at him, "You have to think about it, even if you have the body of immortal grass, the poison of the Youquan will freeze you. Unless I wait for later generations to cure you, you will stay asleep forever. ."

Xue Qi heard the words and laughed, "As long as I can save Yun'er, I'm not afraid, the ice will be frozen, and Quan should be asleep. When I wake up, I can meet Yun'er."

I have to say that this kid is really optimistic.

Yin Yuer pulled the sleeve of La Suhang beside him. "Su Hang, you can think about it. Mo Yao will not be able to save the red cloud, but it will hurt Xiaoqi."

This is a kind reminder.

"I believe Brother Hang." Before waiting for Su Hang to speak, Xue Qi said firmly, looking at Su Hang, "Brother Hang, you will definitely save me and Yun'er, right?"

Su Hang nodded, "Xiao Qi, Brother Hang tells you the truth. I found you in the future generations long ago, but I didn't know the cause and effect at that time, so I didn't dare to help you break the seal easily. The pile of cause and effect is supposed to be here. You can rest assured that since the cause and effect are now clear, when I return to the later generations, I will help you out of trouble as soon as possible. Hongyun is still waiting for you to wake up in later generations."

Xue Qi heard the words and nodded again and again, burst into tears.

Su Hang reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "Mo Yao is so, the big man bleeds without tears, waiting for your husband and wife to reunite, your parents, your grandfather, and your sister, are still waiting for you to go back on the earth... …"

Xue Qi nodded non-stop. Although he tried hard to restrain himself, the tears kept flowing down.

"Brother Hang, wait for me for a while."

Xue Qi wiped her tears and walked to the window, whistling at the window.


A clear cry came from the horizon, and then a huge figure flew out of the depths of the jungle, and flew towards the holy tree.

Little Kun? Su Hang froze for a moment, and the figure in the cloud was Xiao Kun.

Xiao Kun flew over the window in front of the tree, Xue Qi jumped up directly, one master and one pet, and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds all at is he doing? Asked Yin Yu'er.

Su Hang shook his head gently, turned around and looked at the frozen red cloud.

Su Hang walked over, touched the frozen ice with his hand, and the horrible poison of the spring swept over Su Hang's right hand. He immediately climbed onto his right arm, and his right arm shoulders, and a layer of frost instantly condensed.

It was really terrifying. Su Hang hurriedly forced it back with its heart fire, and then used the Sky Devouring Book to summon a black hole to clear the poison of the Youquan.

Withdrawing his right hand, Su Hang couldn't help but accuse him. Originally, he thought that he had now broken through the avenue. The situation would be better, but it was only better. If a large amount of toxins entered the body, I was afraid that he would be difficult to control.

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Chapter 2211 If you wish to marry, you will not be disappointed! (Page 1/1)

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