Super Study God

Chapter 2212: Heal the poison!

Originally, Su Hang thought that if his current physical body had enough resistance to absorb all the poisons of Youquan from Hongyun, he would not have to suffer Xue Qi, he took it away and returned to later generations slowly Digestion is, but he still thinks too much.


Not long after, the sound of Xiao Kun came from outside, and Xue Qi came by, and the shape of Xiao Kun suddenly became smaller, turning into a small beast, wandering around Xue Qi.

Su Hang looked at it, dressed in a clean, clean hair, with her hair combed up and up, and left with two lip-smaves, which was a lot more mature than the stunned one before.

Obviously, I just went to freshen up.

Seeing Su Hang staring at themselves, Xue Qi was a little embarrassed, and he smiled and said, "I'm just afraid, when future generations see me, I will feel ashamed..."

Su Hang turned his eyes to Yin Yu'er and smiled. Everyone was like this. They wanted to show the best to the cherished person. Although Xue Qi had been with Hongyun for hundreds of millions of years, he couldn't escape. These clichés.

At this time, Xue Qi waved, and Xiao Kun flew to his hand, turning the dancer up and down beside him.

"His name is Xiao Kun. He has followed me and Yun'er for many years. Yun'er liked it very much. After I left, I asked Brother Hang to take care of it." Xue Qi said.

Su Hang nodded slightly, and the Kunming beast is one of the top beasts in this world. Looking at the appearance of this Kunming beast, it should be very old, and it will enter a dormant state in a short time.

This kind of beast is very strange. They have a special ability. After they reach a certain level of cultivation, they will enter a dormant state. Under the dormant state, they will slowly rejuvenate and return to the original state, and come back again. .


Xiao Kun seemed to know what Xue Qi was talking about, and kept screaming, rubbing Xue Qi's face with its huge head.

Xue Qi reached out and touched Xiao Kun's head, like he was telling the child, "Sorry, little boy, we will see you in 65 million years."

"Tui!" Xiao Kun screamed, and tears left in his two huge eyes.

Xue Qi went to the bed and lay down, straightened his body, and looked up at Su Hang, "Come on, Hang Hang."

Su Hang nodded slightly, no matter what, since Xue Qi had already made a decision, there was no need to say more.

"I will protect your true spirits and spirits with rules first, lest the poison of the Youquan will hurt your soul." Su Hang first asked, "Despite this, your body will still be conscious, the poison of the Youquan After entering the body, it will be very painful. If you can't support it, you can tell me."

Xue Qi nodded, "I'm fine."

"Close your eyes and converge."

Su Hang commanded, and immediately sat next to Xue Qi, his left hand pressed against Xue Qi's shoulder, but his right hand went toward Hongyun.


The poison of the quiet spring entangled in the red cloud is like a flood that breaks through the embankment. It directly pours into the body of Suhang, and it does not require Suhang to use the exercises to absorb it. It is like a torrential river.

Su Hang used the fire of heart to build a pipeline on his body, so that the poison of the huge Youquan cannot invade his own body. The pipeline created by the fire of fire uses the body of Su Hang as a bridge to go directly to Xue Qi. .

After cold poison entered the body, Xue Qi's brow suddenly started, starting from the shoulder of his right hand, and quickly a layer of white frost quickly spread to Xue Qi's whole body.

This poison is extremely terrifying, but in a short moment, Xue Qi's body, face, eyebrows, and hair are all covered with frost, and the whole room falls instantly. The extreme ice cold makes Yin Yuer, who is next to the law protector, unbearable. Live shivered.

Taking a step back, Yin Yu'er looked at the two people in front of her, and her heart was full of anxiety. It felt like seeing the two people holding a torch in front of the gas station.

Su Hang is also covered with frost, and the frost is getting thicker and thicker, almost condensing into ice. On the other side, the ice layer of the Youquan, which seals the red cloud, is slowly melting, and the terrible cold passes through Su Hang’s body. Pour on Xue Qi.

Xue Qi frowned tightly, shivering all over his body, and the biting cold, even if he was known as the body of the undead, he felt terrified.

The pain is affirmative, and it is extremely painful, but Xue Qi always clenched his teeth and insisted, because he knew that he could never give up.

"Tweet, tweet..."

Xiao Kun screamed next to him and wanted to get close, but Su Hang set up an enclave in advance, and let Xiao Kun how to call and how to hit, can't get close.

The white surface of Xue Qi's body grows thicker and thicker, and a thin layer of ice gradually forms. As the poison of the quiet spring grabbed from the red cloud flows into his body like the sea flows into the river, the ice layer is getting more and more Thick, until he was completely frozen.

Xiao Kun's cry was sorrowful, and next to it, Yin Yuer looked at this scene and couldn't help crying.

Watching Xue Qi frozen into ice by the poison of the Youquan, she could not imagine how much pain she needed to experience.

The ice layer on Hongyun's body completely dissipated. At the same time, a huge frozen ice had sealed Xue Qi's death. Su Hang did not stop, but used his heart fire to drive away the poison of the remaining spring in the red cloud. After coming out and confirming that there is no leftover, this is the end.

Qi was returned to its roots to deal with the poison of the rumbling spring in his body. Su Hang took a long breath, and the ice and frost on the body gradually melted and became invisible.

Open your Look at Xue Qi next to you, and lie quietly in that huge ice block, your eyebrows twisted gently. Obviously, before the ice seal, I suffered terrible pain and Torture.

Just now he just used himself as a bridge to poison Xue Qi. He has deeply felt the horror of the poison. He can cure the poison, but the amount is too great. If you are not careful, you will be irreversible, and you can only wait until Later generations will have more time to deal with.

It's just that this poison is very easy to infect people. Ordinary people will be poisoned at the touch, and the souls and spirits will be frozen into nothingness, so Su Hang has to deal with it.

Taking out a small jade bottle, Su Hang pulled out the stopper and drowned at the ice cube. A slightly yellowish liquid came out of the bottle and quickly wrapped the ice cube.

This bottle was prepared by Su Hang earlier, tweeting amber rosin, but he took the material locally and took it from a few old pine trees in this gorge.

The year is tens of billions of years, and it is refined by the Su Hang system of atheistics. It is drenched with this amber rosin. After the rosin condenses, it forms a piece of amber, which can isolate the inside and outside world. The poison ran out and hurt other people.

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