Super Study God

Chapter 2237: The son-in-law is here?

It’s so lively, so big, and so many people!

In this immense city, I am afraid that it can reach the scale of China's first-tier cities, and even larger.

The roads in the city are equally wide, but there are no cars traveling in large Chinese cities or high-rise buildings. Tianjie refuses technology, because for practitioners here, technology is a side door that will affect the practice.

The practice is about the unity of heaven and man, blending with heaven and earth, rather than dividing it with heaven and earth.

"The Infinite City is the top ten cultivator city in Heaven Realm!" Entering the city, Yin Wushang began to introduce to Su Hang, "More than 90% of the city are monks, and there are 20 million permanent residents in the city. There are nearly 8 million monks above the Dadao Realm, 200,000 Venerable Realms, nearly 10,000 Tianzun Realms, and 39 people in the Tiandao Realm..."

Hearing Yin Wu hurt to say this, Su Hang was left with nothing but a tongue-in-cheek. "It really is an outstanding place, not a comparison of the Xuanhuang Realm!"

In such a boundless world, the strength is not comparable to the Xuanhuang Realm, not to mention that there are so many giant cities in the realm, and the boundless city is only in the top ten, not to mention the big beast of Daozong.

Yin Wusheng smiled and said, "The heaven is the realm of the ten kingdoms, the center of the heavens and the world. The place where talents meet. The natural master is like a cloud. It is not comparable to other worlds. Brother, you just came to the heavens. I don’t know the humanities of the heavens. Within a few days, I will take you to familiarize yourself."

Su Hang nodded slightly, Yin Wu hurt had taken him to the inner city, the city owner forbidden palace.

Four huge parrot stone statues, divided into four corners, carry a huge Miyagi. Miyagi towers in the sky, overlooking the entire immeasurable city, and looks very shocking.

There are several teams of guards wearing armor at the gate of the Infinite Palace. Su Hang took a look at it and led a Heavenly Realm, while the rest were all Venerable Realms.

waste! Su Hang shook his head again and again, there was a feeling that Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, if Tianzun Realm was placed in the Xuanhuang Realm, it would be a big brother, the pyramidal tip existed, and placed in this realm, it could only be a gatekeeper, really a fan Different lives.

"Hurt child, is the son-in-law coming?"

Su Hang followed Yin Wucheng all the way and went straight into the inner courtyard of the deep palace. Just before a courtyard, he didn't go in, so he heard a voice from inside.

It was Yin Tianfeng's voice. Su Hang felt a chill in his heart, and a black line flashed on his brows, son-in-law? Which one is this?

"Yuan father, the baby brought people!" Yin Wuxun bowed back, his face slightly twitching.

"Come in!" Yin Tianfeng said.

"Yes!" Yin Wusheng responded, and then stepped on the courtyard door with Yin Tianfeng.

A very common yard, a few scattered trees, and a flower bed next to it, planting some colorful flowers. At a glance, I know that the owner of this yard is not very aesthetic.

Yin Tianfeng was sitting on an old wicker chair, squeezing two walnuts in his hand, closing his eyes leisurely, and enjoying life very much.

After a lapse of many years, it was still that look. Su Hang saw him. Although it was not annoying, it did not have much affection!

"Hin son-in-law has been okay recently?" Yin Tianfeng asked leisurely with his eyes closed.

Yin Wu hurt aside, Su Hang heard the words, his forehead black line was heavy, and laughed, "Naturally, the junior is very good, but senior, you call it too warm, the junior is a little frightened!"

"Huh?" Yin Tianfeng heard the words, and suddenly opened his eyes. The eyes of the pair of eyes shone brilliantly, causing Su Hang to sigh.

A pair of eyes stared at Su Hang tightly, stayed for a moment, and turned to Yin Wucheng next to him. The expression on his face became very serious. "Aren’t you going to ask your son-in-law, how can you give him please?" coming?"

"Uh..." Yin Wuzhen said with a brutal expression, a little confused, "Father, you are not..."

"Humph!" Yin Tianfeng snorted coldly, "I will ask you to invite the six sons-in-law, what do you bring me?"

Six sons-in-law, Gudanfeng!

Yin Wu hurt for a while, a little bit at a loss!

At this time, Su Hang understood that this old thing was clearly intentional. What asked the six sons-in-law, clearly wanted to give himself a dismounted horse.

"Seniors are not innocent, since the wrong person is invited, the seniors are not welcome, the juniors will go now!" Su Hang arched his hand against Yin Tianfeng, it was polite, and I wanted to see you old guy can still How long it will be.

"Brother!" Yin Wusheng called out anxiously.

Su Hang, however, turned away and walked away!

Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang with a leisurely look. He didn't cough until Su Hang was nearing the door. "It's still such a temper, it's hard work, I don't know how to bear it. Since I'm here, where do I go?"

Su Hang stopped and looked back to Yin Tianfeng, "I only know that others don't welcome me, and I don't have to rely on it. After all, I still have a face!"

Yin Tianfeng shook his head, "You mean, I am ashamed?"

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "I dare not say this, but if the seniors think so, I dare not refute!"

Yin Tianfeng's face was black, "A good boy, he has become more arrogant, and his courage has grown a lot, but I don't know if his strength has grown!"

"Isn't there any need to grow, I don't seem to need Senior Yin to worry about it!" Su Hang said directly.

Yin Wuxing looked at this scene next to him, only to be stunned. Su Hang didn't give his father a face at all, which made him feel a little bad.

Yin Wuxing quickly said, "Father, Big Brother has now reached the sixth level of realm......"

"Is the Sixth Grade Realm awesome?" Yin Tianfeng chuckled. "Among these worlds, there are more than 6,000 Dadao Realm, and there are 8,000 if there are no more than 10,000 Dadao Realm. "

Su Hang heard the words and said indifferently, "Compared with Senior is naturally incomparable, and dare not compare!"

"Don't talk coldly there!" Yin Tianfeng's face was straight, "I'm not talking about other people, I just said that the most competitive one at this World Conference, Lin Xuan..."

Suddenly, Yin Tianfeng said, "Lin Xuan has already reached the sixth grade of the realm, and he is still practicing in the Unreal World. You may not know where the Unreal World is, but I can tell you that when he is out of the Unreal World Come out, at least the strength of the Seventh Avenue Dadao Realm, and even hope to impact the Eighth Grade!"

"Do you know what concept this is?" Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang with a very serious expression. "The Dadao Realm, not to mention the difference of the first realm, even if it is the same realm, there are also disparities. You are now in the sixth realm. Will you not be able to take Wanjie Yingjie into your eyes? I can tell you unreservedly that with your current strength, you will definitely not be in the top ten if you go to the ring of the Wanjie Conference!"

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Chapter 2237 The son-in-law is here? (Page 1/1)

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