Super Study God

Chapter 2238: Can't get into the top 10?

"Top ten?" Su Hang hadn't spoken yet, but Yin Wu hurt next to him was shocked first, "Dad, you're right, Dadao Realm Six Grade, can't even enter the top ten!"

Yin Tianfeng rolled his eyes lightly, "When did your father and I joke with you? This is just a conservative estimate. Under the rule of Dao Zong, there are more than 128,000 worlds, big and small, young masters under 40 years old don't count In number, how many of them do not show up in the mountains and are not exposed to water, even if I can’t tell clearly, can you understand?"

After a pause, Yin Tianfeng continued, "What's more, this World Assembly is related to the destiny of the patriarch of the Dadao, and all forces will go all out to use the most extreme resources to train the people they choose, as long as There are enough resources to pile up a monk who has just entered the Dadao realm to the Nine Pins realm in a short time. Even I can say three or five ways. Do you think you can enter the top ten?"

Speaking of which, Yin Tianfeng looked closely at Su Hang.

"Nine Grades?" Yin Wu was shocked. "Then, father, why don't you..."

Yin Tianfeng waved his hand, "It’s not from my own cultivation, it is always to promote the seedlings. Those methods of improving the skills are just short-term effects. After the time is over, the prototype is returned, and the ending is often very miserable!"

Obviously, Yin Tianfeng knew what Yin Wushang wanted to say. Since there are ways to improve his skill, why not raise them up too? With Yin Tianfeng's wrist, it is impossible to miss any resources!

Yin Wu hurt, and suddenly, indeed, there is no quick way, even if there is, it is absolutely impossible to be perfect, it will definitely be harmful, otherwise, as the eldest son of the Yin family, Yin Tianfeng will not be reluctant to be in his Invest in yourself.

However, one thing is for sure, there are many ways to quickly improve your skills. Even if you know that there will be severe consequences, there are definitely many people who choose to take risks. This year’s Wanjie Conference is very important. The crazy people are definitely not in the minority.

At this time, Yin Wucheng was a little bit timid. He wouldn't doubt anything that Yin Tianfeng said. If the realm of the sixth grade of Suhang is difficult to squeeze into the top ten, then he who also participated in the conference is afraid that it will be even worse. Too.

He turned to Suhang and looked at it, but saw Su Hang shaking his head lightly, "Senior told me what to do? After all, I am just an outsider, and the senior does not seem to welcome me!"

Yin Tianfeng gave Su Hang a blank look, "I look at you uncomfortably, but it's a pity that my daughter treats you like a treasure and haunts me all day, letting me take care of you.

Listening to the chatter of Yin Tianfeng, Su Hang was really cold.

Yin Tianfeng continued, "I know that you have your pride, you are at your age, and you are detached from the lower realm. It is not easy to have such achievements. It is worth your pride, but I will say the ugly words first. At this meeting, if you can’t win the prize, you and Yu'er..."

"Senior!" Su Hang interrupted Yin Tianfeng's words, "If the Wanjie Conference fails, do you think I can still live? Chuangjie Mountain has so many eyes on me, waiting for me to die!"

Yin Tianfeng paused and said, "Just know it, miss you, more than the two..."

Speaking of which, Yin Tianfeng no longer irritated him. This kid had a very strong axis. In case he really drove him away, it would not be worth the loss. After all, the Wanjie Conference still depends on this kid.

"There are still a few months before the Wanjie Conference. During this time, you can honestly stay in the infinite city. I will find a way to help you improve your skills!" Yin Tianfeng said.

Su Hang heard his brows and wrinkled. "Don't you say that the methods you know of improving your skills are harmful to your health?"

Yin Tianfeng glanced up at Su Hang, "If you control so much, what else can I do to you?"

Su Hang was suspicious, but Yin Tianfeng didn't want to say anything more, so he let Yin Wu hurt to arrange a place to stay!

Xingyuan, a courtyard in the deep palace, is a temporary residence for Su Hang.

The courtyard is very secluded, surrounded by apricot trees. This is the season when the apricot trees bear fruit. The apricot fruit has fallen to the ground, and the air is filled with a faint smell, smelling and smelling like Xiang.

Su Hang covered his nose for a while, and really doubted whether Yin Wu hurt this kid intentionally.

Yin Wudao said, "Big Brother will just take a look. The apricot trees in this apricot garden are mostly planted by two sisters. They are hundreds of millions of years old. If you are idle, you can pick some apricot fruit and soak in water. This apricot If you put it outside, it is definitely a rare treasure..."


Su Hang couldn't help but smile bitterly, is this Nima's Qizhen so badly practiced by you? Left on the ground and allowed to corrupt?

Really hungry and hungry, Zhumen wine smells bad!

"What about your sister?" Su Hang asked.

Yin Wucheng said, "The second sister went to the universe, and at a decisive time, she will come back with her mother, and you will be able to see it by then!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Did she also attend the Wanjie Conference?"

Yin Wuzhen shook his head and said, "No, the two sisters are not yet in the second realm of Dadao Realm, and there is no point in participating!"

"It should be the same!" Su Hang nodded. The Wanjie Conference was inseparable from the blood, and Yin Yuer did not need to participate at all.

"The elder brother, you rest first. Tomorrow, I will take you around again!" Take Su Hang around the yard and make a round. Yin Wu injured left a word and then retreated.


The taste of the apricot fruit was really unbearable. Su Hang was left alone in the apricot garden. Su Hang simply entered the room to meditate.

Let’s stay in this immense city for a few days. Although Yin Tianfeng looks a little unwilling to see himself, Su Hang knows that it’s mostly Moreover, Su Hang doesn’t necessarily see him. When he first came to heaven, he had to have a place to stay temporarily. He couldn’t be like a headless fly flying around in heaven.

Seeing that he is Dad Yin Yu'er, just give him a little face and let him be smart for a few days.

Su Tian didn't know him deeply, but he could feel that this person is very complicated. The reason why he values ​​himself is probably not because of Yin Yu'er, but because he has valuable value for him because, if If they can take the position of the patriarch of the Dadao, they will definitely have great benefits for their Yin family.

In the view of Yin Tianfeng, he is invisible and powerless in the heavenly realm, and everything has to rely on their Yin family.

After surviving for many years, Su Hang could not be so naive, thinking that Yin Tianfeng would treat him with sincerity. If Su Hang had no use value, he could almost be sure that Yin Tianfeng would kick him away with a single kick.

Although it is too realistic to say, this is the fact, and it should not be blamed on Yin Tianfeng. Many people are like this, especially those in power like this big family and big power. The purpose is only one, that is to keep the family prosperous and come to them. Say, there is no other choice!

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