Super Study God

Chapter 2261: Break through the 9th Avenue!

"The Promise World is..." Yin Wu hurt suddenly, this is really not easy to say.

Yin Yu'er frowned and said, "It's not a good name to listen to this name, what the **** is that, what's wrong with him?"

Yin Wusheng hit a haha ​​and said, "Don't worry, the Wuji Prosperity Realm is one of the three Jedi Realms that are the same as the Tai Unreal Realm. Do you know the Unreal Realm too? That's a great opportunity for spiritual practice, Promise The dirty world is not far away. Brother, he just went to the Wuji Prosperity World to practice. We agreed that he will come back after the expiration of three months. Just wait patiently. When he comes out of the Wuji Prosperity World, his strength will be Will take it to the next level, which is also preparing for the Wanjie Conference!"

Yin Yu'er heard this and doubted the letter. Why is he hiding himself since it is so good? Obviously they are still hiding something.

Yin Wucheng said, "This year's meeting of the hidden dragons and tigers, like you and me, I am afraid that they will all be at the bottom. The elder brother is the last hope of our department. Our father has high hopes for him, and it will definitely not be harmful to him! "

"I asked my mother to go!" Where did Yin Yuer believe in this, and what character was her father, would she not know?

"Yu'er..." Yin Wuji was in a hurry, and wanted to block it quickly!

Yin Yu'er said, "Brother, let's go and see the six sisters. Don't let them have any trouble!"

Having finished speaking, drifting away, Yin Wucheng feels helpless!




With a cold hum, resounding through the infinite world, the immense momentum is pressing in all directions.

The filthy beast hidden in the dirty sea, as if feeling the approach of death, rushed out from the bottom of the sea, roaring and fleeing towards the four sides, as if the whole world were to collapse, the whole one was crying and howling.

Deep in the filthy world, some powerful beings also responded with a roar in response. For a moment, the entire filthy world was like a pot of porridge, which was severely disturbed by people with sticks.

The huge waves of the dirty sea were monstrous, and a giant clock was suspended above an island, and a golden shield was placed to block the stormy waves and the monstrous stench from approaching.

On the island, Su Hang, who had been closed for more than a month, suddenly opened his eyes and let his air go out without reservation, making the surrounding space shaken.

It took a long time for Su Hang to converge, put away the sharp edge, and vigorously use his skills, as if hitting with a punch, it would have ended the world.

Every time a realm breaks through, there is no big increase in skill. Su Hang has this feeling, just like a person who has been hungry for three days, feeling that he can swallow the whole day.

Big Nine Realm!

Su Hang sighed lightly. Although he spent a lot of energy points, this breakthrough was quite smooth. There were a few dirty beasts in the middle to do things, but fortunately, they were not very strong and were blocked by Xuan Huang Zhong. Being outside allowed him to break through smoothly.

In a month, from the sixth level to the ninth level, there is no such speed!

But for Su Hang, it is nothing more than to spend some energy points, and then find one or two high-level seniors to learn and inherit.

In the Nine Realm, Su Hang didn't know much, but there were also a few, such as Yin Tianfeng, Gu Teng Lao Xian, and the elders of the three virtual elders. These people have information from Su Hang. Compare them with each other. Su Hang chose two Personal inheritance, one is Yin Tianfeng, and the other is nothingness.

Among these people, the cost of these two people is higher, that is to say, these two people are considered to be one of the best in the hands of the big nine known to Suhang.

Anyway, being in the dirty world, don't worry about energy, so Su Hang did not pay much attention to it.

It's just that after reaching the Grand Nine Realm, it can no longer go up. Su Hang knows that it is the Realm of King Realm. However, due to system limitations, the credits are a big difference. If you don't have enough repairs, you will not be opened to him. breakthrough.

However, at this time, in the state of Da Jiu, Su Hang was already satisfied, and the skill was improved a lot. It was already turned upside down, and the development of the whole body's cells was expanded from 2% to 3%.

Although it is only one-percent development, how many cells, how many universes, and how much world power does Su Hang have to know?

At this time, Su Hang had that self-confidence, even if the three virtual Daoists appeared in front of themselves, they could beat out all the meals they had last night.

"right now!"

Su Hang got up, put away the Xuan Huang Bell, and turned to look at the west, ambitious, with a bit of grimness and fighting spirit in his eyes, "It's time to clean up you!"

His figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he had come to the giant island that had let him eat a month ago.


A huge filthy beast was dancing its terrifying tentacles, roaring upwards, venting its majesty.

Obviously, the powerful momentum of the Soviet Air just released, and it shocked many powerful existences in this dirty world. This squirrel is one of them.

"What are you calling? Shut up for me!" Su Hang shouted directly. A month ago, the scene of this strange abuse was still vivid, and I came here to find a place today.


The squirrel was also unequivocal, and discovered the existence of Su Hang. With a violent roar, dozens of tentacles rolled directly towards Su Hang.


Su Hang sneered, thought he was still like a month ago?

At the moment, Su Hang's big sleeves waved, the filthy gas steamed, and quickly condensed into a filthy sword. With Su Hang's right finger, he killed the squirrel monster one after another.

Uh, uh...

Sword shadows flew, pierced the space, and interspersed back and The countless tentacles swarming toward the Su Hang were cut into pieces, and they all fell from the sky, and the disgusting slurry was spilled all over the world. .


The squirrel wailed aloud. How could it think that this guy who had harassed himself four times or four times, and was driven away by himself three times or four times, appeared this time, turned out to be so fierce and powerful. The flesh, in front of him, is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables?

The pain made the squirrel monster angry to the apex. The huge kiss-like mouth sucked at Su Hang, and instantly formed a black hole in its mouth. The black hole expanded, and the infinite suction directly swept all around. The location was locked, and the terrifying vortex of gusts of wind seemed to **** the entire Su Hang.

"Can you still do this trick?" Su Hang was stunned for a while. The squirrel really had some skill. This suction, clothes and pants had to be sucked away!

"It's over!"

Su Hang settled in shape and pointed directly with his right hand. The boundless filth condensed into a huge filthy sword, stab directly towards the black hole, and the posture was like a watermelon in front of him.

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