Super Study God

Chapter 2262: The power of the world!


The giant sword directly cut the black hole in half, the sword shadow crossed, and even the giant beast was cut off from it. At this time, the giant sword exploded into countless small swords, flying all over the sky, swaying countless sword spirits, only For a moment, the squirrel monster was completely delayed, and the flesh turned into nothingness, leaving only one bead floating in the air.

With a big sleeve waving, the beads flew towards Su Hang by themselves, and fell into Su Hang’s palm. The fragrance was tangy and even warm. As you can see from the smile on Su Hang’s face, this guy is real very satisfied.

"This Yin family swordsmanship is indeed a bit magical!" Su Hang couldn't help but praise, this swordsmanship was uploaded again from Yin Tianfeng's body, but it was more than a minute and a half stronger.

Su Hang did not learn much about swordsmanship. Like the previous Taixu swordsmanship, in front of this Yinjia swordsmanship, it seemed to be a bit worse.

A month ago, this squid monster abused Suhang enough to choke, and a month later, this terrifying squirrel monster, in front of Suhang, actually failed to hold for two minutes.

Fighting is like this. If it is not equal in strength, it will not take much time to win or lose. It will be impossible for anything to play for three days and three nights, ten or eight years, unless the strong one plays cats and mice.

There are not so many fancy real fights. Naturally, they solve their opponents in the shortest time. Have you seen fighting with a knife for more than two minutes?

Nine-grade filthy pearls can be regarded as this time of Su Hang's trip to the filthy world. The highest grade of harvest has been achieved, and they have not closed their doors and practiced for more than a month.

This is the real weak meat and strong food. Although you and I have no injustice, but you have what I want in your body, then you can only grieve you and die once. Su Hang does not have any burden in his heart. After all, he has no responsibility for these dirty worlds. Creatures don't have any good feelings, and these dirty things have no wisdom, so slaughter it!

Thinking of the filthy beads in the valley, Su Hang put away the nine-grade filthy beads and emptied to the squirrel's nest.

That valley is called dirty, and there are corpses and bones of filthy beasts everywhere, many of them are rotten or decayed, and there is filth everywhere, the smell is not to mention, although Su Hang The bearing capacity has increased a lot now, but when I first entered this place, I felt like I was vomiting. It was full of colorful, colorful dirt and water, and I couldn't even find a place to go.

This squirrel doesn't know how long it has been entangled here, nor how many filthy beasts have passed, and there are many powerful ones among them, but Su Hang doesn't understand why it's so stinky and so dirty Place, he didn’t want to stay here for a minute and a second!

In order to taint the beads, Su Hang temporarily tolerated it. He searched the whole valley with his consciousness, and turned out nearly seventy beads, large and small, from the mud.

The squirrel didn't know the treasure, and even discarded these filthy beads everywhere, and didn't know what to think. In the end, it was cheaper for Su Hang.

There are 67 in total, which together can be worth more than 23 billion years. It is also a huge asset.

"It seems that the robbery is coming fast!" Su Hang tasted the sweetness and had the idea of ​​continuing to make big money by this method.

There are still quite a few monsters in the dirty world that are comparable to that of the squirrel monster. Just a few powerful beings have responded to his momentum, and Su Hang has remembered their position.

As long as the nest of these powerful filthy beasts is taken out, a large amount of filthy beads will surely be harvested.

Because there is still time left, Suhang is ready to start his evil plan.

The world where the strong is respected is like a dark forest. You don’t know where there are fierce beasts. If you want to live steadily, it’s best not to expose yourself, hide it obediently, otherwise, you will Like the filthy beasts of this filthy world, they are now stared at by Su Hang!


In half a month, Su Hang has turned over many places and beheaded countless filthy beasts, as well as countless filthy beast nests that were collected. Nearly 500 filthy beads have been collected, including unprecedented filthy beads that were accidentally obtained Together, there are hundreds of billions of years of skill reserves.

Afterwards, these filthy beasts also seemed to have mastered their skills. In the past three days, they only found a filthy beast in the freshman state. These guys did not know if they were dead or they all hid.

Anyway, Suhang knows that staying in the dirty world will not be too much!

Calculating the time, it is only half a month away from the period of March, and Su Hang found another place and closed again.

Seven days later, he broke through the barrier, absorbed nearly 100 dirty beads, and increased his skill by 30 billion years, and his physical development reached 5%!

The potential of this flesh is too strong, and Su Hang does not know how much energy it will take to fill it in. It is only 5% of the development level, and each developed cell universe is only In the newborn stage, it is like babies waiting to be fed.

I don't know how long this path of cultivation is! Su Hang shook his head and sighed. The road was long and long, and I will seek it up and down!

The birth of every cell world can make Su Hang's strength even further. Although Su Hang does not yet have a clear understanding of its own strength, the strength of Qian Realm should be more than enough, and may even have reached The power of the world.

5% of the cell development degree, hundreds of millions of new It is not an exaggeration to put together the power of the world. .

The power of the world, do not know if you can compete with the legendary world king realm!

However, this seems to be a bit overthinking. After all, Su Hang does not understand the realm of Realm of Realm. What kind of realm is Realm of Realm of Realm, how strong it is, Su Air does not know, and dare not boast of Haikou, inflated indiscriminately. !

It's almost time, and it's time to leave this filthy filthy world. Su Hang has been unbearable by this monstrous odor, and staying a minute longer is torture!

There are 422 filthy beads left, more than 900 billion years of skill reserve, and Su Hang does not intend to continue to absorb it. It is good to keep it as an energy reserve. After all, there is still a lot of energy to be used in the system of learning God Where there are many filthy beads, they are obviously unable to withstand the consumption of Su Hang. In the future, there are more ways to earn energy.

After adjusting the status to the best, Suhang went directly to the exit of the Promise World. It should have been more than three months now, and I don’t know what the outside world is now. Yin Tianfeng also said that he would come in and find himself Now, three months have passed, but I still can’t get a figure. It looks like I was fooling myself. This time I go back, but I have to tidy up this old guy!

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