Super Study God

Chapter 2319: Uncle 6 and Uncle 8!

"Lin Guan?" Lin Shouye froze for a moment. "If you don't see it, you're gone. Such a big man, with hands and feet, can you still see him all the time?"

This little thing bothers you, is it crazy?

Lin Dudao, "Big Brother, Clan Stele, the name of Guaner on the Clan Stele is faint..."


Lin Shouye heard the word, his brow finally wrinkled, and the name on the clan monument was faint. What it meant, as the head of the family, he couldn't help but know.

Where the children of the Lin family, children of the Lin family, are born, the name will appear on the Lin family clan. If the name is still on, it means that the person is living well, otherwise, if the name fades, then, It can only be explained that this person has already hung up!

"Big Brother?" Lin Du was already tearful.

Lin Shouye blacked his face, "What's the matter?"

Lin Dudao, "I don't know, but my fifth brother said he saw Niulanshan Niu's second old man wandering around Tianxuan Mountain..."

"What are you talking about? Niu's second elder?" Lin Shouye exclaimed, "How is it possible?"

Isn't Niu's old man already dead? But at the time he saw it with his own eyes, unless that day Soviet Airlines did not kill them, but is this possible?

"The fifth brother actually saw the second old man of the Niu family. The fifth brother wanted to go up and talk. When he entered the palace, the second old man of the Niu family hurried away. At that time, the fifth brother didn't care much, but the clan monument was crowned. The name is faint!"

After a pause, Lin Du continued, "This matter is really ridiculous. There is such a coincidence in the world? What is the identity of the second elder Niu, who came to Tianxuan Mountain for no reason, and did not enter the palace when I came. At this time, I was killed, and I could not see the dead. Although my Guan'er was unlucky, he also recently broke through the freshman state. How can ordinary people win him silently? It must be the second elder Niu's, brother, Guan'er, but you Dear nephew, you have to decide Guan'er!"

Lin Shouye's face became more gloomy, and if Niu's second elder didn't die, most of them resented that day when he saw that he was dead, so he came to Tianxuan Mountain to kill and vent his anger.

These two old guys actually caused chaos to themselves at this time, and Lin Shouye's eyes were about to burst into flames, which was anger.

In fact, Lin Guan is only a descendant of the ninth room. For Lin Shouye, it can be said to be insignificant. Although he broke through the realm of the avenue, his talent is not good. The avenue of the road is only forcibly piled up. Such a The younger generation, in the eyes of Lin Shouye, is not as good as those who are down-to-earth and have not yet broken through the road.

The Lin family has 13 rooms in his generation. Except for the second room, Lin Hai has nowhere to go. For the time being, he has only one son, Lin Xuan, and the other 11 rooms are all flourishing. In total, I was afraid that there would be hundreds of people. Lin Guan was just a son of Jiufang. Lin Du mentioned just now that Lin Shouye was even stunned for a moment before he thought he had such a nephew.

One percent, it’s gone, and Lin Shouye doesn’t care. In his eyes, he only has his own son, and he doesn’t have a side branch at all. However, the heirs of the Lin family must die unclearly. This is related to the Lin family’s face. It is even more related to his face.

If the matter was done by Niu's second elder, it was hitting someone in Lin's face, and it had to be dealt with. Otherwise, when the matter spread, the Lin family would become a laughing stock and anyone would dare to come to the Lin family for hunting!

Lin Du beside him was also sad and angry. If someone else did it, he would have gone to the door long ago, but this matter involves the two elders of the Niu family. Those two well-known seniors in the realm of the realm, it is impossible for him to do it. Therefore, we can only come to Lin Shouye.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Shouye said, "The matter involves Niu's second elder, there is no tangible evidence, don't act rashly, you go to Laowu, let him go to Xuanhuangfeng with you, please ask the six uncles and eight uncles to go down the mountain, and go to Niulanshan together Take a trip!"

Lin Dudun paused, "Big Brother, grandfather is breaking through all realms. Six uncles, eight uncles, fifteen uncles, and fathers are all guarding their grandfather. At this time, please invite..."

Lin Shouye glanced at Lin Du, "Then your Guan'er's hatred, don't report it?"

Lin Du was stagnate, and he didn't report the murder of the child? How is that possible?

Lin Shouye said, "I know that my grandfather's breakthrough is imminent, so I only invited Six Uncles and Eight Uncles. The two of them followed his grandfather's practice for many years, and their strength is not as good as that of Niu's second elder. Five assistants, it is still possible to fight against the second elder Niu, and, as far as I know, the second elder Niu should now be seriously injured!"

Speaking of which, Lin Shouye's eyes were full of fierce light. When did the dignified Lin family fall to the point where anyone could come and step on it?

Tigers do not show their power, when I am a sick cat?

"Well, I'll invite you here!" Lin Du gritted his teeth, killing the child's revenge.

"Slow down!" Lin Shouye stopped Lin Du and reminded, "Niu's two elders have become famous for many years. The Niulan Mountain has a rich heritage and is not an easy generation. If it turns out that the two of them did it, then we have nothing to say, what should we do? Dispose as you please, but if there are any misunderstandings, then the big things will become small and the small things will become nothing. Now is the critical moment for Xuan'er to seize the position of the suzerain.


Lin Du paused and bowed to his life, but his heart was very uncomfortable. Don't call it a big loss because of a small one. Your son's trouble is big. Is my son dead?

Looking at Lin Du's departure, Lin Shouye didn't think much about it. He could pretend to have other things in his mind. For him, it was really only his son's affairs that mattered. That was related to the glory and glory of the Lin family in the future.

Touching the box in his sleeve, Lin Shouye's figure flashed and disappeared from his place!

Perhaps, he underestimated Lin Du's beloved son!



Cangyue City!

The sea contest is still going is in full swing. Su Hang originally planned to go directly to Chuangjie Mountain, but the arrival of Yin Tianfeng interrupted this plan.

In the past few days, there has been no movement from the Lin family, and no one has come to trouble Suhang. Tu Liugong is very upset. He wants to work with Lin Shouye, but Su Hang wants him to wait.

Waiting for a chicken feather, I have sharpened all the knives, but you told me that this pig will not be killed, and will be killed after the New Year! Made, depressed!

The arrival of Yin Tianfeng, because of this relationship between Yin Yuer, Su Hang naturally wants to accompany him, after all, the size is still considered to be a veteran in the future!

It's just that Su Hang seemed a bit wrong, and Yin Tianfeng came here, not for Su Su, but for Chen Sen.

Son of Cangtian, how important these four words are, anyone can understand. As a disciple of Cangtian, Yin Tianfeng knows better. Therefore, the first time he got the news, Yin Tianfeng rushed over, in order to grab everything. Before people met with Chen Sen to have a good relationship.

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