Super Study God

Chapter 2320: Thumb peak, bite respect!

To put it bluntly, it is to lean on your face and lean on others, and you must not fall behind.

Fortunately, this Chen Sen is not deeply involved in the world. For Yin Tianfeng, it is really good to flicker. In these two days, Chen Sen bluffed.

However, because Chen Sen did not know what his identity was, Yin Tianfeng did not pierce this layer, lest his Master should be displeased, which was counterproductive, so he only said that he was an apprentice of Chen Sen’s father.

Although Chen Sen was puzzled, he wanted to come because no one would find himself to recognize his relatives for no reason, so the confused ones were taken seriously. The two brothers and brothers were so happy!

The more Su Hang looked at Yin Tianfeng, the more he despised it, and his snobbish eyes became a little more and more serious. The last time he hammered him, there was really no mistake.

Over the past two days, Chen Sen was surrounded by many people. Apart from the Yin family, the Cangyue Ye family also had to move up. Su Hang had no eyes to watch. After staying for two days, he left Cangyue City directly.

Anyway, he is going to Chuangjie Mountain. Before the conference, he is going to see Su Xi. This girl was taken into heaven and said to be under the door of Yuanling Elder. Although Yin Yuer has repeatedly promised, he Still uneasy, you must see it with your own eyes.

As for Yin Yu'er and Yin Wu hurt, because Yin Tianfeng was in Cangyue City, it was inconvenient to leave, so he stayed in Cangyue City, but it was Tu Liugong, and Baba followed Su Hang on his way, as if afraid of Su Hangshe leaving, he was Finally, he made up his mind to be a new person. It is impossible for him to fight back to the original form and continue his decadence. Therefore, he must borrow the power of Su Hang and give the Lin family and Lin Shouye a hard lesson.

"Your future old man, it's not easy!" Tu Liugong said in a strange way on the way.

Su Hang turned to look at him, "It's not good to say bad things behind people!"

In the two days in Cangyue City, Tugiu Gong also met with Yin Tianfeng. The two had some old feelings, but they met like old friends, but this turned their face, Tugiu Gong seemed to be somewhat kind to Yin Tianfeng. see.

Tu Liugong smiled a little, "Your future old man, in our generation, is not the most outstanding, but the mind is the deepest..."

Yin Tianfeng's thoughts were deep, and Su Hang could feel this. However, the word "most" in the mouth of Tuliu Gong made Su Hang surprised.

"I didn't think Tuliugong had such a high evaluation of him, but I didn't know who Lin Shouye from the Lin family was more than him?" Su Hang asked.

Tu Liugong shook his head, "In terms of strength, our old guys are actually similar. After all, Yin Tianfeng is a disciple of a real person in the sky. He may win a little, but he won’t win much. Lin Shouye has been busy all these years. Family affairs are desolate in practice, but they still have to be compared to one game to know who is stronger and who is weak!"

After a pause, Tu Liugong continued, "Leaving aside the strength, Yin Tianfeng is deeply restrained, while Lin Shouye is insidious and treacherous. Both of them have great ambitions, and both of them hide their inner hearts very much. Okay, to put it bluntly is to be honest and deceive many people!"

"The only difference between the two, do you know what?" Tu Liugong looked up at Su Hang. "This man Lin Shouye is always planning for the goal in his heart. It can be said that as long as he wants Yes, he will do everything he can to get it, or even use it to the extreme..."

Speaking of Lin Shouye, Tu Liugong did not hide his anger and contempt!

"What about Yin Tianfeng? What kind of person is he?" Su Hang asked.

Tu Liu justice, "Yin Tianfeng and Lin Shouye are, to a certain extent, actually the same person. The reason why I say he is deep is because this person, Yin Tianfeng, is very tolerant of loneliness and very good at seizing opportunities. You look good Seeing that he has no desires and no disputes, he does have no desires, but once he is allowed to seize the opportunity, he will never let it go easily. If the opportunity no longer exists, he will immediately give up without hesitation, these two Personally, Lin Shouye likes to build momentum, but Yin Tianfeng is a master of momentum!"

Su Hang listened, nodded slightly, and had to say that Tu Liugong analyzed Yin Tianfeng very thoroughly, and Su Hang also had a deep understanding. To put it bluntly, Lin Shouye likes to do nothing, but Yin Tianfeng It is time to judge the situation, see the stitches!

It's all determined by character, not to mention who is more powerful, it is Lao Yin ratio!

"It seems that you know them well?" Su Hangdao.

Tu Liugong smiled bitterly, "Although both of them hide well, but after being pitted, they naturally know who they are!"

Su Hang glanced at Tu Liugong, "What kind of person are you?"

Tu Liugong paused, "Me? I used to be a waste man, but now, but an old man with revenge!"

Speaking of this, Tu Liugong glanced at Su Hang, "I didn't wake up until today. The previous me was too honest and too kind. Honest people are always bullied. Fighting with these insidious and deep guys, I have to It's darker and harder than them!"

Su Hang heard that, with a simple smile, a person is honest, and it is indeed easy to be bullied. However, if you make the honest people hurry and launch a ruthless attack, you may not even have the chance to kneel and beg for mercy!

Su Hang knew that Tu Liugong said these words because he wanted to be wary of Su Hang, but for the character of Yin Tianfeng, Su Hang had known it for a long time and was always on guard.

However, in fact, for Su Hang, it is precisely people like Yin Tianfeng who don’t need to beware because he knows the trial situation, if you are strong enough to make him see no hope, he will naturally choose to hide his ambitious ambitions, He will even help you wholeheartedly, unless let him see the opportunity!

Yin Tianfeng used to be the patriarch of the Dadao Patriarch. When he was driven down, he did not insist, because he knew that the matter could not be violated, but he never forgot to turn over in his Hang's body, but unfortunately, the chip he chose seems to be too heavy, beyond his control!

The most troublesome is actually someone like Lin Shouye, because this person is insidious enough, likes to find nothing, you provoke him, he naturally finds nothing to say to you, but if you block his way, even if he does not provoke him, he Can find ways to get you to death!



Chuangjie Mountain, Thumb Peak!

This peak is the head of the East Five Peaks, also known as the Five Fingers Peak, standing towering, like a giant palm, guarding the gate of Chuangjie Mountain.

According to legend, the strongest under the celestial mortal lord of the Dao Patriarch, revered as a holy beast that protects the mountain, dives in this mountain!

The fact that Cang Tianren left for so many years is due to the existence of Zun Zun, so that Chuangjie Mountain is still high above the sky, overlooking the heavens!

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