Super Study God

Chapter 2321: Block the way!

Sanxu received Lin Shouye's spiritual shoots, and he had promised Lin Shouye before, naturally he also had to promise!

Lin Shouye handed the Lingsun to their hands, and Fang left Chuangjie Mountain. The void and the void, the Void Spirit went all the way to the Cangtian Temple, invited the Sect Master Seal, and went straight to Thumb Peak.

Now that the sky is missing, Dao Dao Zong is considered to be unowned. Nine super elders are responsible for the affairs of the large and small ancestors. In order to have the Grand Master printed, at least five super elders must be together. Among the nine super elders of Zong, it is not only the three of them who are considered to be one faction. It is not difficult to find five people together.

It can be said that their faction is totally the actual master of Daozongzong. The entire Zongmen nine elders, except for the elders of Hongmeng and Yuanling, have no obvious representation and the sameness of the three voids. The rest of you can be said to have been stunned.

"Sanxuebai sees Zunzun, please show Zunzun and take over the Sect Master Order!"

On the thumb peak, in front of a elegant loft, the three voids stood side by side, with some respect.

The power of Biting Zun is far above the three of them. At this point, they have been taught for a long time. When they reach their level, it is difficult to break through again, so they often look for Biting Zun. At the pinnacle, the Tri-Void One and the power of the Ten Thousand Realms, in front of Zun Zun, failed to sustain ten moves!

Moreover, that time, Zun Zun still had the heart of a little bit, and he had tricked with them. If they really fought, they could not imagine how long they could stay in Zun Zun's hands.

After all, it is the holy beast that sacred the gods under the heavenly human seat. The ancient existence and its strength have exceeded the imagination of ordinary people!

There is no one in disrespect for such an existence, the entire Chuangjie Mountain, including the Sanxu.

Fortunately, this devourer has no desire and no desire, and is absolutely loyal to Daozong Zong. Otherwise, if the sky disappears for so long, Daozong Zong has already become the world of Zunzun!

With an upset mood, the three stood outside the attic and waited for a long time, and there was no movement in the attic.

"Sovereign is here, please show up!"

After waiting for a long time, the void brow gently wrinkled. Immediately the gold trembling lord Yin raised up, and his voice was raised several decibels.

The voice echoed in the mountains for a long time, and there was still no movement.

The three looked at each other for a while, and said, False Spirit, "Is it possible that Venerable Devourer is still in the set? Otherwise, we will wait!"

"Wait?" Niu Wu's face was very serious. "Time is running out, when will we wait?"

Seeing that the battle of Chuangjie Mountain is coming, how can the nihility not be anxious, waiting for Zun Zun to wake up from entering the Dingding, but I don't know when to go.

You must not wait any longer. Today, you must ask Zunzun to go out of the customs. Even if it disturbs Zunzun, they have the Sect Master printed on their hands. Even if they want to come to Zunzun, they will not care about them even if they are angry.

Immediately, the nothingness held the Sovereign Seal with both hands, and walked up to the attic. The void and the spirit looked at each other, and then quickly walked up. The two of them were still righteous. Of course, we must also bear together.


Coming to the door of the attic, the void wanted to shout again, but the wooden door suddenly loosened in front of him. It turned out not to be closed, but to cover it up.

There was a gust of wind in the void, and the wooden door opened with the wind!

"Huh? What about people?"

As soon as the door opened, the loft was empty, where could there be half a figure of Zun Zun? The three stood in a daze, all of them were stunned!



Chuangjie Mountain is towering, the huge mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, and there are hundreds of peaks and peaks on it, which can be said to be the first **** mountain in heaven.

There is no mountain protection method, and there is no guard at the foot of the mountain. A mountain road leads directly to the main peak. This is the confidence of Chuangjie Mountain, and no one dares to offend.

Here, it is the center of the rights of the heavens and the world, the source of time, space, all rules, and the sect gate of Dao Dao Sect. Just being here is enough to make anyone shudder.

Su Hang came to the foot of the mountain and looked up. There were tall people on the mountain. He was not so arrogant. He dared to fly directly up the mountain. After all, he just came to find someone, not to cause trouble.

"Young man, stop!"

Just as Su Hang was about to raise his legs and set foot on the mountain road, a voice suddenly sounded above his head!

Su Hang looked up, and there was a raised stone beside the mountain road ahead, on which was a white-haired and white-bearded old man!

The old man was dressed in white and pure white, even the cheeks on his face were white, and his eyes were as bright as a white lion.

Sitting on the stone, it was completely integrated into the surrounding environment, so that Su Hang did not notice it. I wondered if the old man had just arrived or had already sat there.

This realm is extraordinary. Su Hang's breathing is sluggish. He looks at the man in front of him with some precautions. Although the old man doesn't show much momentum, but Su Hang can clearly feel the pressure, so that The pace he had just stepped out had to be withdrawn again.

"Your Excellency?" Su Hang's defense looked up at the old man, but he was secretly guessing the old man's identity.

At this time, Tugiu quickly stood in front and bowed deeply to the old man on the mountain. "Younger Tuliu, see Senior Zuzu!"


Su Hang heard this, and was shocked in his heart. Is this person in front of him? Who is the legendary creator of the sacred mountain beast, the first master of Zongmen?

"Tuliu?" The old man paused and looked at Tuliugong. "I remember you, Tujia kid!"

Tuliu Gong heard that with a happy face on his face, "Seniors still remember Tuliu, Tuliu was flattered!"

Dang Tu Tu San Ye, the master of Da Jiu Realm, was actually in front of this old Just like a grandson, it is really ridiculous.


The old man smiled softly, not knowing what it meant, "Well, what are you doing here?"

"Uh, this..." Tu Liugong said with a stagnation, he turned to Su Hang and glanced, said with a smile, "It's not that the junior is coming, it's the younger brother, saying that he is going to Chuangjieshan to find someone, and the junior is afraid of him Lost, so I followed..."

What this said, I am afraid that he will suffer a loss.

"Looking for someone?" The old man's eyes fell on Su Hang. "Looking for someone to find Chuangjie Mountain. What is Chuangjie Mountain? What are you going to do?"

When the old man looked at Su Hang, Su Hang was also looking at him carefully. The system of learning God showed that this person is indeed the legendary bitter, the name is very strange, just a word!

Before he was born in heaven, the outer world of heaven and earth has not yet been born, he already exists, his age is almost untestable, and his strength is not known how profound!

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