Super Study God

Chapter 2333: Yukino!

After going down the Chuangjie Mountain, Tuliugong was still looking down the mountain. Obviously, he did not expect that the Suhang would go down so fast, and it was still a stable and steady downhill. He thought that there would be a war on the Chuangjie Mountain.

"Well, isn't it embarrassing you?" Tu Liugong came up.

Su Hang shook his head, "Go!"

"Where?" Tugiu asked.

Su Hang paused. "Xino, you should know where?"

Tuliu Gong said, frowning gently, "The place is deserted, birds don't shit, where do you go?"

"They said that my sister had gone to Xiyeye for a trial, I'll check it out!" Su Hangdao.

Tu Liugong suddenly realized, "Yu Nono is indeed a good place for these disciples to try..."



Zhongxufeng, in front of Sanxu Cave!

"That kid went down the mountain!" Xu Ling's gaze withdrew from the mountain, his voice chilling.

Today, it can be said that they ate a big turtle. I didn’t expect that they would suddenly throw out a plate of jade and disturb their good deeds. They all invited the Sect Master to seal it, but they couldn’t kill the kid.

"Please go to bite Zun again, you must kill this child!" Void said.

Nothingness shook his head beside him, "Don't you see it, and Zun Zun also vaguely maintains the kid? Moreover, Pan Yu is right, killing the kid at this time is no longer realistic, let alone killing him. No, killing instead of killing people, and that Pan Yu has already put down his words, in case he really asked the Sect Master to show up, then our plan, I am afraid that it will become a bamboo basket and get rid of water."

Xu Ling nodded his head, "This remark is reasonable, but if this son is not removed, it will become a big problem. With his current strength, there should be some power in the world. This time, the leader of the world conference is afraid that it is already his pocket. Among the things in it, I waited for nothing and let him take the top spot and ascend to the throne of the suzerain. The first thing he wants to clean up is probably us, so this son must die!"

"Brother, how to do it?" Void asked to nothing.

Nihility stood up, walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked down at the billowing clouds. "It's better to ask for strength than to ask for help!"

"Seek yourself?"

The two came over and said in a void, "With the power of my three people, even if the spirit shoot was used, the strength returned to its peak. The three virtual unions, I am afraid that it is not necessarily his opponent. This is in the dirty world. In the face of great opportunities, the skill growth has exceeded all realms, and only you and I have seen it with our own eyes."

Xu Ling nodded, "This move is too risky, it's better to invite Zun Zun out of the mountain!"

Nothing, "I am asking for self, not for us, but for Xuan'er!"

"Brother mean?" Xu Ling and the two heard it, already a little bit enlightened.

Nothing said, "I want Xuan'er to tear this arrogant boy into pieces above everyone's face, in front of everyone!"

"Brother, do you want to..." The Xuling duo were startled and seemed to think of something!

There is a chilling cold light in the nihility's eyes, "It's time for Xuan'er to come out and let the four elders call all the disciples of the heavenly realm under the door. In addition, there is the Lin family. Blood, don’t keep thinking about picking cheap!"

The two listened, with a bit of hesitation and struggle on their faces, but eventually nodded.



Xiyeye is located in the extreme west of the mainland. Bliss is the most remote and unpopular piece of land in the 33 days of the Celestial Realm.

And Ueno is in the most remote corner of Elysium, so it’s hard to see people at all!

The mountain forest stretches, the verdant green becomes a piece, the grass grows and the warbler flies, just because there is no human trace, this place looks more original.

Of course, many martial arts families like to come here to try, because there are many monsters, some low-level disciples, and lack of combat experience. Trial is a must!

Moreover, there are many ancient species in this land. If one or two can be hunted as pets, I don’t know how many people will envy them. Even if they are sold, they can sell for a good price.

Of course, this place is not as safe as imagined. Having existed for so many years, it must have given birth to many powerful lives. These existences are a great threat to the low-level test disciples, but the test generally does not Going deep into the wilderness of the evening, only roaming around, and the ordinary trials are guarded by senior people, so it is generally safe.

Between the mountains, there is a vast open space, covered with plants like rapeseed, the plants are tall, full of yellow orange flowers, at a glance, the sunset is slanting, the afterglow is golden, and the air is thick The floral fragrance is simply beautiful, just like a natural picture, a fairyland outside the world.

There was a blue smoke in the distance, and a strange scent came from the floral scent. A passing two-headed strange bird couldn't help but be attracted by this scent. His wings fluttered, punctured the void, and quickly came to the scent. Secretly close.

It was getting dark, and the two-headed monster bird stopped silently on a large yellow flower, quietly protruding its two heads, and looked forward through the gap between the huge yellow flower.

I saw an empty space in front of it, a fire was set up on top of it, and there were 40 or 50 young girls sitting next to the fire, chattering like a group of lark birds, very lively.

There was a huge chicken-shaped creature on the fire, the fire was roasting vigorously, the oil and water dripped on the firewood, it crackled and the flames burst.

A girl wearing a light yellow dress, holding a powder in her hand, is spreading on the chicken-shaped creature, the creature's skin has been roasted golden, the fragrance is from this, many people are looking forward to Looking at the giant chicken on the fire, many could not help but drool.

The trial is really Almost every day is hard work, can eat a delicious meal, has been regarded as the best solace.

"Sister Xi's craftsmanship is really good. It's an unexpected joy to have a sister present in this trial!" A younger-looking woman in a purple robe looked at the young girl grilling in front of the fire with a smile Compliments.

This woman is Li Tianzhen, the big disciple of Yuanling Mortal Realm in Chuangjie Mountain, known as Tianzhen Layman, a disciple of Daotianzong Tianzi, and the realm of the ninth grade of Heavenly Dao Realm. The strongest, but because of the earliest entry, being kind and respected by everyone.

This Yuno field trial was led by Tian Zhenju, and several other teachers and sisters of the Tianzi generation, together to ensure the safety of these trial disciples.

Participants in this trial were forty-nine disciples who had just been selected from the peaks in the west of Chuangjie Mountain.

Most of these girls are the descendants of the major families in the world. Because of their outstanding talents, they were selected by Chuangjie Mountain and they were admitted to the practice. However, because the time of admission is short and the age is generally small, the highest state is not yet. To reach the Dadao Realm, a lot of Yuanying Jindan.

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