Super Study God

Chapter 2334: offend!

However, there is no doubt that these girls, all of whom have outstanding family backgrounds, all have identities and backgrounds, and there are very few people with civilian backgrounds that can be regarded by Zongmen.

Each one is spoiled, and the monks also pay attention to practice, and eating and drinking is actually optional. Even if there is, they are also prepared by special cooks on the mountain. They will try it out. Where will they eat?

Su Xi heard the words of Tian Zhenju, a bright smile appeared on her face, and her eyes were curved like crescent moon, "This is all learned from my brother, and my brother's craftsmanship is really good!"

"Oh? Do you still have an elder brother? Why haven't you heard that?" Tianzhen Residence looked at Su Xi with some surprise. Before that, no one mentioned Su Xi's life experience.

Su Xi heard the words and paused, laughing, "You didn't even ask me!"

"Ah, what about getting some food? You can only be a cook when you're up to the sky. After all, this is the world of practitioners. Sister, my younger disciples, but today they have gained a lot and cut eighteen. Among the monsters, there is one who is almost attaining the same path. If they don’t hunt this black chicken beast, even if they have the best craftsmanship, they can’t show it!"

There was a voice beside him, but it was a bit unharmonious. It was a woman with red eyes, dressed in luxurious clothes, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a long sword on her lap.

The expression is dignified, but the voice is a little weird. This female surnamed Chu Yitian is also a disciple of the Tianzi generation. In front of these new entry disciples, it is the existence of the ancestor level.

When I said this to Su Xi, it was a bit ridiculous. You should know that Su Xi was not in the Jindan realm until she got started. She was just like her and became her little sister, not only did she feel a little bit wrong Balance, there are few new disciples around you who can balance in your heart.

As a second-generation disciple of Daozongzong, it was actually Jindan Realm, and he followed these newly-introduced disciples to try out. This is a shameful thing in itself.

"Master Zu said very well, this world is the world of our cultivators, not the world of cooks. Ha ha, the skill of the young master is much better than those of my family. There is a chance that the young master can go to my house, but You have to give me some pointers!" Shizu said, naturally there was a lot of follow-up. No, a little girl who was eager to act immediately jumped out, more straightforward and more ecstatic than Chu Tianyi.

Although by generations, they want to be Su Xi's little ancestor, but in terms of strength, Su Xi is worse than many of them, so why not be in awe?

Su Xi was displeased and looked up at the woman. "If I remember correctly, you are a disciple of Qiu Zi, is it called Xun Qiuyue? You mean, I am like your family's cook?"

The woman heard her words and suddenly changed her face. She did not expect that Su Xi would be upset with her and directly mentioned her name. Is this to blame?

It is not a small crime to humiliate the elders in public. If she is really investigated, she cannot afford it.

"Little Master's words are so heavy, where does Qiuyue dare to have this meaning?" The woman said quickly, and looked a little embarrassed.

"That's what you mean! You are mocking, my master Yuan Lingling is a real person and has taught a cook apprentice!" Su Xi said directly.


There was a stiff expression on the woman's face, and there was horrified expression on her face. It was buttoned down with several big hats. Where could it stand?

It was so terrible, that the woman was directly stopped, everyone around was silent, the atmosphere was quite awkward, the woman was panicked, and quickly looked at her ancestor Chu Tianyi with help!

Chu Tianyi coughed lightly, "Little girl film, not big or small, don't kneel down and ask your little ancestor to sin!"

Xun Qiuyue heard the words and quickly fell down on her knees, "Qiuyue lost her word and did not intend to offend. The young master ancestors forgive sins!"

Khan was raining, just because of a sentence, after being made a big deal, she could be cured of a death penalty.

"Humph!" Su Xi snorted softly, no longer ignoring Xun Qiuyue, and continued to roast meat on his own.

"Junior has no appearance, Xi sister Haihan, don't care about them, but make her angry!" Chu Tianyi said lightly.

Su Xi did not return to her. Someone is good to her and somebody is bad to her. She has a weighing scale in her heart!

Tian Zhenju opened his mouth and raised his voice by a few decibels. "Huo Jiaoer and others know that Sister Xi is the youngest disciple under the seat of the Master. Perhaps the entry is later than many of you, but she is always your elder, For the elders, there must be awe. If there is another time, Daozong Zongrong will not be able to disrespect the teachers!"

"Yes!" The disciples quickly called yes.

Chu Tianyi smiled and said, "You guys have listened to me, you little master, but Lord Huangshan of Taihuangshan enters the gate. In the future, Lord Linshan will become the patriarch. Your little master may be the wife of the patriarch. Well, you better hurry up and you will not have this opportunity in the future!"


When the disciples heard the words, they were all very surprised to look at Su Xi, this burning girl, and so on?

Lord Taihuang Mountain, that is one of the five major realm masters. What kind of honorable identity is the patriarchal successor of Dao Dao Sect? Can he be regarded as a little girl in Jindan Realm?

Is this an international joke?

In Chu Tianyi's words, there was a bit of ridicule, but there have been such rumors among Zongmen. Although she didn't believe it, she was unhappy with Su Xi because Lin Xuan was in Daozong, but I don't know how much The woman's dream, she is no exception.

"Sister, this joke isn't funny at all!" Su Xi heard the words, and the expression on his face changed a little. "The meat is roasted. You can eat it yourself. I'll wash my hands!"

With that said, Su Xi got up directly and walked to a stream next to it.

The expression on Chu Tianyi's face was slightly sluggish. This little teacher, her temper is not that This is Jin Dan Realm, so dare to show her face, if you let her grow up, that wouldn't be God?

The disciples looked at each other and were a little overwhelmed. Obviously the atmosphere was stiff.

Su Xi is very depressed, and has been in this world for a long time. From the novelty at the beginning, to being slowly bored later, she will feel homesick as she closes her eyes every night.

At first, Lin Xuan took her to play with her, but later Lin Xuan closed her door, and no one took her. All day long, besides practicing or practicing, she was closely watched by her master and couldn’t stop. Where can a 20-year-old girl stand?

She didn't want to come to this trial because Lin Xuan promised her that Su Hang would come to Chuangjie Mountain to take her away. How long has she left Chuangjie Mountain?

It's almost a year. Will Brother Go to Chuangjie Mountain already? What if he can't find me?

Su Xi wanted to cry a little, but she knew that she couldn't cry, otherwise it would make people read the joke!

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