Super Study God

Chapter 2357: Fight Lin Langtian!

Only Lin Langtian dared to say this, after all, he was the ancestor of the Lin family, which had more weight than Lin Shouye’s words.

Su Hang smiled, "If I want to become the patriarch of Dadao, can the Lin family do my best to help me?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Langtian's face was black. "Young man, you are not a joke at all!"

Su Hang shook his head, "It's one thing to abandon the race, it's another thing to become the main lord of the avenue. I don't think the two are related to each other. Let me abandon the match. Can you help me take the throne of the main avenue?"

Lin Langtian's face was so dark that he would let you abandon the game, wouldn't it just let you give up the fight for the lordship of the avenue? You are telling me now, let the Lins take the seat for you, and the Lins still want to sit Where is that seat?

You've been talking nonsense for so long, don't you understand?

"So, do you see no tears in the coffin?" Lin Langtian said.

In Lin Langtian's view, this kid could not understand, he just didn't listen at all, and treated his words as fart.

Su Hang smiled, "Isn't it just said, can you agree to any conditions? How are you ready to turn your face now?"

"I don't know what to do!" Lin Langtian drank a low voice, and the murderous intention in his eyes flashed through, "Young people, know how to cherish your life!"

Su Hang nodded, "I always cherish this, and I may have to give it to you old man!"

"Hehe, hehehe..." Lin Langtian suddenly laughed, "I haven't been out for a long time, this world has changed, just come out a wild boy, are you so arrogant? The old man originally regretted it, and wanted to give you An opportunity, you can not cherish, then no wonder the old man..."

Su Hang was not half afraid, but instead nodded slightly, "I have always respected the old and loved the young, but some people who like to rely on the old and sell the old man, I can't respect it. Since you are so confident, then show your strength. Come on, I have said so much empty talk before, but I just want to sanction me with fairness and justice. As you wish, we see the true chapter under your hand. If you can win me, I will abandon the game..."

"Oh, abandon the game? How could it be that simple, killing my children of the Lin family, this blood debt must be repaid to you, and now it is not possible to get rid of the game, the old man wants you to die!" Along with a loud drink, Lin Lang Heaven's momentum soared directly to the Soviet Air Force.

The strong momentum brings an invisible wave. You must know that Su Xi is next to Su Hang. How can he withstand such a terrifying momentum? Su Hang was also an outgoing force in the first time, and it was unwelcomely pressed against Lin Lang day.

When the two momentums met together, the entire Zhong Yufeng seemed as if everything was still, and even the song of the worm songbird stopped abruptly, and time and space seemed to freeze!

Where the momentum is against each other, the space is broken, and the crushed is like a layer of cake, which is terrifying.

At this moment, Lin Lang's eyes were very shocked. The kid in front of him was not lost to him.

At such an age, there is such a cultivation practice.

This son does not get rid of it, and the troubles are endless. Lin Lang's eyes are full of murderous intentions. He had just come from Zhongxufeng before and saw Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan, the younger generation, was originally very satisfied with Lin Langtian. After coming out of the Unreal World this time, he not only reached the realm of Da Jiu, but also had a power test of more than 1,400. Strength, even if placed in Lin Shouye's generation, will not lose.

However, when he learned that Su Hang’s anti-sky existence existed, Lin Langtian couldn’t calm down. He happened to hear that Su Hang was at Chuangjie Mountain, and he came to Zhong Yufeng specially, saying that it was a call to win Yuanling real people, but in fact he was looking for Opportunity to meet Su Hang.

At this point, it seems that Sanxu's statement to this person has no falsehood. Lin Xuan wants to be the enemy of this person, afraid that it is still far away, but unfortunately this person does not know how to lift it, then he can only destroy it by himself. Too.

"Two people, let's stop first, if you have something to say, don't hurt to be mad, this place is a mountain of creation, and all fighting is forbidden?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, but it was Yuan Ling's real person who was too late. As soon as the voice came out, the momentum of the two of them instantly converged.

Everyone only felt that the solidified space was broken, and the feeling of just covering their ears was gone, and there were still insects singing around, so sweet!

Su Hang turned his face and looked at Yuan Ling, a real person. This woman did not show up for so long. At the beginning, she didn't want to intervene in the fight between Lin Langtian and him. It was only because of Zhong Yufeng that she appeared.

"This place is my Zhong Yufeng, can't bear the fight between the two, if the two want to fight, it is better to change a place!" Yuan Ling said in a real way.

She did not come to stop the fight, but just let the two fight in another place. After all, she understands the abilities of the two. If they fight here, I am afraid that her entire Zhong Yufeng will be destroyed!

"Xi'er, come here!" Yuanling lively said to Su Xi.

Su Xi looked at Su Hang worriedly, and Su Hang nodded to her, and she walked to Yuanling real person, because she knew that staying beside Su Hang would only become a burden.

"Two, please help yourself!" Yuan Ling lived with Su Xi behind him, spread his hands to the two, left a word, and then left Su Xi and the servants very freely!

Lin Langtian frowned slightly and turned to look at Su Hang. "Young man, don't you think about it anymore?"

Between Meiyu, with a little threat!

Su Hangzhan smiled, "Don't you just say, do you want me to die?"

"Humph!" Lin Langtian snorted coldly, "I really don't know that the sky is thick, and since you want to die, the old man will fulfill you. Let's see the true chapter in our chaos!"

After talking, the figure disappeared instantly, and Su Hang's mouth slightly curved, and disappeared in place, leaving only the three juniors of the Lin family. The wooden pestle stood on the spot, and the momentum just touched, making them still pale. He didn't recover his blood color for a long time.



Chaos world!

Even if it is as strong as heaven, it is unlikely to withstand the battle of the quasi-king king realm masters who exceed the power of all realms. Only in chaos is the best battlefield.

One month later, the Universal Realm and Chuangjie Mountain are all temporarily moved into chaos. It is conceivable that only the chaotic space is the most stable space, and only here is the strongman of Dadao Realm. You can let go of the fight without fear of breaking other things.

Chaos was tumbling, when Su Hang came, Lin Langtian was carrying his hands, standing on a chaotic fairy mountain waiting for him.

A long sword was inserted in front of him, the air of chaos blew his robe, and his gray hair fluttered.

Su Hang escaped the light, and the big fairy stick turned into an immense giant. With a slamming pestle in front of the mountain, his body drifted down and stood above the head of the stick, but he was not lower than him.

"Oh, so many people who eat melons?"

Without talking to Lin Langtian first, Su Hang looked around. There were many faces in the vicinity of the consciousness, and the number was not small, and many of them were still familiar faces.

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