Super Study God

Chapter 2358: You know nothing about power 1!

Chaos, Hongjun, Yang Mei and others were in the ranks. Tuliugong, Yuanling, Lin Shouye and others were also present. There were many others who knew and did not know. Su Hang doubted whether these people had obtained them long ago. News, Baba's running came to see the fun.

Actually, I don’t blame them. The battle of Quasi Realm King Realm is absolutely rare. Moreover, for the existence of some realms like Yuanling and others, they have not yet reached the quasi Realm Master Realm. Speaking of which, help is very great, and such opportunities for observation will naturally not be missed.

For these masters, today's battle is far more attractive to them than the World Assembly.

Daojing understands the rules, and without deliberate cover-up, they want to know where there is a war, it is not difficult. At this moment, they almost bring some popcorn, lift a small bench, and wait for the show to begin!

It’s understandable that Tuliugong and others ran to see the excitement, but Chaos, Hongjun and others also came. This is a bit unexpected. Perhaps, they really just want to see the excitement, they are all a group of people looking at the excitement. Suspicious!

In addition, Su Hang did not see the figure of Sanxu. According to this battle, Sanxu should not be absent. It is not at this time. It seems that as the Yuan Ling said, the seven elders of Chuangjie Mountain are busy. Let Lin Xuan improve his skills!


"Brother Hongjun is here too?"

Chaos and Yang Mei stood together, and when Hongjun appeared, they all got together.

Hong Jun quickly returned the gift, "It must not be said that the two Dao brothers, the poor Dao has gone through all kinds of hardships, and now it has just broken through the road, in front of the two, it is already a junior!"

Yang Mei waved his hand, "Brother Dao has been humble, and I have become enlightened in the world of chaos. Although I was robbed by Chaos Daoist and got the name of Chaos, Brother Dao, you have actually achieved that level!"

Hong Jun smiled bitterly, "That's the past. Today's Hong Jun is just an ordinary monk!"

Chaos said, "Brother Dao thought, I waited for myself, but now that Brother Dao has returned, I must have found the fortune, and it won't take long before I can return to the peak, or even surpass the peak. It is really envious. I wait!"

Hongjun just shook his head without saying much.

At this time, Yang Mei said, "Today the two of them battled each other, Dao brother thought, who can win?"

Hong Jun heard the words and looked away. The two people in the confrontation had not yet started. "What do the two think?"

Yang Mei shook his head and said chaoticly next to him, "I am somewhat familiar with the strength of Su Hang. I broke through the world before a month ago, now..."

"Now, with the blessing of Daxian stick, I am afraid that it has already approached 20,000 realms..." At this time, a voice came from behind the three people.

The three looked back and saw that an old man in a white robe walked with his steps.

"The God Eater is here too!" The three of them were surprised!

The coming person is Zun Zun, Zhan Zun is his real name, Zhan Zun is the respect of Dadao Sect disciples, and some old friends in the chaos all call him Zhan Shou!

God Eater nodded slightly, "This kid did a fight with me two days ago, and he really surpassed the strength of the world, and then went to the evening wilderness, presumably got a lot of benefits from the Queen of Destiny, his strength should be Around 14,000 worlds, plus the blessing of the big fairy stick, the two thousand realms should be similar!"

Yang Mei said, "Then what is the battle? Lin Langtian has just broken the world, how could he be the kid's opponent? The Lin family seems to be planting this time!"

Ten thousand worlds, two thousand worlds, although the difference is one word, everyone knows that the gap between them is absolutely incalculable. It is completely crushed. Where else is there any comparable?

At this time, Hong Jun shook his head and said, "Mo Yaoxiao underestimated Lin Langtian. When the Xuanhuang Second Saint was robbed, the dojo was taken by the Lin family. The Lin Family's swordsmanship was the Xuanhuang Second Saint. The Xuanhuang swordsmanship created was just to change the name in order to avoid the name of Xuanhuang. The swordsmanship created by the two great kings, you should be able to imagine the power..."

The other three heard the words and nodded slightly. After the fall of Xuanhuang Ersheng, Cang Tian gave Lin the blessing of Xuanhuang Ersheng as the daughter's dowry to the Lin family.

Most of Xuan Huang's remains fell into the hands of the Lin family, which only made the Lin family more than 10 billion years of glory.

Chaos said, "Moreover, Xuan Huangjian and the Ten Square Banners are in the hands of Lin Family. Lin Langtian is prepared this time. These two treasures cannot be carried with them. They are also the treasures of the Realm King. Xuan Huangjian may not necessarily lose. For the big fairy stick!"

The other few nodded slightly, Yang Mei said, "It seems that today's battle is more exciting than expected!"

Zun Zun shook his head, "This kid doesn't know that the sky is thick and thick. It depends on the fact that the Wanjie Conference is coming. This stall is still in competition with Lin Langtian and other masters. Even if it is a victory, I am afraid it will greatly affect the future ratio. Fight, everyone else has tried his best to save his strength, he is good, he hates not to waste too much..."

Yang Mei said, "Lin Langtian's strength is good, with the help of treasures, it may not be much worse than Su Hang. If I am Lin Langtian, if I can't win, I will try my best to drag the time, as long as I pass these two At the end of the Wanjie Conference in September, Suhang was defeated!"

"Lin Langtian will not understand this truth, so, if this battle, if you can't win quickly, then..." Hong Jun said paused here and shook his head.

In the eyes of several of them, Su Hang might not have had a fight with Lin Langtian at this time. After all, with Lin Langtian's ability, it is not difficult to drag Su Hang for a few months!

At this time, several people looked into the depths of chaos, where there has been movement!


"So many people who eat melon, you have to perform well, and strive to be able to support a few more tricks under my stick!" Su Hang faintly, with a little playfulness, faced Lin Lang Heavenly Dao.

How did he not know that Lin Langtian's move was completely preventing him from participating in the Wanjie Conference, but it was somewhat whimsical.


Lin Langtian snorted coldly, gently lifted his right hand, stroked with ease, countless sword qi gathered, and immediately cut off to Su Hang.

Ling Xian's sword gas burst like a torrential rain, and the surrounding chaotic space was shattered to pieces, less than a hundred meters away.


Su Hang snorted loudly and put his energy out, forming a huge shield to isolate all the sword spirits,

The powerful sword gas hit the Jingle bells, endless sparks burst out, and the whole chaos trembles, as if a 20-degree super earthquake occurred.


Lin Langtian exploded with a loud roar, and tried his best to hold up his sword qi. His hands clasped together. Countless sword qi converged into dozens of chaotic giant swords.


Su Hang didn't put it in his eyes at all, and he rose into the air, and the Daxian stick suddenly shrunk to start, stirring abruptly.


The overwhelming sword qi quickly shattered, turned into powder, and scattered into chaos again.

The chaos subsided and Su Hang stood up, "It seems that you know nothing about power!"


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