Super Study God

Chapter 2375: Zhentian Arrow!

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At this time, Yin Tianfeng was passive, riding a tiger, the Yuanling real person also shrank back, secretly regretting that he had just stood up and sang with Yin Tianfeng.

The seven elders besieged Yin Tianfeng. Yin Tianfeng was afraid that it would be cold!

Zun Zun turned to Yin Tianfeng and looked over, "What's going on?"

In the realm of biting the respect, he naturally perceives the details, and things are well known, but at this moment, he cannot find a reason to refute the Seven Elders.

Although Yin Tianfeng is his son-in-law, in this case, Zunzun cannot have any favoritism.

Yin Tianfeng has always been reckless. How can these seven old men hold the power of the sect for so many years, how can they be idle people, if they are so easy to overturn, they have to wait until today.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Yin Tianfeng, as if all the mistakes were coming to him. He deliberately engaged in things and shot arrows at the Heavenly Sin Peak, so that he destroyed the Seven Elders to do good deeds for the sect, and even made the sect master Printed into the pool of sins, he should take full responsibility!

If this crime is fulfilled, he should be guilty of death, but he is Yin Tianfeng. A large part of the presence is a group of seven elders. I believe many people will stand up and apply for Yin Tianfeng!

Beside, Qing Xue's palms are already sweating!

However, Yin Tianfeng was not an easy generation. He dared to make trouble to the Seventh Elder, and he naturally thought of his plan to retreat.

Immediately, Yin Tianfeng said, "If you go back to Zun Zun, where the arrow just came from, the son-in-law did not know, but the son-in-law recognized vaguely that arrow should be the treasure of the teacher Zhenzhen Arrow... …"


Everyone heard it, they were all stunned. What did Yin Tianfeng say?

The seven elders' faces all sank slightly.

Beside, Qingxue real person seems to communicate with Yin Tianfeng's heart. When he said, "The deity can also testify, what Yin Chengzhu said is true, that arrow is indeed the treasure in the hands of the teacher, Zhentian arrow!"

Yin Tianfeng smiled and said, "Master has not taught me the Zhentian Arrow method, nor has it taught Zhentian Bow, Zhentian Arrow, and according to me, this bow and arrow are all objects that the Master is around, so this arrow It can’t be my shot, the only possibility is...”

"Humph!" Niu Neng snorted coldly, "Could it be that you wanted to say it was shot by the old man?"

Yin Tianfeng smiled, "Master is everywhere, maybe his old man is not used to doing whatever he wants, so he can punish him?"


Yin Tianfeng's operation was also six, three words and two words, picked himself out without saying, and also pulled in the Cangtian Sect Master, and pressed the seven elders in the name of the sky.

Everyone around, can't see the wind!


Nothing snorted and said, "You said it was Zhentian Arrow, it is Zhentian Arrow? Unless you can fish out the arrow at the bottom of the pool for everyone to see, otherwise, I can't believe it!"

Fishing? Just kidding, that's Heavenly Sin Pool, who dares to go in and fish?

"Yes, take it out for everyone to see if it is really an arrow!" the other elders also said.

In the face of the aggressive elders of the Seven Elders, Yin Tianfeng said, "The seven elders have only said that Sect Master Yin has fallen into the Heavenly Sin Chi Sect, so why don't we fish it out for us all to see? Otherwise, how can I wait to be convinced? I also have serious doubts now, You just lost the Sovereign Seal!"


The seven elders were in a hurry, and they really met their opponent today!

To be fair and reasonable, and to say that the woman is reasonable, for a while, the two sides are constantly talking, and everyone wants to convict the other, but no one can convict the other.

"Enough, stop talking!"

Both sides talked about each other, and you came and went, making a mess. At this time, Zunzun yelled.

Suddenly quieted down, nothingness paid a respectful worship to Zun Zun, "Please Zun Zunjue!"

"Please bite the prince!" Yin Tianfeng and others also prayed.


Bit Zun snorted coldly and looked at the people in front of him with a very uncomfortable face. "The Wanjie Conference is about to take place, and all the guests and friends gathered in Chuangjie Mountain. Chuangjieshan joke?"

Several people heard and did not dare to speak, they all buried their heads and respected the Lord!

Zun Zun said, "No matter who is right or who is wrong, let's do it at this time. I will go away at once. I will do my job. After I remember the meeting, I will blame each one!"


Everyone was ordered to quickly disperse the birds and beasts, and bite Zun had spoken. Who would dare to stay on the Sky Sin Peak?

Yin Tianfeng said, "Destroy Zun, Sovereign Seal is lost, if you don't recover..."

Zu Zun waved his hand, stopped Yin Tianfeng's words, and turned to the Seven Elders to see, "After the Wanjie Conference, there will be a new suzerain, who will invite the suzerain, and wait for it!"

The Seven Elders heard the words and buried their heads, but did not speak.

Why was the Sect Master Yin lost, and where was it lost? Zun Zun's mind was clear, and he was unwilling to pierce it at this time.

When the words fell, Bit Zun had turned away, hidden in the clouds, and disappeared.


Yin Tianfeng glanced at the seven elders and snorted coldly, saying, "A bunch of old bones, see you guys can still jump for a few days!"

After that, he also joined with Qingxue, turned into a light, and turned away.

In a farce, Yin Tianfeng failed to overthrow the Seven Elders, and the Seven Elders failed to defeat Yin Tianfeng.

All seven sinisters and seven elder figures were left by the entire sin pool. Under the blowing of the mountain breeze, it seemed a bit lonely and lonely.

"Just now, is that really a trembling arrow?" For a long time, the endless real person spoke, his face full of worry.

They all know what the Zhentian arrow means. If Yin Tianfeng said that the arrow was shot by the sky and warned them, then they may have embarked on a dead end.

Void frowned, "What do you say, what do you believe in? If the suzerain warned, would this be the way?"

"Yes!" Void nodded and Don't forget Xuan'er's identity. This action will make Xuan'er fall into a total loss. Will the Sect Master treat his descendants like this? "


At this moment, it seemed that they thought of Lin Xuan, their faces changed one by one, and they all turned to look at the Heavenly Sin Pool.

At this time, the Heavenly Sin Pool was calm and without waves, and no one knew what was under the dark karma.

The seven people were all in a heavy mood. They locked Lin Xuan’s mind with the Ling Ling array, allowing him to absorb karma to the fullest extent and practice karma. However, after the arrow was disturbed, the Ling Ling array was broken. Lin Xuan, what will happen, they have been unable to understand.

Lin Xuan is the trump card in their hands. If this card is gone, they will be defeated. After the Wanjie Conference is over and the new suzerain comes to power, they will definitely not be able to retreat with ease like today. I am afraid I don’t know how many people are waiting to see the elder seven dead without burial.


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