Super Study God

Chapter 2376: Grand event!

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"Brother, it's too reckless!"

On the Pearl Peak, Qingxue really shook his head before he was at the Heavenly Sin Peak. Yin Tianfeng was indeed reckless. Without absolute strength, he wanted to defeat the Seven Elders by virtue of the loss of Sect Master Yin. It was indeed whimsical.

This style is not like the Yin Tianfeng that Qingxue knew, but she knew in her heart that Yin Tianfeng was once the nobility of the suzerain, and he was held by the elders. Finally, he was pushed down by the seven elders. There must be a big hate in her heart.

Perhaps it was this hatred that caused Yin Tianfeng to lose his mind.

Yin Tianfeng sat in front of the hall and shook his head after listening to the real person of Qingxue, "I never thought of bringing them down at this time, I just wanted to warm them up, after all, they were brought down at this time. How could they wait for the Wanjie Conference to let them watch all the painstaking management fall into disappointment and collapse in despair!

Qingxue looked at Yin Tianfeng for a long time before shaking his head. "You have been thinking deeply since childhood, even the Master said, you are the deepest one of us. I never looked through you. This is one of the reasons for the respectful marriage!"

"Sister Sister!" Yin Tianfeng interrupted quickly. "How long has it been, let's not mention the past again!"

Qingxue smiled bitterly, "I know that it is difficult to let go of this feeling in your heart. I must have lived in pain all these years. I am too selfish, but we are destined to be destined..."

Yin Tianfeng listened to Khan Khan, where and where is this, but now he is born even Lao Jiu!

"Sister..." Yin Tianfeng wanted to explain!

Qingxue really waved his hand and interrupted him. "You don't need to say more. I know you are suffering. You have to deal with Seven Elders. I will help you. After all, Seven Elders have been holding power for too long..."

Yin Tianfeng's forehead was covered with black lines, but he didn't want to explain too much!

"After waiting for the Wanjie Conference, it was the death of his seven!" Yin Tianfeng shook his fist and said.

At this time, Qingxue was really humane, "Sister Sister lives in Mingyue Peak and will not be out of the mountain for a long time. She does not ask about the world, but she also knows that the elders are not easy to provoke. Brother, what are your plans? Are you going to support our little teacher? Is he really our little brother?"

Yin Tianfeng smiled bitterly, "You don't know who is the master, Chen Sen is indeed our younger brother, this is beyond doubt..."

Qingxue nodded his head and said, "The skill of the younger brother is indeed extraordinary, far exceeding you and me, but it is not deep in the world, young and reckless, I think it is difficult to be a big man, and his strength is not necessarily able to become a universal assembly. First, as you saw just now, that Panyu's strength should be above our little brother!"

Yin Tianfeng listened, and turned to look at Qingxue, "What is the origin of that Panyu!"

Qingxue paused, "Wuji Prosperity, the youngest daughter of Jiewang Pansheng, and one of the most outstanding descendants of Jiewang Pansheng's knees. I used to go to Wuji Prosperity with Master, and I knew her. Live at My Bright Moon Peak!"

"It turns out so!" Yin Tianfeng nodded. "The Promise of the Promise is coming, and the other heavens are afraid and will not fail to express it. My Zong Wanjie Conference, they came here to hustle about what is happening, and they really thought they could Become the first suzerain of my heaven and earth!"

Qingxue smiled bitterly, "There are competitions outside of the day, and there is competition between the existence of the level of the master. How can they miss such a grand event, let the younger generations to participate, if they can win the championship, wouldn’t it be able to suppress Master, you need to know that the existence of Master's generation, but the face is very important!"

Yin Tianfeng said, "Why don't I wait?"

Qingxue is really humane, "The Seven Elders are fond of Lin Xuan. They are really bold enough to dare to borrow the power of the Heavenly Sin Pool. Although Lin Xuan repairs the law of karma, there are more than that hidden in the sin pool that day. It’s karma. This time, I was disturbed by the younger brother. I am afraid that the Seven Elders are already in chaos..."

Yin Tianfeng took a deep breath, "If there is no accident, Lin Xuan can only be buried at the bottom of the pool. If that's the case, the seven elders and one faction are not enough to affect the result of the competition, but these outsiders, but, There are always accidents. In case Lin Xuan can get out of the Heaven Sin Pool, I am afraid I have to reconsider!"

Qingxue real nodded slightly, "That day, I am afraid that the entire Chuangjie Mountain, the only one who dares to enter is only Zun Zun. Although Lin Xuan is talented, he has little hope of alive. The Seven Elders have entered this time. In the dead end, they shouldn't have pressed so many chips on Lin Xuan!"

Yin Tianfeng paused and said, "I'm actually guessing now, what does it mean that Master let the younger brother come to the meeting?"

Qingxue really thought about it and didn't speak.

Yin Tianfeng said, "If the Master intends to let our younger brother take over his seat, then the Wanjie Conference has no meaning. No matter how strong others are, it is all in vain. Nothing can be changed by the Master. ..."

Speaking of which, Yin Tianfeng paused.

Qingxue really said, "Master has no interest in Daozong Zong, and will not allow his son to intervene in the Zongmen dispute, brother, don't think about it more..."

Yin Tianfeng pondered for a long time, digressing the topic, and said, "The boy Su Hang started watching the meeting. Hearing Yu'er said, this boy is still closed and practicing. I really don't know what this boy is doing..."

"Su Hang? Is that brother-in-law's son-in-law?" Qingxue was amazed. "I heard that he was chosen by the master, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. I don't know what is special about it?"

Yin Tianfeng shook his head and didn’t want to say more, "Sister Sister, did you just ask me, are you going to support the younger brother?" This kind of thing is a fate. It is not for me to wait for the final account. If you insist on choosing one~www I think Suhang is more reliable!"

Qingxue smiled and said, "There are not many people who can get your praise from Brother Shi. Listening to you, I want to see this young man!"

"I hope you won't be surprised at that time, Senior Sister!" Yin Wuxing smiled, and he could see that he was still very confident in the strength of Su Hang.


A few days later, the wind was beautiful and the sky was clear, and Chuangjie Mountain was closed to the mountain gate in anticipation.

The elders of the Nine Great Forces joined forces to perform the technique of great displacement, and moved the entire creation mountain into the chaotic world.

Although the celestial barriers are strong enough, but this time there are countless more than the masters of the battle, I don’t know how many Dadao Realm are fighting at the same time, even if the celestial barriers are strong, I am afraid that they will shake the roots, not to mention the secondary realm, and even the quasi There are also a lot of masters in the realm of realm.

Therefore, for security reasons, the battlefield has moved to the chaotic world, where even the realm of the realm of the world can be played at will.

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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