Super Study God

Chapter 2380: Ten Thousand Arrows!

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Thinking of this, Chen Sen was relieved. Now, his eyes became firmer, and his momentum became more and more fierce. "I am an arrow, the power is not small, I don't believe it, you can still be so freehand!"

After talking, Chen Sen's body surged, and he directly took out three jade arrows and placed it on the celestial bow. The light was instantly shining and dazzled.


Su Hang frowned lightly, this should be Chen Sen's true strength!


Pulling the bow full string, accompanied by Chen Sen's low drink, three jade arrows came out of the string, with infinite power, directed at Suhang!

Its power is obviously much stronger than before. This time, Chen Sen used the physical Zhentian Arrow.

The distance between the two is not far away. When this arrow is shot, the power has definitely exceeded the world. Almost no time, and instantly entered the realm of space and time created by Su Hang.

This time, the speed of the three celestial arrows was only slightly reduced. The time and space domain of the Soviet airlines was not bound by this arrow. The rules of space and time were directly broken by the arrow front!

Su Hang couldn't help but be surprised. Obviously Chen Sen's bow and arrow had its special features.


Su Hang mentioned that the big fairy stick was a wave, and only heard a loud noise from the clang. Under the great force, the three Zhentian arrows were directly bounced into three streamers and shot into the chaos above.


Su Hang looked up and saw that the three Zhentian arrows disappeared in an instant. The three arrows wrapped around the power of the world, and then Su Hang's power was superimposed, but I didn't know where to fly!

However, at this moment, I heard the sound of thunder from the chaos above, and saw the purple thunder flash in the chaos. The horrible thunder ripped the chaotic space above the ring into dense cracks.

A terrifying momentum emerged from above and pressed towards the ring space below. Su Hang frowned, and Chen Sen's arrow was not as simple as imagined!

Looking at the other side, Chen Sen retreated far away, his body sloshing, as if he was about to fall down, and his face looked pale. Obviously, just this arrow has used all his strength, even let him have some Overdrawn!

The ultimate connotation of the arrow method, tremendous arrows!

Su Hang's eyes were fixed on the top, the thunder flashed, as if there were countless beasts roaring in it, which made people feel terrified. Su Hang already felt that he was locked in the air machine!


At this moment, the flashing chaos of the thunder suddenly exploded, but in an instant, countless purple electric arrows fell from the sky and shot directly at Suhang.

Intensive, such as a heavy rain, Su Hang looked at it, and couldn't help feeling a hair in his heart.


The horrible arrow rain locked all the routes of Su Hang, covering almost all areas. Su Hang couldn't hide at all, immediately snorted, lifted the stick, and rose into the air, dancing like wheels.

The stick danced tightly, the arrow rain fell, collided with the stick, the fire was blazing, and the explosion continued.

A blast of shock waves spread out, making it chaotic.

Most of the people watching outside are attracted by this place. In the first battle, it is not easy to have a match of this level. Although Chen Sen did not reach the quasi-king realm, with the Zhentian arrows, his strength has been able to rank among the quasi In the battle of the King Realm, this level of battle, I am afraid that many people have not seen it in their lives.

Fortunately, in the chaos, if it is in the Celestial Realm, this level of battle, I am afraid that even if it is only Yu Wei, it is enough to shake the Celestial Realm.

"How long have we not seen this arrow method?" Yin Tianfeng said from the stand.

Chen Nuina shook her head, "Zhentian arrow method, I just heard its name but not its shape. Seeing it today, it's really overbearing. If you change me, I'm afraid I can't stand an arrow."

Yin Tianfeng did not reach the power of two thousand realms, Chen Yuna was even more important, but the Eighth Realm, if it were not for the relationship between the devourers, could not be the master of the universe, and the power was not yet a thousand realms, Chen Sen’s arrow Wei, not just her, most of the people present were shocked!

On the other side, the Seven Elders are also paying attention. In the first match, they met the King's duel. It can be said that they are not without credit.

This conference threatened their existence, but they did not dare to be blatant in the first game, so they only arranged for the pair of Su Hang. The battle of the strong and powerful will have losses. The calculation of the seven elders is very simple, so that these real The masters fight against each other, even if there are one or two who can fight to the end, I am afraid that they will also be overdrawn, which is not harmful to them.

As the host of the conference, they will naturally try their best to use all available rules to adjust the balance of victory to their side.


After a round of arrow rain, the big fairy stick was very hot, and the electric light was wrapped around. The right hand holding the stick was almost numb.

Fortunately, the power of Arrow Rain is not strong enough for Su Hang, but the purple electricity wrapped in the arrow rain makes Su Hang have a headache.

Su Hang looked up, the chaos above was still flashing, and there was no sign of retreating!

"This is my dad’s trick to pass me on. Thousands of arrows swayed the sky, with the arrows of the sturdy sky as the array, and the gas of chaos as the food. The source of the gas of chaos here is endless. This arrow method is displayed in the chaos. The power is multiplied, you resist After the first wave, the second wave will be doubled, the second wave will be resisted, and the third wave will be doubled again. My father said that this trick was created by his great skill in archery. I never used it. , Because once it’s put on, it’s hard for me to take it..."

Chen Sen's face was slightly pale and explained to Su Hang. He hadn't waited for his words to finish. The second round of Arrow Rain had already been brewed. Zidian roared. The power was indeed much stronger than before.

Su Hang listened to Chen Sen's words, his expression on the face was a little dignified, the arrow array locked his aura, it was difficult to hide, but if he resisted blindly, the arrow array would only grow stronger and stronger until he himself When overwhelmed.

The arrow created by Cangtian and is still known as the ultimate meaning of the arrow. Su Hang will only believe that Chen Sen's words are conservative, not exaggerated.

"Brother Su, am I still a bit difficult?" Chen Sen said, seeing Su Hang frowning, which finally gave him some comfort, at least to prove that Su Hang was serious.

"Yeah, it's a little hard to do!" Su Hang smiled bitterly. "This arrow array is extraordinary, and it's very difficult to break, but in general, I am not very happy to think about the method of breaking the array. I think it's better to be straightforward, as long as the strength is enough, it is enough to destroy!

After finishing the talk, Su Hang poke directly into the sky with a stick!

Chen Sen froze for a moment, and the expression on his face looked a little unbelievable. I saw that the big fairy stick became bigger and bigger, and it slammed into the thunderous chaotic arrow array.


The violent purple electricity seemed to find the pouring outlet at once, and gathered in an instant, followed the big fairy stick to the Su Hang, Su Hang did not say a word, dull roar, holding the stick, a sudden mess !

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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