Super Study God

Chapter 2381: End of Game 1!

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The chaos shook, the ring at the foot was almost overturned, Chen Sen was already collapsed, and almost stumbled to the ground under the shock of terror.

Like Chen Sen, most of the people watching the battle on Chuangjie Mountain are frightened. I am afraid that the chaotic barriers of the ring are not strong enough, and the aftermath of the battle will affect them!

The arrow array suspended above the ring was quickly stirred up by the big fairy stick, and countless arrow rain fell, just like the shattered dates on the tree, falling on the ring, the sound of the explosion was endless, and the whole ring was flamed by electricity Obliterated.

That scene is really spectacular!

The arrow array shattered, the thunder dissipated, and Suhang put away the big fairy stick. The force of space encompassed the entire ring and shrunk. The endless sea of ​​fire also shrunk with it, quickly reduced to a point, and fell to the fingertips of Suhang. A cluster of tiny flames.

With a light breath, the flames were extinguished, but the ring was already potholes and scorched earth everywhere. One can imagine how powerful Chen Sen's arrow trick is!

Su Hang grabbed Daxian stick's right hand and shivered slightly. The purple electricity had just come down. He almost threw the Daxian stick away. Fortunately, he had already prepared. When Zidian entered the body, he used Devouring the **** power, turning out the black hole and swallowing it clean, it's just the pain of eating some flesh and skin.


Several objects fell from the sky and fell not far from the Su Hang. It was the three Zhentian arrows.

At this moment, the jade-shaped arrow body has been twisted and blackened, as if three charred fritters fell to the ground.


Su Hang put away his long stick and put a pestle on the ground, awe-inspiring!

Chen Sen looked at the three residual arrows on the ground, with a bitter face on his face. It took him a long time to recover from the blow.

"Okay, I lost!"

Chen Sen smiled bitterly, walked up slowly, and leaned over to pick up the hatred arrow!

"Sorry, Brother Chen!" Su Hang said.

Chen Sen shook his head, "If you lose, you lose. There is nothing sorry. Chen Chen is not a loser. I have always thought of being able to compare with you. Today I get what I want. Brother Su, my Chen Sen. The lost heart is taken orally..."

Su Hang smiled and said, "It's best if you think about it this way, if it's not the same as the test this time..."

Chen Sen interrupted Su Hang’s words, “Brother Su doesn’t have to say anything. I will pick up Chen Chen and let it go. Even if I want to win you, I will also justly win you, and I will never ask you to make it...”

Su Hang nodded slightly, Cangtian's son was indeed different, but still a little immature and still needed to be sharpened.

When Cang Tian let him out, there must have been a heart that allowed him to sharpen his growth and let him see the world outside.

In this scene, Chen Sen has already conceded defeat. There is no doubt that Su Hang won.

Chen Sen has used the strongest tricks, and still has no effect on Su Hang. There is no point in continuing to compare. Chen Sen can clearly feel the gap between him and Su Hang. That is definitely not a magic weapon to increase. Can make up.

If you are not taking care of Chen Sen's face, such a wide gap is almost certain that if Su Hang has come up with real power, Chen Sen will be defeated almost on the court. Where can I persist for so long?

Create a mountain.

At the end of the battle at station 96, everyone was still sighing. After seeing this competition, the other competitions in the competition seemed a bit boring.

This is not to say that other competitions on the ring are not exciting and there are no masters, but because they are not on this ring, both sides are masters. The quasi-king king realm meets the quasi-king king realm, and the opening is the Bureau of Kings.

"It seems that Suhang hasn't done his best!" Chen Yunna said back to Yin Tianfeng with her eyes closed.

Yin Tianfeng listened and nodded slightly, even if the blind man could see it, just after that battle, Su Hang didn't make any moves, even if it was only to crack Chen Sen's moves at the end, there must be convergence.

"However, it's still too revealing!" Yin Tianfeng shook his head. "Today's top 500 will be decided. There are three battles. Seven elders panicked. The next game I'm afraid I will arrange a stronger opponent for him!" "

Chen Yuna frowned slightly, "The power of the event is in the hands of the Seven Elders, even if Yuan Ling Elder and Hongmeng Elder can't bother, let alone you and me, who can say a word?"

Yin Tianfeng said, "Now he can only look at himself. If he can come to the end, our Yin family can return to the top..."

Yin Tianfeng is also depressed enough. The current situation makes him very passive. He can only pin his hopes on Su Hang. Originally, he can still count on Chen Sen. After all, Chen Sen’s background is extraordinary and he may not pass it to Chen Sencai. It was Cangtian's original intention, but I never imagined that the Seven Elders would be so ruthless that Chen Sen would be eliminated in the first game.

Chen Yunna nodded her head slightly, but her eyes moved to other places. Apart from the battle of Suhang, she was more concerned about the battle between her son and her daughter.

Yin Yu'er, as I said before, took the initiative to admit defeat as soon as he played. He made a fight on the other hand and wanted to do a big fight. On the other hand, he saw that his opponent was a pretty woman. Suddenly, it wasn't until Yin Yuer conceded the ring that he lost the game, and he realized that he won!

Gloriously became the first player to be eliminated, and Yin Yuer also won the honor of the last place in the finals of the Wanjie Conference.

When Chen Yuna saw her, she couldn't help crying, but when Yin Yuer got off the ring, she ran to see the battle between Su Hang and Chen Sen, and she could only smile bitterly. It was really blind to her father's recommended quota. Count.

Yin Tianfeng just shook his head and sighed. He had no hope for Yin Yu'er, but the last one in the conference made him a little depressed.

On the other side, it was a woman in white who was playing against Yin Wushang. The two should have similar strengths. Yin Wushang can be said to have met a strong enemy.

At this time, when Su Hang and Chen Sen decided to win the battle, two thousand seats had already won and lost a majority.

The battle does not take much time, unless it is comparable to Yin Wushen. Once the strength of the two sides is disparate, then the battle is definitely crushing, especially in the pursuit of quick wins on the field, two thousand battles, almost Half of them are spikes!

If it were not for Su Hang to take care of Chen Sen's feelings, and also have that strength, he would directly knock Chen Sen off the ring as soon as he opened the court. There is almost no non-existent challenge.

The woman opposite Yin Wushang was also in the senior state, using an umbrella magic weapon with extremely strong defensive power. Yin Wushang's Yin family's swordsmanship was fierce, but it was almost difficult to build merit, and he almost overturned several times.

The two men fought for nearly half an hour, and the woman's back power was poor. Only then did Yin Wucheng find a chance to break through the defense and win.

At this time, there are still a few battles!


М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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