Super Study God

Chapter 2382: Hidden master!

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In the waiting area, Su Hang and others are paying attention to the last few battles, but all of them feel boring, and some people are still complaining that these people waste everyone’s time because they can’t continue without finishing. In the next game, the top 1000 contest is decided.

"Brother Yin, congratulations on your promotion!"

As soon as Yin Wu hurt came over, Xiao Yang greeted him with a smile.

Yin Wuxin's bitter smile, "Brother Xiao smiled!"

After this game, he was sweaty, unlike Xiao Yang's freehand, so chic, obviously, Xiao Yang won this game very easily.

Yin Wu hurt can only be envied. If there is no accident, he feels that he can only stop in the top 2,000.

The accident mentioned here can only be the next lottery, and draws an opponent who is more versatile than him. However, the next two are already in the top 2,000. In the top 2,000, there is very little random existence. Even if there are, The kind of good luck is not likely to be drawn by him.

"Little Master Uncle..."

He walked to the waiting area and sat down next to the Su Hang. Tea and fruit were prepared here. Yin Wu quickly poured two.

Looking at the left and right, Chen Sen didn't see it. Obviously already knowing the result, Chen Sen really couldn't beat Su Hang.

This waiting area is isolated from other places. The winner of the previous competition is eligible to come here and wait for the next competition. The loser will only be eliminated and go to the audience.

Su Hang just smiled and didn't say much.

Yin Wu hurt, "You should be very clear about the status of Uncle Xiao, didn't you embarrass him?"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "Let him use his family tradition to make it out, and earn enough limelight!"

Yin Wuhan was sweating and sweating, "Uncle Master's mind is not mature yet, so don't remember to hate you for it!"

"I would like to gamble and lose. If I remember to hate me for that, then I can only count him wrong!" Su Hang shook his head. If Chen Senzhen was so careful, it would not be worth his deep friendship. In his realm, he still used it. Looking at the eyes of others, what do you think about others?

Yin Wu nodded his head, "Two thousand strong will come out, the next game, I'm afraid they will arrange a stronger opponent for you..."

"Yu'er said just now!" Su Hang nodded slightly. Just after the war, Yin Yuer and Su Xi came to him and chatted with him for a long time.

Su Hang also knew very well that Chen Sen was arranged for himself in the first game, enough to see how impatient the seven elders were.

"It's up to them!" Su Hang paused, with a somewhat playful smile on his face, "These contestants, whose strength is above Chen Sen, but there are not many, I don't believe they can give me the field. Arrange such an opponent!"

It wasn't Su Hang's underestimation. He didn't take the seven elders into his eyes at all. He always believed that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just jokes.

Beside, Xiao Yang sighed, "I have a bad hunch, this second scene, as Brother Chen's opponent, won't it be me?"

Su Hang heard the news and looked up at Xiao Yang, "To be honest, I quite hope to compare with Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I can only admit defeat just like Brother Chen!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Brother Xiao, you are a real person and you don't show your face. I have never seen you use all your strength. How much strength do you hide? I am afraid you know it yourself!"

This Xiao Yang, from Tianyin Realm, is said to be a place outside the realm. Its identity should be similar to that of Panyu. As a special agent of Tianyin Realm, its strength should not be much worse than that of Panyu.

Although Zun Zun said that Xiao Yang's strength is only around the world, except for him, no one can say anything about strength. Su Hang has always believed that Xiao Yang must have hidden strength.

How much is concealed, Su Hang can only scan with the Xueshen system, and then make a rough estimate based on the energy points of Xiao Yang’s information value.

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly, "If I meet Brother Su next time, I hope that like Brother Chen, Brother Su will save me some face and don't let me lose too badly!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Your identity is special. The Seven Elders want to count, I am afraid it can't count on your head!"

Xiao Yang didn't say much. His eyes turned and fell in a corner behind him. There was a young girl sitting in Tsing Yi, which was very quiet!

Su Hang looked into his eyes and looked at the girl, who he knew, or said, had met him.

Chen Qing'er!

It is also because of the existence of this young girl that Suhang chose to retreat before the battle.

"Brother Xiao knew her?" Su Hang asked.

Xiao Yang shook his head, "Brother Su didn't know, just when you were fighting with Brother Chen, on the ring 650, this girl was also shocked!"


Su Hang paused, Xiao Yang won earlier, and naturally saw most of the battle, and when Su Hang and Chen Sen ended, most of the battle was over!

Xiao Yang said, "It is the Qin Dong of the Fujiwang Pavilion who is playing against her. This Qin Dong should not be much worse than his brothers. It should have been a solid victory, but no one thought that this girl has been pressing the realm, even me. After looking away, she thought she was a monk in the junior realm. As a result, she didn't expect that the girl only made one move. The result was this move. Qin Dong was knocked out of the ring, and it seemed to be very hurt!"

"Qin Dong?" Su Hang has never heard of this character, and it can be similar to Chen Sen. Should it have at least more than 5,000 world strength?

Next to it, Yin Wudao said, "I know Qin Dong, the Qin family, like the Lin family, is also a big family in the heavenly realm, and it is also the home of the endless elders!"

"Endless Elder?" Su Hang He had heard the name, and should be one of the seven elders, "So, this Qin Dong is also a three-virtual system?"

Yin Wuxing nodded his head, "Qin Dong's talent is good, at least above me, and also a leader among his peers, but he is covered by Lin Xuan's sharp edge. The last time he saw him, he had already reached the fifth grade, and later I heard that in order to prepare for the Wanjie Conference, the Qin family passed on the position of the head of the family to him, let him enter the Qin family forbidden land for 30 million years, and now he came out, but it is already so strong!"

Su Hang paused and smiled, "How about being strong, being strong has its own strong hand, hasn't it been beaten in the end?"

Yin Wucheng said, "I want to come, this Qin Dong should be used as a backup reserve for Lin Xuan. Now Lin Xuan has not appeared and has lost his qualifications. The seven elders must want to help Qin Dong in the first place. The opponent of the junior realm, but he didn't want to. He was not as good as the sky, and he even encountered a hidden master!"

"Oh, this is unlucky!"

Su Hang heard the words and couldn't help laughing. He looked up and looked at the mountain. The seven elders were sitting in front of the main hall.

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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