Super Study God

Chapter 2383: Forever forever!

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Those who didn't get promoted could not get promoted, and they should not be promoted, they did get promoted. This kind of thing can come across. It really doesn't help!

Xiao Yang said, "But I don't know what the girl's identity is. Although I was just a glimpse of her, I was afraid of its strength!"

Yin Wuzhen shook his head, "I haven't seen it, but there are countless worlds in the world, and there are countless masters, maybe it is under the door of the hermit masters. All of them are brought out!"

Su Hangdao, "His name is Chen Qing'er, and he is the daughter of the Queen of Yu's Destiny. As for strength, I heard that there are 30,000 realms!"

"Thirty Thousand Realms?"

As soon as Su Hang's words came out, both of them were startled, and their eyes were about to fall. Even Xiao Yang, who had always been calm, changed his face at the moment.

30,000 world, what does that mean? Yin Wushang's strength of only five hundred worlds could not imagine how the thirty thousand worlds existed.

"Surname Chen?" For a long time, Yin Wu hurt recovered, as if capturing some key points, turning his head to look at Su Hang.

Su Hang nodded slightly, obviously knowing what he was thinking.

Yin Wu hurt took a breath, and then smiled bitterly, "It seems that I am going to be eliminated in the next game. With this skill, I should not have played with these of you!"

Xiao Yang also smiled bitterly, "It seems that the ultimate winner of this Wanjie Conference should be between Brother Su and this girl!"

"Brother Xiao gave up so easily?" Su Hang asked.

Xiao Yang shook his head, "Thirty Thousand Realms is really beyond imagination. The huge gap in strength is not something else that can make up! However, Brother Su can be so calm, it must be that he believes that he has the power to fight it!"

It can be seen that Xiao Yang is telling the truth!

Su Hangdao, "It's hard to say, who knows whether there is any hidden power behind these people?"

After finishing talking, Su Hang looked back in the direction of Chen Qing'er, but Chen Qing'er also looked towards him. The two met each other and were a little embarrassed. Su Hang returned a polite smile.

Obviously, Chen Qing'er also noticed him. Chen Qing'er just ended the fight just now. I was afraid that he had also seen the fight with Chen Sen.

In any case, if the two can stick to the end, there will definitely be a battle. After all, there will only be one winner of the conference!


"The first final, the end!"

With the 1180th ring, two sophomore monks, after fighting for more than half an hour, finally tragically decided the victory and defeat, a bell on the top of the mountain, the first final has finally come out.

More than 4,000 people participated in this battle. Only one thousand people stayed in the waiting zone after a round of competition!

"Please Qin Tianbao Jian, the 2049 winners will win the second match!"

Without giving people a chance to breathe, there was a voice of nothingness from the mountain, and everyone in the waiting area quickly got up and went to the front of the mountain, waiting for the name brand to be drawn.

The rhythm is so fast, some contestants who have just stepped down from the trial have already been bitter. The key is such a contest. There are still two games today, which means that those who can finally sit on this waiting area seat, There will only be 500.

The game is very cruel. One game will determine the outcome, and luck will not play any role, because in the end, only one strongest player will appear. Even if this is a fluke, the next game will definitely be out.

The brand name of the previous game has been taken away after verifying the body and entering the ring.

Now, the second match is already waiting for them. Why do you say that, except for a few people such as Su Hang, I am afraid that everyone thinks that Qin Tian Bao Jian is really so fair.

The crowd stood at the stage again, and the number was reduced by half, leaving only 2,000 people.

"Brother Su, do you know if you have found a question?" In the array, Xiao Yang leaned beside Su Hang and whispered, "There are only 2048 people present, but the void elder said that there are 2049 people!"

Su Hang heard his brows slightly, but he didn't pay attention to these details.

"Perhaps it is wrong?" Yin Wu hurt, he did not pay attention, thinking about the game, who would be bored to count how many people are there!

Xiao Yang shook his head, "Wrong calculation? This is the Wanjie Conference, how could it be wrong? Although it is only one person's difference, but the knowledge among them is great!"

"Oh?" Yin Wuhao frowned!

Su Hangdao, "The match is a pair of pairs, and the number is singular, which means that one person will pass by, and the remaining 2048 people will compete..."

"2048?" Yin Wu's heart tightened, and his pupils shrank. "This number is a figure worth scrutinizing. The next game will be decided by 1024 people. With that bye, it will be singular again, and the next game will be 512. ……This……"

Su Hangdao, "That is to say, in this way, there will be one bye in every game until there are only three people left in the end!"

Xiao Yang said, "Actually, it's okay to fall bye. Since it's a competition, there will naturally be a bye, but this field bye is worth scrutinizing. There are a total of 4,097 people in this competition. I wonder if someone deliberately made up the numbers. A strange number!"

Yin Wu hurt his head and looked at the seven elders in front of the upper hall, his eyes looked a little playful, "If, in each of these by-passes, it is the same person, then it will be fun!"

Su Hang smiled, "I'm afraid that the seven elders and you thought about going to one place, and all the venues were in a row. This luck was reversible!"

Yin Wucheng said, "It seems that until the end, the seven elders are still reluctant to give up Lin Xuan. Is it possible that they thought Lin Xuan could not get out of the Heavenly Sin Pool? Bye bye, how dare they be so blatant?"

Xiao Yang shook his head and said, "If they had good luck with Lin Xuan, who would dare to question half a point?"

Yin Wushang heard the For a while, "It's really ridiculous!"

Su Hangdao, "Let him plot conspiracy and conspiracy, let's try to compare it, as for Lin Xuan, he can appear alive, it is more than a game, can not appear, these seven old guys use whatever means."

"Can't let them succeed!" Yin Wusheng gritted his teeth, almost thinking about it, and guessing what the Seventh Elders were doing. "Since the conspiracy was seen through, then..."

Speaking of which, Yin Wusheng laughed a little, and smiled a little yin.

"First of all, congratulations on your promotion, but don’t be too pretentious. Only five hundred people can continue to stand here today. The reality is cruel. Is it a smooth promotion or a stinky fish? Wait for creation..."

Nihility looked at the crowd and said high, "Now, come forward and receive the famous brand for the next game!"

"Void Elder!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the words of nothingness.

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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