Super Study God

Chapter 2390: Contest postponed!

At this moment, the endless elders stood up, looking down at Su Hang with their brows under their eyes, "Go to the waiting area and wait!"

Go to the war zone, it is a victory!

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curved a little, and arched his hand against the stage. Without a word, he turned to the waiting area!

Coming to the waiting area, as expected, Xiao Yang was already waiting there, and Su Hang also saw Pan Yu and others.

The strength of these people is basically smooth all the way, as long as the opponent is not particularly strong, they are solved at will, unlike Su Hang, they were arranged from the beginning.

Everyone was whispering about Zhang Tianjie just now, and Su Hang had to respect him as a man. He dared to fight the Seven Elders on this occasion, and one of them was his famous master.

Su Hang thought, this Zhang Tianjie, the background is not ordinary strong!

In the situation just now, Daozong Zong lost face, Di Zun, Zu Zun and others did not stop, and watching Sanxu and others make ugliness, one can imagine that the old man behind Zhang Tianjie is also afraid The unbelievable character may be the existence of one level with others like Zun Zun.

After all, Yang Mei and others just looked at it, biting respect, dignity, Hong Jun, these big brothers are inextricably related to Daozong Zong, they can't make sense if they don't do it.

Obviously, they all took care of, or rather, wanted to see the elders of the Seven Elders.

This matter also indirectly indicates the direction of the wind, and the seven elders seem to be no longer good!

"Congratulations on Brother Su's promotion!" Xiao Yang said first.

Su Hang shook his head, walked to Xiao Yang and sat down, "Almost overturned!"

Xiao Yang smiled, "Brother Su is too modest, I knew Zhang Tianjie was not your opponent!"

Su Hangdao, "It's really bloody. If he had left, he would still be able to make friends!"

Xiao Yang said, "The defeated men are also worthy of Brother Su?"

"Brother Xiao is bad!" Su Hang shook his head. "I'm not that kind of villain, so tell you, my friends never care whether he is strong or not, whether he is taller than me, anyway. None is stronger than me, nor taller than me!"


Xiao Yang heard that a black line appeared on his forehead, "Brother Su, you are really straightforward, but this is a good word. Looking around, on this battlefield, you can compare with Brother Su on the battlefield, I am afraid there are very few!"

"Brother Xiao, if you say that, I will be proud!" Su Hang smiled and looked up in front of the Cangtian Temple. "The nothingness hit Zhang Tianjie. It should have been a serious injury. Today's third battle is afraid. It can’t be done!"

Xiao Yang paused and glanced at the Cangtian Temple without saying much.

The two chatted for more than half an hour, and the second battle was considered to be completely over. On the 1023 ring, 1023 winners were decided, plus a bye, a total of 1024 people were promoted, which is regarded as a thousand in this competition. Strong!

Su Hang didn't make any mistakes. Just as the top one thousand fists were preparing for the next top 500 battle, the elders of the seven elders did not come out to announce the third battle, nor did they invite Qin Tian Bao Jian!

This makes many people feel uneasy. In this third game, are they still playing? Even if you don’t fight, someone has to speak out!

When there was some turmoil, the elders of the void stood up and hit the air with a blow in their hands, making a crisp sound, making the audience quiet. "You, because some accidents occurred on the way to the competition, in order to maintain the fairness and justice of the conference, the elders It will be decided by the research that today’s third competition will be postponed temporarily. You can temporarily go back to the rest room to rest. After three days, restart the conference and then conduct the top 500 competition. You can also seize the three days and restore your status. , Lay a good foundation for the subsequent comparison..."

"Brother Su, it seems that you were really told!"

Below, Xiao Yang smiled bitterly. Today, the top 500 was decided, but I didn't expect to stop here. I must know that there is still a lot of time at this time.

And there is no day and night in the chaos. Even if you have been working hard, no one will say anything. After all, the winner is the fittest, and the last one is the strong. No one can find words.

Three days of intermission, this adds a lot of variables, said to be fair for the competition, but for some people, it is a bit unfair!

Some people have good luck. The first two games were soft persimmons, and the third game was waiting for work, but some people worked hard all the way down. It was already the end of the crossbow. These two types of people met, and those who waited for work had a great chance of promotion. The top 500, but if you let a few days off, everyone recovers, the result is not necessarily!

So, when I learned that the third game was postponed, there were complaints in the waiting area, and some were ecstatic, but in any case, several super elders said that postponement, no one had the right to refute .

The nothingness is afraid to heal the wounds. After the words of the void are finished, the seven elders will disperse themselves. Chuangjie Mountain is temporarily in the chaotic world. Wait three days to continue this time!

At the end of the first day of the World Assembly, everyone still had some intentions. However, the Qiang Qiang has come out, and the subsequent test will undoubtedly be more exciting. Everyone is full of expectations for the game after three days.



Su Hang walked out of the stadium, Su Xi ran over first, it seemed a little excited.

"Don't run so fast, what should you do if you fall?" Su Hang said with a smile.

Su Xi said, "I'm also a master of Jindan Realm, and I'm not a three-year-old kid. I haven't heard of running and wrestling!"

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "It's only you who can say this on Chuangjie Mountain!"

Nowadays, this powerful mountain on the world of creation is like a cloud, and Jindan Realm can be called a master, which is too funny.

"Brother, you are great, so many people are competing, the most exciting game you played with Chen Sen!" Su Xi said with a little excitement.

Su Hang shook his head, there is a little fan, I feel pretty good!

"Where and where is it, from small to Have you seen your brother who lost in a fight?" Su Hang laughed.

Su Xi nodded again and again and hugged Su Hang's arm, "My brother is the most powerful, brother, you must persevere, strive to win the first place, and raise our eyebrows to our Su family!"

"Just your little devil!" Su Hang reached out and knocked on Su Xi's head.

At this time, Yin Yuer came over.

Su Hang looked at her, and Yin Yuer said, "My father asked you to go to the Pearl Everest!"

Su Hang paused and nodded slightly. The old man, Yin Yu'er, was afraid that there was nothing to be trained!

"There are so many people on the mountain, don't run around, go back to your master!" Su Hang patted Su Xi's shoulder and sent Su Xi back to Zhong Yufeng first. Then he and Yin Yu'er went slowly to the Pearl Everest.


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