Super Study God

Chapter 2391: Tian Xuanshan was stolen!

On the Mount of Pearl, Yin Tianfeng and Chen Yunna were waiting in the main hall, Chen Sen was there, and Yin Tianfeng seemed to be comforting.

Su Hang walked in, saw Chen Sen, and nodded his head. It was a courtesy, and Yin Tianfeng was a little displeased on his face. "Frustrating, there is no idea of ​​time!"

Su Hang just smiled and walked over to sit next to Chen Sen. "I don't know if Lord Cheng Yin is looking for me. What can I do to advise?"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words and frowned, thinking that this kid was too rude, did he talk to the future elders?

I was beaten once by Su Hang before. Although Yin Tianfeng was unhappy, he endured it!

Damn, wait for you to marry my daughter and see how I can clean you up!

Beside, Chen Yuna said, "I'm calling you over today, and there is nothing else. I just want you to give us an explanation. After this retreat, what level of strength did you reach? At this World Congress, you How sure is it?"

Chen Chenna's words, but to be much softer, at least not like Yin Tianfeng carrying a shelf.

Su Hang listened and said, "To be sure, I said ten percent, and you certainly won't believe it. There are many variables in this conference. There are also many hidden masters, a few known, except Brother Chen. In addition, the rest have not dealt with, so you ask me to grasp, I can only say, try your best, now the words are too full, in case there is any accident, wouldn’t it be embarrassing?"

"You're straightforward!" Yin Tianfeng shook his head. "If you don't have a heart, we will have no heart. In the next three days, the seven old guys will definitely plan again. If there is no accident, take In the next few games, they will still give you a strong opponent and take the route of consumption. You have to reach the finals all the way. Without absolute strength, it is almost impossible!"

Su Hang nodded, "I understand the truth, but there is no way, the rules are formulated by the seven elders, and now I can only accept it. The soldiers will cover the water and cover the earth.

Yin Tianfeng slightly bowed his head, listening to Su Hang’s words, he had to get a little bit better. “In today’s battle, Qin Dong was eliminated first, and then Zhang Tianjie returned. I won a game, but you can’t be proud of it. You are not fighting on your behalf now. If you lose the battle and let the Seven Elders come to power again, many people will die with you. Including my Yin family..."

Su Hang heard the chills, how could it feel like a livelihood meeting before the college entrance examination?

Next to Chen Yunna said to Yin Tianfeng, "You must not put too much pressure on him!"

Turning to Suhang, "Just do your best!"

Su Hang nodded or listened to her mother-in-law's speech. The Yin family pressed the chips on themselves this time, and it was tough against the elders of the Seventh Mountain of the Chuangjie Mountain. Su Hang did not believe that Yin Tianfeng's cautious character would not give Yin family Want to retreat?

"You have something in your heart about the competition. Now, I have something to ask you!" At this time, Yin Tianfeng turned around and seemed to have something to say.

Su Hang suddenly felt that the eyes of some people were a little wrong. Instead, he looked at Yin Yu'er and thought to himself, wouldn't it be time to talk to him about marriage?

"I don't know what happened?" Su Hang asked.

Yin Tianfeng took a deep breath and said, "Three days ago, Tian Xuanshan was stolen, but is it related to you?"

"Tianxuan Mountain was stolen?" Su Hang froze for a moment. Tianxuan Mountain was the family land of the Lin family. Was the Lin family stolen?

Yin Tianfeng frowned and looked at Su Hang in question. "Don't tell me, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Su Hang is indeed a face of dumbfounding, "I don't know what you are talking about, what happened to the Lin family, what happened?"

Yin Tianfeng took a deep breath, but the doubts on his face did not subside.

Chen Nuona said, "We also just got the news that someone attacked Tianxuan Mountain with filthy gas. Three days ago, a huge filthy gas exploded in Tianxuan Mountain, and the filthy gas covered Tianxuan Mountain instantly. The ancestors used the Lin Family’s merit pool to suppress the runaway filth. It is said that now on Tianxuan Mountain, there are smells everywhere..."

Su Hang heard that his face twitched slightly.

Filthy? This……

Yin Tianfeng looked at Su Hang, "Only you have entered the Promise of Wuji, I can think of it. It is only you who may use the foul gas to attack. Only you, and, the Lin family has grievances with you. Japan, who can launch this attack, you are the most suspected!"

Su Hang regained his mind for a long time, and some could not laugh or cry, "I feel a little funny, why do I suspect the most? To be honest, I really did not do this!"

Yin Tianfeng said, "Lin Shouye should have received the news. He should rush back to Tianxuan Mountain at this time. Whether this matter was done by you or not, we can think of you, and others can think of you as well. On my body, if someone borrows a question to trouble you, Su Hang, I can remind you that you can’t admit it even if you kill it, even if you know who did it, you can’t say it, you have to bear in mind that you don’t know anything about it As far as I know, nothing about this matter has anything to do with you..."

Su Hang heard that he nodded slightly and attacked Lin's residence. This was a big deal. At this stall, if someone used this to splash dirty water on Su Hang, it would be nice to say that, but if he was disqualified from participating in Su Hang ,that……

Although Suhang probably knows who did, if it is said, there will be implication.

At this moment, Chen Yunna looked at Su Hang, "Su Hang, if it's not you, do you know who did it?"

Su Hang shook his head calmly, "I don't know. Although I entered the Promise of Wuji, and I have some old grievances with the Lin family, I will never use such a mean method."

Chen Yuna nodded her head. Su Hang could understand the importance. Although she did not know whether Su Hang was really unaware, she was not interested in knowing.

"If you don't expect it, after a while, someone will come to you and ask for guilt. Those old guys will never let this good opportunity for you out!" Yin Tianfeng said.

"These old guys are too bad!" At this time, Chen Sen was a little uncomfortable. "It's just a little skill, and so arrogant all day long. Really consider yourself as the master of the world?"

To be honest, Chen Sen was a little depressed. Before that, he was very eager to compete with the Soviet Airways. The Wanjie Conference also arranged for him to compete with the Soviet Airways in the first game. Although he lost, he lost. He was convinced to take it by mouth, but this competition made him feel like he was overcast!

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