Super Study God

Chapter 2392: condemn!

In other words, he was arranged by those old guys. This feeling of being used as a stopper would not be comfortable for anyone!

However, compared with Chen Sen, Yin Wucheng is the most depressed. It is a waste of opportunity and abandonment of the game. He thought that he broke the seven elders’ game, but he didn’t want the seven elders to take him easily. The game is broken!

After being scolded by Yin Tianfeng, Yin Wuxing now does not know where to go to autism!


"The disciples have no flowers, see Uncle Yin and Uncle Chen!"

At this time, an old man with white hair and white whiskers wearing a kimono and holding a whisk came in, and the man rushed in without notice.

This act was very impolite, but the man seemed to be very polite. When he entered the door, he bowed to Yin Tianfeng and Chen Kunna.

Yin Tianfeng frowned, and then smiled, "It turns out to be the nephew of the flowerless master, what do I do at the Mount Everest?"

The man was respectful and respectful, "At the order of the Master, I would like to invite this Su Hang Taoist to take a trip to Cangtian Temple!"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words and looked at Su Hang next to him. His eyes seemed to be telling Su Hang.

"Oh?" Yin Tianfeng paused and pointed to Suhang. "People are here, please please!"

The man paid a respectful greeting to Yin Tianfeng, and then turned to Su Hang, "Su Hang Dao friends, please!"

Su Hang knew that the comer was not good, and took a sip of the tea cup at hand. "If you say please, please, then am I not ashamed?"

"Uh, this..."

The person was obviously stagnant, but this person paid great attention to the work of the facade. Although he was angry, he still pretended to be very calm. When he said, "It’s not that the poor invites each other, but that the poor respect the ancestors. Fate, please invite Su Hangdao friends to move to the Heaven Temple..."

"Who is your ancestor?" Su Hang asked directly.

"Shi Zu Na is the elder of the Void Peak and Void!" The humane said, obviously, with a bit of pride.

It turned out to be a nihilistic disciple, a disciple without words!

Su Hang suddenly looked like, "Void Elder? But in front of the Heavenly Temple today, the Void Elder who was vomited blood by that Zhang Tianjie's move?"

The man heard something, his face was a little embarrassed, but the people next to him smiled.

Su Hang is a man who deliberately deliberately exposes people and is spitting blood. It was a very embarrassing thing, but it was so emphasized by you. I don’t know what it means to be hard and not to be dismantled. Thur, where to put an old face?

Wu Huadao's face changed and changed, and finally nodded awkwardly.

Su Hang's mouth raised a smile, "Is the Elder Void seriously injured?"

The Wuhua Taoist laughed aloud and diverted the topic, saying, "It's not serious. Shizu asked the poor Dao to invite Su Daoyou, and also invited Daoyou to move!"

Su Hang shook his head and said, "You go back and tell nothing, I have nothing to say to him, let him take care of his wounds, I'm a little tired today, I don't want to move around!"

The Wuhua Taoist heard that a black thread was hung on his forehead. "Seniors such as Zun Zun and Di Zun are waiting in the Cangtian Temple. Su Daoyou is better to take a trip, so as not to be displeased when the seniors feel unhappy. If you blame it, you and I can't afford it!"


Su Hang heard the words and chuckled, "Are you using the names of those predecessors to press me?"

"Dare not!"

The Wuhua Taoist bowed, a humble look, but anyone can tell that this guy is not honest.

"Go!" At this time, Yin Tianfeng said, "It's a blessing, not a curse, a curse can't be avoided, but hiding can't solve the problem. Instead, it will fall into disregard, and it's all harm and no benefit. ..."

Su Hang paused, his brow furrowed softly, and glanced at the Wu Hua Taoist, "Well, I'm going to see, these old guys, what a great feast for me. !"

Speaking of getting up, leaving the Everest together in the triumphant smile of the Wuhua Taoist!


"The Su Hang Daoyou don't ask Shizu what are they doing to you?"

All the way to the Cangtian Temple, the Wuhua Taoist asked quite a bit to Su Hang.

Su Hang heard it and smiled, "If you have any questions, Sanxu will find me, and naturally it will not be a good thing!"

The Wuhua Taoist paused for a moment and looked at the towering hall door in front of him, "Sue Hang Daoist, I hope you will be able to smile after a while!"

"Oh, if I laughed, you would cry to me!"

Su Hang dropped the next sentence, and did not wait for the reaction of the non-Hua Taoist, he directly raised his legs and entered the hall with his head upright!

The non-Huadao people were all cold-faced, apparently very unhappy with the attitude of Su Hang before, and at the moment they seemed to curse Su Hang.

There are many people in Cangtian Temple.

As soon as Su Hang entered the door, he felt that there were more than a dozen eyes focused on him, less of which was full of hostility, and some even felt hatred.

Looking up, the whole hall is very vast. Dozens of golden pillars engraved with inscriptions support the hall. The carpet of golden and red junctions extends from the door to the high level of the patriarch throne deep in the hall.

The golden trembling throne hangs above the high ranks. Although empty and empty, no one is sitting on it, but that kind of supremacy, supreme supremacy, is overriding the whole hall.

There is the center of the entire world of heaven and earth. The rights of the world of heaven and earth are gathered in this chair. The reason why this world conference will attract so many masters and such a big momentum is also the same. For this chair.

It represents the supremacy, the pinnacle of rights!

On both sides of the hall, there are two rows of chairs, which are full of people, about a dozen.

Su Hang glanced. On the left, he was sitting on Di Zun, Zu Zun, Yang Mei, Hong Jun and other big brothers, while on the right was Dao Zong Nine Super Elders, who could not help but have San Xu and others, along with Yuan Ling and Hong Meng~www. At the very end of the right, Lin Shouye is sitting, and next to Lin Shouye, there is a middle-aged man who has never been seen by Su Hang.

Su Hang did not look closely, and set his sights on Lin Shouye. Seeing Lin Shouye's fierce face, Su Hang faintly believed the words of Yin Tianfeng and Chen Kunna before. The Lin family was afraid that they had actually been stolen. Find yourself in trouble!

This Lin Shouye, the speed is very fast, just a little while, have already gone back to Tianxuan Mountain to take a trip?

It was really a bit of pressure to be watched by a group of big brothers. If you come in for another person, I am afraid that the kneeling that has collapsed at the moment is shaking on the ground!

But Su Hang was not an ordinary person. He walked in with a big swing, looked around, and laughed, "I heard that the Elder Void is looking for me, but I don't want to have so many people. Am I not coming at the right time? Or should I wait for a while? ?"


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