Super Study God

Chapter 2399: Quite crazy!

"Don't be so sure!" Chen Jie shook his head. "Even if this matter was really what he did, but there is no way to testify against Zun Zun, you and I can't take him back. Let's go back and find good evidence. Perhaps, he is innocent! "

Lin Shouye looked at Chen Jie, "Five younger brothers, you saw that just now, so many dirty beads are not him. I really can't think of anyone else. He has the ability and motivation. The fifth younger brother, do you think it will be him?"

Chen Jie sighed, "It's true that even if it's not him, I'm afraid I can't get rid of him. At least, he should know who it is?"

Lin Shouye paused, the expression on his face was a little complicated!

Chen Jie said, "However, this is just a guess for you and me. There is no evidence. It's just empty-mouthed. I can feel that his skill is only afraid of me. I can't move him!"

"Still on you?" Lin Shouye was shocked!

You know, although Chen Jie and his peers, but his strength is absolutely crushed him, as the fifth son of Cang Tian, ​​has long arrived in the quasi-king realm, the skill is unfathomable, enough to let him look up, but Chen Jie actually said It's not as good as the boy from Su Hang. How strong is that boy?

It's no wonder that Chen Jie didn't do it, it turned out that he had such concerns.

Chen Jie said, "Will go, Tianxuan Mountain needs you, and Sanjie needs you..."

"But..." Lin Shouye was very unwilling!

Chen Jie said, "After going back, let my sister go back to Langhuan Mountain. If you can find the aunt to ask for the Xuanyuan Mirror, you may be able to show the murderer who attacked Tianxuan Mountain. When there is evidence, it is not too late to investigate who is the murderer. !"

Lin Shouye took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, suppressing the unwillingness and anger in his heart, "Five brother, what about you!"

Chen Jiedao said, "I will stay with you, I will not dare to stay, and, this time, I have a little mission..."

Lin Shouye nodded slightly, "Then he said goodbye to his brother. My son Lin Xuan is still in the pool of heaven and sin. I don't know life or death. If I can, please ask my five brothers to help me!"

Chen Jie nodded, Lin Shouye bowed his hands and said goodbye, flying into chaos.



In the Hall of Heaven, a farce came to an end, and it came out with great force. It failed to condemn Su Hang, but in the end, it was generally humiliated, especially the three emptiness. Perhaps I didn’t even dream about it. Actually suffered from a meal of flesh.

This is power. Whoever has a big fist is justified. The monastic world has always been like this. Today, if Su Hang does not have that ability, he can't control them. I'm afraid he has already been convicted and blamed!

Faceless and skinless, after Lin Shouye left, several elders hurriedly left, leaving Su Hang and Di Zun and others in the entire Cangtian Temple.

"Little guy, it's crazy!" At this time, Zun Zun said lightly.

Su Hang heard the words and smiled, "It's not that I'm mad and unjustly wronged. It's really angry. If it weren't for you here, with my temper, I would have beaten these out of Chuangjie Mountain!"

At this time, Yang Mei said, "Can you tell the truth now, is it true that Tianxuan Mountain has nothing to do with you?"

Su Hang heard the words and smiled bitterly, "Did Zun Zun already testify for me? I was in Chuangjie Mountain that day. How could I go to Tianxuan Mountain to commit murder?"

Zun Zun said, "Although you are in Chuangjie Mountain, it is impossible for me to stare at you all the time. Besides, there are many people on the mountain in those days, and God knows where you have been..."

"What's more, to do this, for you, you don't have to kiss Tianxuan Mountain!" Chaos said beside.

Su Hang sweated, "Then I still can't tell? So, do you think it's me?"

At this time, Hong Jun said, "This matter, Di Zun Tao You should know the best!"

Saying that, turning to Di Zun, Di Zun is the highest among them, and the only strong person who thinks of the realm of King Realm, wouldn't know the ins and outs of this matter.

Di Zun heard the words and stared at Su Hang for a while, then shook his head and said, "It's not clear, it's not clear, I'm getting old, my old eyes are dizzy!"

Everyone shook their heads.

Zun Dao said, "It seems that Di Zun didn't want to be involved in causality, and it was difficult to open the golden mouth, but the Lin family was sheltered by Dao Dao Sect. This matter is very bad, and it must be a statement. Moreover, the Chen family does not lack means to find out the cause and effect, Little one, if it’s not your best, don’t blame me if you prove this one day!”

Su Hang nodded, "Understood, I'm doing right, sitting upright, I've never done it, I've never done it, don't be afraid!"

"Then who do you know?" Chaos asked.

Su Hang shrugged, "I am a reasonable person, and I will not arbitrarily identify others without any evidence in order to get rid of the suspicion. That is a villain's act. How is it different from the Lin family head? Whoever he did , Nothing to do with me, I just want to be a quiet beautiful man!"

Several people looked at each other, all shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and several big brothers knew that this matter, even if it was not done by Su Hang, I was afraid that they could not get rid of the relationship with this kid. The key is just how many relationships there are.

But he refused to say that no one could take him for nothing. After all, it was only a matter of the Lin family. The big brothers among them were obliged to pursue, but the obligations were only obligations.

After coming out of the Cangtian Temple, Su Hang hesitated and went to the Pearl Everest. He has lived at the Thumb Peak for the past few days, but when he went out of the Lin family, he was afraid that Zun Zun would ask him to ask east and west. The Lin family's affairs broke his mood.

To be honest, the Lin family had something wrong in his heart, but he did have something to do with it, but he really did not do it. If he wanted to engage in the Lin family, it would definitely be a fair deal, and it would not make this kind of spooky means.

However, who was doing this, Su Hang was already selected in his mind, but he didn’t want to say Because this person had something to do with him, once he said it, he was caught and proved to be him After he did it, he couldn't escape the relationship.

Therefore, one more thing is worse than one less, this kind of thing that finds things for yourself, Suhang will not do it, he will not be so stupid.

But no matter what, Su Hang was still a little depressed in his heart, and felt like he was pitted by pig teammates.

I hope he is careful in his work and will not be pulled out, otherwise he will be implicated in himself.

Just now in the Cangtian Temple, Su Hang had clearly felt that the old men were suspicious of himself. He even believed that Di Zun must know the cause and effect before and after the incident, why he did not disclose it, perhaps as Hong Jun said, he did not want to be involved in cause and effect and cause trouble .

However, Zun Zun also said that the Chen family does not lack means, if it really finds something...

In any case, this matter, Su Hang is going to seal up, no matter who asks, he always asks three questions.

Dirty Pearl, he only gave it to one person, that is Tugu Liugong!

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