Super Study God

Chapter 2400: Friends stay!

At that time, Tuliugong was given dirty beads, and Su Hang wanted Tuliugong to use it on Lin Shouye.

If Su Hang is suspected, and Tu Liugong is also suspected, and the suspicion is even greater, then the old guy turned to Tianxuan Mountain instead of attacking Lin Shouye because of love and hatred. The details of the Tujia family, it is not difficult to erase the traces of the attack on the Lin family!

Almost immediately after learning this news, Su Hang didn't think of Tu Liugong. From the moment he came out of Cangtian Temple, Su Hang was still hesitating whether to ask Tu Liugong for confirmation, but if he thought about it carefully, he couldn't. .

If it’s not Tu Liugong, it doesn’t make sense to find him. If it’s him, it makes people find flaws. At that time, he will be charged with conspiracy.

The top priority is to end the Wanjie Conference and replace Cang Tian as the Dao Patriarch. By then, he will have more say. As the loser of the Lin family, no one will go back to care about his life and death.


Su Hang shook his head, if it was really pitted by Tugiu Gong, then he had to get to know this guy again!

Coming to Pearl Everest, I believe that both Yin Tianfeng and Chen Yunna are waiting for his news. When they came to the hall, Su Hang heard the voice of conversation from inside, and Yin Tianfeng laughed from time to time.

He walked up and walked in, and a figure came into his eyes. At this time, the people in the temple also felt his arrival, and turned their heads to look at the door.

When Su Hang saw the man turning his head, he frowned slightly. This person was none other than the fifth son of Cangtian, who had just met in the Cangtian Temple, Chen Jie!

"Come here, let me introduce you to this, this is the beloved son of a real person who respects the heavens. Chen's old five is Chen Jie. Talking about seniority, you and Yu'er have to call Uncle Chen!" Yin Tianfeng pointed directly at Su. Hang beckoned.

This Yin Tianfeng also had a big face. Before the outsiders, he began to pretend to have a big head, just like a leader of the Suhang old man.

In other words, who can be without vanity?

Su Hang walked over and looked at Chen Jie. "There is no need to introduce it. I just saw it in Cangtian Temple!"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words and paused. This guy didn't understand too much. Give me a face, and call Uncle Chen will die?

Face is not earned, but embarrassing!

Chen Jie smiled indifferently, and turned to Yin Tianfeng, "Brother Yin, your future son-in-law, this skill is really not small. Just now in the Cangtian Temple, I was waiting for the seniors in the presence of the earth, but I beat the elders of the three virtuals. Fearless, terrible!


After hearing this, Yin Tianfeng felt a little ecstatic in his heart, but he certainly would not show it on his face. He said right away, "The younger brother did not know that this kid came out of the Xuanhuang Realm. Come, even I dare to beat, not to hide from you, I was beaten only once by him not long ago, and the injuries I haven't recovered completely at this moment!"

With that, Yin Tianfeng pointed to the side and motioned for Su Hang to sit down next to it.

This is quite a bit self-deprecating and teasing, but it is actually justifying Suhang. Su Hang’s temper is like this.

He was a little bit looking forward to what Su Hang did to beat Sanxu. He had to say that Suhang did a pretty good job. If he could do Sanxu, and if it was him, he would definitely beat it. Several old guys are upset!

Chen Jie only smiled for a while, "Brother need not be so excited, I am not malicious to him!"

"Oh?" Su Hang looked at Chen Jie, "I thought, Your Excellency is waiting here, ready to trouble me next?"

As soon as Su Hang's words came out, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward. Just as Yin Tianfeng was about to make a round, Chen Jie leaned forward slightly, facing Su Hangdao, "If I want to trouble you, are you afraid? ?"

Su Hang heard the words and gave a slight pause, then said, "The world knows that your Chen family is powerful and no one can afford it. However, I take care of this matter. I will not be afraid of stabbing the sky!"

When he said this, Su Hang felt a little guilty in his heart, because in case this matter was done by Tsiu Liu Gong, he must be responsible for investigating it.

Chen Jie smiled and said, "Since you are not afraid that I will find you in trouble, then my existence poses a threat to you. You can rest assured, I come to Mount Everest, just to find brothers and sister-in-law to reminisce the old, no other intention !"

Su Hang paused for a moment and looked at Chen Jie, "Since nothing happened to me, I won't disturb your narrative!"

"Little friends stay!"

Just as Su Hang was about to go, Chen Jie shouted and stopped Su Hang.

Su Hang frowned softly, "What else can you tell me?"

Chen Jie shook his head, "Where did the little friend settle down, I will look for you in a moment, I have something to discuss with you!"

Su Hang heard that he was a little bit stunned, staring at Chen Jie for a long time, "Thumb Peak!"

After listening, Chen Jie hesitated and said, "Xiaoyou still don't want to go back to Thumb Peak, just here at Mount Everest. After a while, I'll go find you!"

At this time, Yin Tianfeng looked at Chen Jie and then to Su Hang, "Go find Yu'er, and rest at the Pearl Everest tonight!"

Although he didn't know what Chen Jie was looking for for Su Hang, he could see that it was not too good.

Su Hang nodded slightly, turned around and walked out, but he was muttering in his heart. What did Chen Jie want to discuss with him?

It is obviously not a glorious thing to prevent Su Hang from going to the Thumb Peak, because he is afraid of being known by Bitun.



Listen to Yuxuan!

Yin Yu'er's courtyard, an exquisite small courtyard, can have his own courtyard in a place like Chuangjie Mountain, which is already a symbol of identity.

Yin Yuer rarely comes here, and the dressing of the small courtyard is not so dedicated, but it is everything.

Seeing Su Hang, Yin Yu'er first asked about the Cangtian Temple, and Su Hang made a haha ​​to cover up the past.

In front of the door, Yin Yuer snuggled in the arms of Su Hang, "You have offended Elder Sanxu this In the next competition, you may not know how to calculate you, and I cannot help you. , I just hope you are careful!"

Su Hang nodded, "The old men, but Er, in my eyes, there are only a few clowns who jumped on the beam and kept their lives, just because it is not the time, otherwise, they would have been killed 800 times! "

Yin Yu'er said, "You must not be careless. The winner is the one who can laugh till the end. You must not underestimate the seven elders. They have been in high positions for many years in Daozongzong. The means must be indispensable. I am afraid of your carelessness. Conspiracy by them!"

Su Hang stroked Yin Yu'er's hair. "Conspiracy is a conspiracy. Now, I am worried about someone!"

"Who?" Yin Yu'er looked up at Su Hang.

"Chen Jie!" Su Hang spit out the name, "Cang Tian's five sons, this person is a little deep, making me feel a little uneasy!"


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