Super Study God

Chapter 2431: Panyu comes to your door!

The top 16 has been decided, and the next promotion rules have been announced. According to the rules of the previous World Congress, after entering the top 16, the next test rules will be different from the previous ones.

Two days later, the top 16 made it to the top 4 and adopted the defensive mode, with a time limit of two hours. The last 4 people standing on the ring are the top four in the competition!

Because of today's battle, everyone consumes a lot, and many of them are injured. So Zongmen gave everyone a two-day buffer time.



Since the appearance of Chen Jie, Yin Tianfeng has not come to Suhang. Everything is conveyed through Yin Yu'er. The attitude of the Yin family towards Su Hang has become so ambiguous.

However, Su Hang didn't care, and he didn't expect the Yin family to help him. If it weren't for Yin Yu'er and Yin Wu's injury, he was too lazy to take care of Yin Tianfeng.

In the small courtyard, Yin Yuer took a broom and gently swept the fallen leaves in the courtyard. Yin Wushang and Xiao Yang sat at the stone table near the tree and chatted.

At this time, two people came outside, first of all a white young man in white, followed by a small old man with small nose and small eyes.

The two came to the door of the courtyard and stopped, and the little old man hurried forward.

"Tortoise is old, how come I have time to come to Everest?" Yin Yuer looked at the little old man in front of him with some doubts. This little old man was no one else.

"Yo, old turtle? What wind is blowing you?"

At this time, Yin Wu injury also stood up and walked to the door. He looked at Hu Bugui unexpectedly, and then looked at the young man in white who was standing far away, and seemed to understand something.

Quickly led the two into the hospital, the two were not polite, walked into the small courtyard.

Hu Bugui laughed aloud, "Is Su Hang here? My young master wants to see him and talks about something!"

The young man in white walked into the small courtyard, looked around left and right, his eyes fell on Xiao Yang's body, nodded and smiled, "So Brother Xiao is also here!"

With that said, he arched his hand at Xiao Yang in a different way!

The two apparently knew each other. Xiao Yang rolled his eyes and got up to salute, "It turns out to be Pan Brother!"

At this time, Hu Bugui poke Yin Yin, "Ask you!"

Yin Wu hurt recovered, and paused and said, "I am here, but it is not convenient to meditate and practice in the house!"

Hu Bugui heard the words and was a little displeased. "My young master has something to look for him. Hurry and call him out!"

"Uh..." Yin Wuzheng was stagnant, and his face was embarrassed, a bit embarrassed!

At this time, Yin Yuer came with the broom and looked at the young man in white, "Brother Su is retreating. What's wrong with Pan Girl, you can tell me, I can help you convey it!"


Pan Yuzheng picked up the tea on the stone table and took a sip, but didn't want to. Yin Yuer said the girl Pan directly and let her spray the tea out.

Xiao Yang hid fast enough before he was sprayed.

"What do you call me?" Pan Yu turned to Yin Yu'er, looking a little surprised.

Yin Yu'er smiled and walked over to the table and sat down, "How can a man be so fragrant? If I don't have such eyesight, can I still be a woman?"

After finishing speaking, he sniffed at Panyu, "The so-called smelling people knows people, although you deliberately cover up, but you can smell it, it is a beauty!"

Pan Yu heard that there was obviously a trace of panic in his eyes.

"Hahaha..." At this time, Xiao Yang laughed.

Pan Yuteng stood up, "Since Su Hang is not here, wait for him to come out!"

As if he couldn't stay here again, Pan Yu quickly called on Hu Bugui, and quickly left the courtyard, quite a bit meaningless to escape.

Xiao Yang already smiled and couldn't close his mouth. Yin Wuzheng retracted his gaze and shook his head. "It turns out to be a woman, so I said, how come I feel weird!"

Xiao Yang said, "This Panyu likes to pretend to be manly. I really thought that few of them can be seen. The sky is not afraid, but today she was run away by a few words from Yin girl, ha ha, funny, funny!"

Yin Yu'er shook his head and smiled.

"Brother Xiao knew her?" Yin Wu hurt asked.

Xiao Yang nodded slightly, "Let's know, old acquaintance, once his father wanted to marry her..."

Yin Wushang heard the words, and there were some accidents. The gossip heart was lifted up. "It turns out that there is such a story, talented and beautiful lady. Brother Xiao is really enviable, envious!"

Xiao Yang rolled his eyes immediately, "I recognize the genius, but where does the word "beauty" start? I can't stop her anyway, and she can't look down on me like a weak and weak student, anyway, the two of us are together It’s not pleasing to the eye, so it’s too early, and we can only be ordinary friends!”

"Brother Xiao is so calm?" Yin Wuxing smiled. "But I also think that this girl did shoot violently. If Brother Xiao combined with him, he should be subjected to frequent violence!"

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly, "She likes the strong, and I think Brother Su should be very happy with her!"


At this time, a broom was thrown over, and the two looked back, but Yin Yuer looked at them with a black face.

Knowing that he was wrong, Xiao Yang quickly apologized.

Yin Yu'er gave the two a blank look, "This Panyu, for no reason, will come to Suhang when he hears?"

Xiao Yang heard the words and smiled, turning his head to look at Yin Wu hurt.

Yin Wuxing smiled, "Maybe it's because of the fierceness of the eldest brother. He came to confess to him!"

Before he had finished speaking, Yin Yu'er's fist had already greeted him, "You men, there is no serious man!"

Yin Wu hurt to avoid it with a smile, Xiao Yang said next to him, "Pan Yu is here, I think, should I be looking for the Brother Brother Su?"

"Alliance?" Yin Yu'er frowned slightly!

Yin to the practice of the previous Wanjie Conference, the competition two days later is the defensive competition. Of the 16 people, the last four who stayed on the stage and advanced to the semi-finals have arrived in the past. At this stage, the top 16 will start to hold a group. With insufficient personal strength, you can find a strong team together. Anyway, as long as you can stay on the stage at the end, you will not be attacked! "

Yin Yu'er thought for a while and said, "So, Pan Yu wanted to form a pair with Su Hang, so that in the next game, more chances of winning!"

"Perhaps it's not just Brother Su!" Xiao Yang smiled. "If it's me, I will find someone to form a team, join the four strong men, and defend the ring as a golden soup. Look, Su. Brother did so well in the previous battle, there are definitely more than one who came to him!"

Yin Wuxing shook his head, "With my brother's temperament, I'm afraid it's hard to go to alliance with anyone!"

Xiao Yang smiled. "Of course he can do it alone, but he can't stop others from forming a team. When the time comes, he will pick four or more, and he will lose a little!"

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