Super Study God

Chapter 2432: Above Chaos!

Four out of one?

Both Yin Yu'er smiled bitterly. Did you enter the top 64 before? At that time, Su Hang was able to single out 15 masters, but now, the top 16 players in the top 16, pick four, do you have that skill?

"Why don't you let Su Hang come out now? What else are you practicing? If you can join hands with Panyu, they will definitely have a better chance of winning the next game!" Yin Yuer said.

"Yes!" Yin Wuliang looked at Xiao Yang, "Brother Xiao, don't you say that you also know Nan Yusheng, the apprentice of the deity? Call her together and join forces..."

Xiao Yang waved his hand and interrupted Yin Wucheng's words, "Brother Su will never think of this. If he thinks it is necessary, he will definitely come out. Let's stop worrying about it. Brother Su has his own opinion!"

As soon as Xiao Yang's remark came out, both Yin Yuer had nothing to say. Xiao Yang was right. In this game mode, can Su Hang think of this level?

It's just that when looking for someone to join the alliance, Baili is harmless. They are afraid that the Soviet airlines will come out late, and everyone else will finish the alliance. At that time, you still want to jump in and get in. That would be too late.

Everyone is in an alliance. If you don't have an alliance, wouldn't it be a heads-up?

However, anxious can only hurry, Su Hang meditated in the house, reminded them before, do not let anyone disturb.

This has to make people guess, is Su Hang intentional, does he really want to go it alone? So I hide, and I don’t see anyone. It’s just that it’s too difficult to do it alone!

This guy is always so confident!


Sure enough, as Xiao Yang expected, there were several people who came to the summit of Mount Everest throughout the afternoon. Among them, there are today's top 16 and spokespersons for these forces.

The purpose, although there are a few unspecified, but the fool can think of it, it must be from the Soviet Airline Alliance, and holding the group with the strong to ensure the qualifying.

After all, 16 into 4 means that after a battle, 12 people will be eliminated, too cruel!

It's a pity that no matter who comes and how many people come from Suhang, Suhang is just an attitude. I'm retreating and avoiding it!

Yin Yu'er, they are naturally anxious. Su Hang, this guy, really doesn't know what he's thinking about. In these two days, he still wants to close the gate, but he can't do it. In two days, can he take off?



The words are divided into two ends!

Above the chaotic void, a wooden table, a graceful woman sitting at the table, a Tsing Yi man lying high above the chaotic clouds, with her head resting between the women’s legs, the woman picking a grape from the table, gently Put into the man's mouth, the posture is very chic and enviable.

Across the table, a white man, dressed as a Confucian student, has a beautiful appearance, and his temperament is dusty.

"Brother Chen is really good. I still have the character of Lan girl, I will hate your life, but I don’t want to blink, and reconciled. Brother Chen’s ability to coax a woman is really unparalleled in the world!" The woman said to the man lying on her back on her knees.

The Tsing Yi man hadn't spoken yet, but the woman gave a white glance to the young man in white. "Does Mr. Xiao want to block Lan'er?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The white man waved his hand and said, "I'm just talking about Brother Chen..."

At this time, the man in Tsing Yi raised his hand and interrupted the man in white. "My life is very long. Who can really hate me for my life. I want to say, Brother Xiao, you still say me , By your side, it’s not beautiful like a cloud!"

The man in white smiled bitterly, "It's different, I'm all confidantes, and I have the same interest!"

"What's the point, I'm not a confidant beside me, not a similar interest?" Tsing Yi said manly.

The man in white shook his head, "I'm afraid, this **** is not exciting!"

The man in Tsing Yi heard the words and smiled, pointing at the man in white. "It's bad!"

The man in white also smiled, but the woman next to him was blindfolded, "You men are all the same!"

The corner of Tsing Yi man's mouth curled up, "Brother Xiao, you made me angry, don't consider making a compensation, and pay a guilt? I heard that you just wrote a song called "Heaven and Earth Runaway". Solve some boring!"

The man in white listened, but waved his hand. "The so-called golden coins are easy to get, and the confidant is hard to find. Brother Chen is not a confidant of Xiao Yun.

The man in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, "I said a lot, I didn't understand one sentence, Brother Xiao, what do you want to say?"

"I don't understand this!" The woman was beside, knocking on the Tsing Yi man's head, "He said, the song is played for you, just playing the piano to the cow! You are a big man!"

"Brother Xiao, you are not kind!" The Tsing Yi man was unhappy.

The man in white waved his hand. "I dare not have that meaning. Brother Chen, let's get back to business. Are you really prepared to give way to power?"

The man in Tsing Yi heard the expression and his face was correct. "You know, this person, like you, actually likes to be at ease, and the world of heaven and earth has trillions of years. It is the earliest to divide the world in the chaotic world. And ruled, for so many years, the old brothers were right and wrong, I am also a person of the two generations, a lot of things, a thorough understanding, in the early years, Daozong Zong needed me, so it was the name of the suzerain, which was convenient for management The forces of the entire territory, but now, many things have changed. The forces of all parties and intrigues, I don’t want to play with them, let them play for themselves!"

The man in white heard the paused and said, "I can understand Brother Chen's mood. The forces under his hands are mixed, and they want to clean up, but they are a mess and simply throw it to others, but , I remind Brother Chen, since you want to choose an heir, it’s better to choose a standing person, don’t be in time..."

The man in Tsing Yi raised his hand to interrupt the man in white. "This will not need to be reminded by Brother Xiao. No matter who wins, it is better than the chaotic situation in Daozong Zong. At the same time, it also comes out personally and rectify it!"

"Since Brother Chen has his own opinion, the younger brother doesn't have to say anything more..." The white man shook his head. "Unfortunately, my Yanger didn't even make it to the Sixteenth League. It seems that my heavenly range is always It’s no match for Tian Waitian’s talents. After that, I’m afraid I will be laughed at by you!”

The man in Tsing Yi said, "Who is unclear about your son's skills? The top sixteen should have a seat for him. Looking at the whole game, he can be better than him, but a few people are just out of luck, and they encountered Su Hang. ..."

"Brother Chen hasn't you said? Luck is also strength, and bad luck is also inferior!" The white man sighed. Although he was excused, he always lost because he couldn't find a reason.

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