Super Study God

Chapter 2464: Yin Family's Treasure Pavilion!

The current Su Hang is no longer a problem that is not worth the investment of the Yin family. The Wanjie Conference won the championship, and it has basically been determined to be the heir to the patriarch of the Dao Sect. The existence of the Su Hang can completely bring the Yin family to a new high. The point is even comparable to that of the Celestial Realm and even exceeds them.

The prosperity of the Yin family is just around the corner.

Moreover, Yin Tianfeng's heart is very big. Once, he was an acting suzerain for a period of time. It can be said that he was addicted after a period of time, but that addiction was not enough. He was checked by several super elders, and he was afraid to talk. , And finally was pushed down.

It can be said that that experience was both nostalgia and shame for Yin Tianfeng. He thought about it very early and was able to return to that position from agency to formal.

Once, he even hoped for the Su Air, but unfortunately the Su Air has completely exceeded his control.

However, Yin Tianfeng could see that Su Hang was a free-spirited person and certainly had no interest in the position of the suzerain. If he was allowed to take the position of suzerain, he would be troubled by the secular affairs in a short time. Maybe you have to pass the position, and at that time, as the old man of this guy, this kid should give him priority?

This person, Yin Tianfeng, is very deep in the city, and he usually does not show his voice. Many people even think that this person has no idea, no desire and no desire, but this is not the case. Yin Tianfeng is very dark and very obsessed with power.

On the wine table, pushing cups and changing cups, Yin Tianfeng can be said to be extremely enthusiastic about Su Hang, pushing his heart against Su Hang, just thinking of Su Hang as the closest person, and even discussing with Su Hang, what should he do? Time to hold weddings for Su Hang and Yin Yuer,

Su Hang was really uncomfortable. He naturally understood who Yin Tianfeng was and what he was thinking about. For the enthusiasm of Yin Tianfeng, he also took half and left half. In case one day he lost power, Su Hang fully believed that Yin Tianfeng would definitely He kicked him directly under the table.


"This time came first, there must be a lot of people who are prone to inflammation and expect to come to you, how can you be a good son, who should pay, who should not pay, there must be a number in my heart!" The fish belly is already white, and Yin Tianfeng is still pulling Su Hang to drink.

He put the Soviet Air Force on the Mount Everest. In fact, there is another reason, that is, to let other people who want to approach the Soviet Air Force to fend off the Soviet Air Force to find a place.

After all, it is the future Daze Sect Master, even if it is only Su Hang’s sister, Su Xi received so many gifts as soon as the conference ended, let alone the Su Hang deity?

In a word, Yin Tianfeng wanted to eat solitary food.

However, Su Hang doesn't care. Compared with him, he prefers cleanliness. Although Yin Tianfeng is also becoming more powerful, one person is better than a group.

Su Hang nodded, "I naturally know this!"

"I heard that you and Yu'er went to visit Xuan Huangfeng to visit Lin Xuan?" Yin Tianfeng changed his head and looked at Su Hang. "You said you are confused. Since Lin Xuan failed, it was a loser, his Lin family. It's not always possible to treat him as always, and you ran to visit. For a loser, you treat him a hair, needless to say, it must have touched his nose!"

Su Hang waved his hand and did not want to say more on this issue.

Yin Tianfeng got up and patted Su Hang on the shoulder, "Come with me!"

Seeing that Yin Tianfeng dropped his wine glass and walked out from the small door next to the side hall, Su Hang was amazed for a few minutes. He threw the wine glass on the table and followed him out.

Seeing Yin Tianfeng's posture, there seemed to be something important to explain to Su Hang. Su Hang followed behind him and walked around to the attic in the inner courtyard.

The sky was bright, there was no one around, only Su Hang and Yin Tianfeng, looking up, there were five or six floors in the attic in front, eight eaves corners, hanging wind chimes, morning wind blowing, ding jingle bells, and a clear ringing, Rejuvenated, the wine awoke a bit.

"Why is this loft nameless?"

Su Hang looked up and saw a wooden plaque hanging on the attic, but there was nothing written on it.

"I haven't been here for a long time. I've been in disrepair for a long time. I lost my sign and I'm too lazy to change it!" Yin Tianfeng shook his head. "It's not important. What's important is that this is the Treasure House of Mount Everest!"

"Zangbao Pavilion?" Su Hang froze for a moment, and looked at Yin Tianfeng with some amazement. "What do you bring me to Zangbao Pavilion?"

Yin Tianfeng said, "In this treasure trove, there are a lot of treasures. The son-in-law can go with me and choose a few of them. The right should be the dowry that I gave Yuer in advance!"

"Your dowry, it's light-handed!" Su Hang smiled bitterly and shook his head. "However, I don't have a cold for treasures or something. In my current state, those things are things outside me, even if they are in front of me. Even if you are hiding like a big fairy stick, the existence of the level of Xuan Huang Jian is just superfluous for me."

One stick and one sword is enough for Suhang. Baby, whatever, with so much to do, he did not expect Yin Tianfeng to bring him to the treasure trove to find treasure, otherwise, he might not follow.

Yin Tianfeng said, "Don’t underestimate me, the treasure house. When I was the acting suzerain, I moved a lot of the relics of the master from that year. Now that the master returns, I will clean up these things today. Come out and return it to the master. Look at it first. If there is something worth seeing, stay first and I will ask you to ask the master!"

Su Hang gave Yin Tianfeng a strange look. "No, you dare to remember your Master's things. You are really a traitor. Are you afraid that the real people in the sky will know that you will be expelled from the teacher?"

Yin Tianfeng reached out and patted on Su Hang's shoulder. "If the son-in-law doesn't want to, then forget it. After a while, I'll make it clear and send it to the master!"

Su Hang turned his head and looked at Yin Tianfeng, "If you say that, I want to go in and look!"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words, a slight arc of the corner of his mouth, and then took Su Hang into the attic!


In this loft, it is clear that no one has been here for a long and no one has cleaned it, and it is covered with cobwebs and dust everywhere.

Yin Tianfeng waved his sleeves, a fresh breeze blew through, and then there was no dust, and the entire attic was refreshed, as if washed.

The space in the attic is extremely large, divided into many small rooms with simple shapes, which are not as small as they look outside!

Yin Tianfeng turned to look at Su Hang. "Shall I show you everywhere? The treasures I have here are no less than any peak!"

Seeing Yin Tianfeng's appearance, he drank too much wine, and somewhat wanted to show it.

Su Hang shook his head, "Did you say there are relics of real people in the attic, please take me to see it, and the rest is fine!"

In the realm of today, what magic weapon, immortality medicine, exercise method, in the eyes of Su Hang, has completely become a cloud.


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