Super Study God

Chapter 2465: The VIP is coming!

Yin Tianfeng didn't say much, and took the Su Hang to the fifth floor with his drink.

To be honest, Su Hang is really not interested in anything. It is entirely out of the psychology of hunting for strange things. What good things can be in the treasure trove. If there are good things, it must be on Yin Tianfeng himself. May be placed at random in this humble treasure chest.

"Look, look, here are the things left behind when Master left!" Yin Tianfeng took Su Hang to a room on the fifth floor, with rows of wooden shelves lined with boxes and boxes.

It was still neat and not messy. Su Hang opened two boxes at hand and saw no babies. They were all clothes.

In the realm of the sky, there are ordinary things there, and there are no such things as gold and silver in his relics.

A few boxes of clothes were normal. Looking back, Yin Tianfeng seemed to be drinking too much. He found a chair to sit down and was a little confused. "Go back, these two rows are all clothes. What can you look good about? !"

Su Hang heard the words and walked back. The shelves were filled with small boxes. Su Hang opened them one by one. Some of them contained pen and ink calligraphy and painting, but more were jade sachets.

Not a magic weapon, Su Hang shook his head, wondering if these jade scented sachets would be the tokens of love in the sky, but there are too many of them.

Su Hang did not have any interest in these things. Going back, I finally saw some magic weapons of the gods, but not many. After looking around, there was nothing to catch. Scanning the system of learning gods, the information of these magic weapons At a glance, you can't get into Su Hang's eyes if you don't reach the level of Daxian stick.

The last few rows were full of bookshelves filled with books. At this time, Yin Tianfeng said, "Most of the books here are from Master's handwriting, and there is no lack of practice..."

After hearing Yin Tianfeng's introduction, Su Hang was finally a bit interested. It came from the handwriting of the heavens, and the writing of a strong man would have to practice the secrets of the practice.

Su Hang took a few books from the shelf. Some of the books are old and yellow. I don’t know how long they have been left. However, it will not affect the look and feel.

However, after reading the basics, Su Hang couldn't help but shook his head. The book may indeed be a handwriting of the sky, but most of it was copied from other books. To put it bluntly, these books must be used by the sky to practice words.

Su Hang couldn't help but shook his head. Sure enough, there was nothing good. Otherwise, Yin Tianfeng didn't let it go by himself, but stayed here and accumulated dust?

Why do you even bring yourself to the treasure selection? It's really tricky to the limit.

"Huh? Cangtian's notes?"

A glance, a stack of about four or five books lined up on the shelf next to them, with the four words Cangtian handwritten on the shelf!

Su Hang froze for a while and took a copy. It was probably thick and thick. When I opened it, it looked like it was a diary written by Cang Tian. The writing was very good.

"Ah, this..."

Reading the diary of Cang Tian, ​​after a while, Su Hang suddenly felt some blood qi surging, and his face was a little red, and a hot air rushed inside Dan Tian, ​​quickly swept the whole body.

After turning several pages in a row, the expression on Su Hang's face was changeable, and he suddenly closed the book in his hand.

"Not suitable for children!"

Su Hang breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little speechless. Why is this kind of content in this diary? Is this life in the sky all this day?

Putting the book back into the bookshelf, Su Hang took down several other books and looked at them one after another.

As far as that kind of content is concerned, what the real Suhang wants to see is that there is none, or there is, but it is obliterated.

Su Hang really admired Cangtian's five-body investment. This kind of thing was also written with embarrassment. There was a bit of smugness between the lines.

It seems that there is really nothing in the eyes of Su Hangfa, it is better to put some gold and silver jewelry!


I was about to put the book in my hand on the shelf. Suddenly, something fell out of the inside pages of the book and fell to the ground with a click.


Su Hang froze for a moment, leaned over and picked up the booklet, and glanced at it.


However, a yellowing booklet of ten or so pages, hidden on the inside pages of the book, Su Hang didn't even notice.

There are four words written on the cover page, chaos!

It seems that it is also a heavenly handwriting, this Nima's, should it be that kind of publication again?

Turn over the first page, "Destiny!"

Su Hang shuddered a little bit. The first article was about the Queen of Destiny. Su Hang instantly lost interest. Sure enough, it was such a thing.

The subconscious will be thrown back on the shelf, and another page will be turned casually.

"Hongjun articles!"

On the second page, it was Hong Jun. Su Hang froze for a moment. In the record of the sister in the sky, why is there still a part of Hong Jun?

Su Hang's reverie continued for a while!

At this time, Yin Tianfeng came over and looked at Su Hang without a word. "What, none of them?"

Su Hang shook his head and unconsciously put the book away and hid it in the diary of the sky, there must be some content, it looks like some recorded chaotic secrets, maybe it also involves the privacy of some bigwigs , Su Hang is very interested.

Take it back and study it slowly.

"Sure enough, the horizon is high, but I still have some private possessions. The son-in-law comes with me to show you something good!"

Yin Tianfeng patted on Su Hang's shoulders, pulled Su Hang out, and Su Hang shook his head again and again, out of the attic gate, and shook Yin Tianfeng's hand away, "I don't think it's necessary, I will have a chance to come again in the future!"

Yin Tianfeng's disappointed expression, "Well, wait for me to find two good babies and send them to your son-in-law directly!"

Su Hang was speechless for a The Yin Tianfeng at this time was so passionate that he was a little uncomfortable.

The day was already dawning. It was a really hard night. Finally, he got rid of Yin Tianfeng's entanglement. Su Hang returned to his residence. Yin Yuer offered him a cup of hot tea. Before Su Hang could say anything, Yin Tianfeng came again!

Su Hang was speechless for a while and didn't know what to say.

Yin Yu'er said, "Daddy, you can't let him rest for a while? He was still injured after the test yesterday, and he didn't have time to heal!"

"It's really a big girl who doesn't stay here. I haven't gotten married before I don't recognize my father!" Yin Tianfeng threw a blind eye to Yin Yu'er and said a few words, "I didn't come to drink with a son-in-law at this moment. When someone comes, please ask the son-in-law to go to the Cangtian Temple, saying that a VIP is here, and see the son-in-law!"


Su Hang heard the words and shook his body. He glanced at Yin Yu'er. Yesterday, he told Yin Yu'er. Cang Tian said that there will be a trouble today. It won't be a real trouble.

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