Super Study God

Chapter 2484: How could it be him?

? "Don't dare!"

The Ten Temples Yan Luo even said not to dare.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Find someone familiar with the underworld, take me around, you are all busy with your own!"

King Qin Guangwen said that he took a step forward and prayed, "If the Emperor Master does not give up, he will lead the Emperor Master around!"

"It's too shocking!" Su Hang shook his head, his eyes fell on the faint Wang Dongsheng who fainted to the ground, "Just him!"



Wang Dongsheng today can be regarded as a fierce experience from heaven to hell, and from **** to the world.

He was born in the underworld and was born a ghost. Uncle is the judge of the underworld second only to the Ten Temples. He has a very high status. Since childhood, he has been a playboy. There are few ghosts that he can deserve.

He didn't know what he was guilty of today, and actually caused such a super guy!

Emperor Master, Master of the Underworld Emperor!

Wang Dongsheng secretly looked at the man next to him who seemed to be his own age, feeling that he would not walk anymore, not even float!

Compared with such an existence, he is completely scum!

Fortunately, this existence does not care about his own scum, otherwise, he is afraid that he will become scum!

No, you must perform well and earn back the bad impression you just made.

"Old ancestor, where do you want to see?" Wang Dongsheng's voice was trembling, fearing that it would make Su Hang uncomfortable.

Su Hangdao, "Where will the exam be?"

"In the impermanence building, it should be about to take the exam now. Does the ancestor want to see it?" Wang Dongsheng said respectfully.

Su Hang smiled, "Let's go, I want to see, what is the virtue of the various states in the underworld!"


Wuchang Building, the iconic teaching building of the Mingdu Ghost School, and the teaching building of Changchang Specialty. I heard that students who graduated from here can also mix at least three grades of impermanence.

In the underworld, impermanence has a higher status than ordinary ghosts, and impermanence is divided into ninth grades, one with the lowest grade, the highest with the ninth grade, and the third grade impermanence has been regarded as the goal of many ghost cultivation struggles.

This shows the status of the ghost school in the underworld!

"Even impermanence has become a professional, it is a long experience!" Standing outside the impermanence building, Su Hang looked at the candidates who lined up to enter the building for the exam, listening to Wang Dongsheng's introduction to the impermanence building, he couldn't help crying , This can be regarded as advancing with the times.

Wang Dongsheng said, "The ancestors did not know that there are other majors in the ghost town. The impermanence is only one. The gods who go out here are generally the objects that are madly robbed by the states, and most of them are clerical. It’s not like the other yin dysfunctions, they are running around and seduce, and some of them are extremely good, and they may even become judges..."

Su Hang turned to look at Haotian, "Haotian, your heavens should also keep pace with the times, much like learning from the land!"

Haotian nodded again and again, "What did Uncle teach, this time I go back, I am also building an academy in Tianting..."

Su Hang waved his hand, "I will say it casually, but it really is the case, you are already rotted in that court, and there are relationships everywhere. Don't always eat the old books your master left you... "

Hao Tian nodded, perhaps in recent years, relying on Yu Yu of the Master, he really did not want to be aggressive!


When Haotian was about to say something, he saw Su Hang's gaze looking at the entrance of the Changchang Building. Following Su Hang's gaze, Hao Tian's gaze fell on a young man in front of the Wuchang Building.

The ghost repair young man looked in his early twenties, very young, and looked pretty, but looking at his face seemed a little timid, as if at a loss for the surrounding environment!

Looking at the realm, it wouldn’t be very high. Hao Tian was about to ask Su Hang, but he saw a broadcast coming from the impermanent building. The ghost repairer followed the ghost repairers to the building.

"Master, what's so special about this man?" Hao Tian asked in surprise.

Su Hang's eyes didn't come back, he just shook his head, pointed at the ghost repair from afar, and asked Wang Dongsheng, "Can you know him?"

Wang Dongsheng had been paying attention for a long time, and he quickly shook his head after listening to the words of Su Hang. "I haven't seen it yet. The ancestors were here later. I'll call him and ask!"

This kind of thing, Wang Dongsheng is really very positive!

Su Hang raised his hand and stopped Wang Dongsheng, "No, I will ask casually, let him go!"

Wang Dongsheng nodded, not daring to speak.

Seeing Su Hang's complexion, Haotian quickly asked, "But did Uncle know the man?"

Su Hang looked back, but just shook his head, but he didn't say much!

Duan Lin? How could it be him?

Nothing was said on his mouth, but Su Hang was surprised. At first he just glanced at it, only to think that the man felt a little familiar with it, and then he remembered it.

Duan Lin, who had become a poor aunt in the past, retired under the Phoenix Mountain and raised the child who grew up.

On that day, Su Hang searched for Xuan Ming's whereabouts. He once returned to Xuan Ming's old residence with this Duan Lin, and saw Xuan Ming's clothes mound.

It was this kid who changed lives with Chen San!

Xuan Ming exchanged the fate of Duan Lin and Chen San, making Chen San a street bludgeon, and nothing happened, but Duan Lin went under the door of a real person in the Kunlun Mountains. It can be said that one day, one land!

The last time I saw Duan Lin was more than a year ago. Su Hang couldn't help but wonder. This Duan Lin is not practicing in Kunlun Mountain. Why did he come here?

Could it be that he and Chen San also hung up?

It shouldn't be. He and Chen San exchanged their lives. They should be wealthy and rich. The life expectancy of a hundred years old is right, and they are practitioners themselves. Is there any accident?

A monk with a congenital realm, the soul enters the earth mansion, for the time being, he can be considered to have died unexpectedly, but how did he appear at the scene of the Emperor's examination? Could it be that he also wanted to join in the excitement and want to be elected Emperor?

After all, this Duan Lin was raised by Xuan Ming in one You mustn't let Su Hang not think about it. Perhaps Xuan Ming's change of life to Duan Lin is related to the inheritance of this Ming Emperor.

Unfortunately, Xuan Ming did not explain to Su Hang before leaving, so Su Hang did not know exactly what Xuan Ming thought, what is the significance of Duan Lin's existence.

The reference has entered the examination venue one after another, and under the auspices of Yan Luo at ten o'clock, the examination has already begun.

Su Hang did not disturb, only let Wang Dongsheng take, a few people wandering around on the large campus.

No matter who is coming, Suhang only hopes to be fair and just. Anyway, the last choice of Emperor Hades is to let him serve his purpose.

Duan Lin, although Su Hang does not know much, but the impression is not very good, how to be recommended for the examination, you can get a check!


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