Super Study God

Chapter 2485: 6 Venerable!

This session of the examination can be regarded as the first examination in the underworld. The grand degree can be imagined. The course of the examination is all broadcast live to the outside world. The examination content is also very simple. The questions are from the Ten Temples. Most of these questions are standing. Li De's topic can be said to be quite satisfactory, so that Su Hang would have to doze off after watching it.

This kind of virtue can't be tested by single-use exams. However, since all the provinces recommend virtue cultivation by virtue and virtue, the natural way to judge is high and low.

The written test is just one of the criteria for judging. The score accounted for is not very high. Ten Temple Yanlu will also take the merit book, check the merits and karmic karma of all the candidates, plus the off-site ghost vote, and cross-reference. .

It can be said that such a ranking is definitely fair and just.

That night, in the supreme suite on the top floor of the hotel.

All the materials of the top 50 in the ten halls will be handed over to Su Hang's desk.

"The top 50 materials and examination papers for this exam are here. Please ask the emperor to look around!" King Qin Guang said respectfully, and then stepped back to stand with King Chujiang and others.

Su Hang nodded slightly, first picked up the list and looked at the score and ranking, or more precisely, he was looking for someone!

"Chen San, 29th, with a comprehensive score of 93 points!"

Sure enough, I saw Chen San’s name. Ten Hall Yan Luo seemed to know what Su Hang was thinking. King Qin Guang said, "Return to Emperor Shi, Chen San. Written test scored 35 points, merit score was 30 points and 28 points. Off-site judgement 30 points, a full score of 30 points, a comprehensive score of 93 points, ranking 29, and its information and test papers are also among them..."

Su Hang nodded slightly. With his previous warning, he did not think that Ten Temple Yan Luo would falsify Chen San's problems.

This person's eyes were attracted by another name on the list!

"Duan Lin, 87 points, ranked 49th!" Su Hang looked up at the Ten Palace Yan Luo, "This Duan Lin is also real material?"


The ten palaces, Yan Luo, stagnated and looked at each other. You looked at me, I looked at you, and finally knelt on the ground.

Although he didn't speak, it seemed to have explained everything.

Su Hang took a deep breath and turned to Hao Tiandao, "Show me Duan Lin's paper!"

Hao Tian responded with a quick look, and quickly read through, and soon a paper appeared in front of Su Hang.

At first glance, Su Hang didn't say the handwriting, but the content was only satisfactory, but it was not at all out of the ordinary. It was more than ten times better than Duan Lin's one. .

"Oh, 39 points!" Su Hang smiled and shook his head bitterly. "Such a paper can actually get 39 points. Can anyone tell me how this point was judged?"

What other merit scores, off-site scores, Su Hang did not read, it must have been fake!

Ten Hall Yan Luo quickly bowed, Qin Guangwang said, "The Emperor's Master is angry, Xiao Wang and others are about to report this matter!"

Su Hang took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. "Okay, I want to hear. What do you say, it is best to give me a perfect explanation!"

Qin Guangwang said, "When I returned to the Emperor, this section of Lin was not actually included in the exam. It was recommended by a big Buddha who worked in the prefecture before the exam..."


At this time, Hao Tian snorted, "Brother, you are confused, and the Buddha recommends you to go through the back door secretly? If so, can my Heavenly Court also recommend the Emperor's Choice to the Underworld?"

King Qin Guang quickly waved his hand, "The Emperor of Heaven doesn't know. If it is recommended by the Big Buddha, I will disdain. But this little devil has an extraordinary history. It’s the emperor’s token. Seeing Emperor, I don’t dare to look down on it, I dare not follow it!"

Hao Tian heard the words, his face changed a bit, and he seemed to have nothing to say.

At this time, Su Hang's brows frowned, apparently uncomfortable, but he did not rush!

Qin Guangwang then said, "Moreover, this person's appearance is really a bit weird. The life and death book I consulted, this person has a long life, and he has entered the ranks of monks. The life soul should not appear in the underworld!"

Soul into the underworld? Duan Lin’s mentor, the Kunlun sent the earth real people but Jindan realm, will not have that ability, there must be a pusher behind this.

And Duan Lin entered the mansion with his soul, claiming to be the Emperor of the Ming Emperor and participating in the examination of the Emperor of the Ming Emperor. His intention was already very obvious, that is, he wanted to take the position of the Emperor of the Emperor.

Buddhism is also Buddhism. When Xuanming was dying, she also said that she was awakened by Arayye under the guidance of a Buddhist monk and remembered her past life. All of this seems to be related to Buddhism.

Su Hang glanced at Qin Guangwang, "Who is the Buddha who recommended Duan Lin?"

King Qin Guang shook his head, "The Bodhisattva King Dizang has been practicing in the eighteenth layer of hell. He will not intervene in the affairs of the prefecture. He recommends Duan Lin, but the Six Desire Venerables!"

"Six Desires?" Su Hang frowned gently. "What's the way?"

King Qin Guang said, "Sovereign Buddha Gate, a Buddhist cult of the Venerable Realm, has served in the mansion for three thousand years. Now he is guarding the Six Desire Hell. Before that, it has been considered to have made many merits for the mansion. I don’t know him and this What is the connection between Duan Lin and why Duan Lin is recommended!"

At this time, Biancheng Wangdao said, "This Six Desire Venerable, but only a few thousand years old, can only be regarded as a small prestige in the prefecture, and it is not a great power. With his ability, it is impossible to control the examination of the Emperor, but this paragraph Lin Chiming’s emperor’s letter heard the appearance of the ghost teeth, and claimed to be the successor of the Emperor. I don’t know if the Emperor Ming had an account before his death, so I didn’t dare to dispose of it, nor did I dare to eliminate him without permission, so I asked the emperor, It is up to the Emperor Master to decide whether to stay or not, and it is up to the Emperor Master to decide!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Since that's the case, then bring Duan Lin with the Six Sovereign Venerables, I would like to see What kind of heir is heir to the emperor."


Several people responded and quickly retreated, it was time to take someone!

Hao Tiandao said, "This Buddhist door likes to do things, as if the whole Xuanhuang Realm is the site of his Buddhist door!"

The voice was a bit unhappy, and even a little bit yin and yang. It can be seen that Haotian was very unhappy with the Buddha. Over the years, the expansion of the Buddha's power has squeezed the soil for the existence of the heaven. The limelight has already covered the heaven.

To put it bluntly, a bit jealous and jealous. However, the rapid expansion of the Buddhist doors in recent years has inevitably caused discrepancies among the disciples, which have a bad influence on the Buddhist doors.

It is inevitable that horses are bad everywhere. Envy and jealousy are also human nature. Haotian's psychology can be understood by Su Hang.


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