Super Study God

Chapter 2489: Su Hang Supervision!

Su Hang was about to speak, but saw that Pig's face changed slightly.

"No, he seems to have left!" Before Su Hang asked, Zhuer suddenly said, "The breath is gone, he should have left the Underworld City!"

Su Hang frowned and left? Could it be something?

Su Hang took a deep breath and calmed his mind. Whatever the reason, since he left, Su Hang would take him away.

"What, are you looking for?" Zhu'er asked. "I can help you, not to mention that 10%, 50% can catch up with him, or it's OK!"

50%? That may be able to catch, maybe not, Su Hang hesitated, then shook his head, "Don’t hit the grass to startle the snake first, I have a hunch, he will show up, he is so painstaking to help Duan Lin go to the dead The position of Emperor must be conspiracy..."

"That's up to you!" Zhu'er listened and lost interest in an instant. "That guy is hard to tangle, and I don't want to provoke him!"

Su Hang pondered for a while, without saying much, it seemed a bit tricky!

Without any extra words, the matter of Styx was left behind. Su Hang fetched the examination papers on the desk and read them one by one.

Since Xuan Ming entrusted him, then he naturally had to keep a good watch on the underworld, and don't push any bad fish or shrimps to the seat of the emperor.



In the next few days, Ten Hall Yan Luo conducted a one-by-one assessment of ten people, including Duan Lin, and finally selected eight people and sent them to the Suhang Office to let Suhang do the final assessment!

It can be said that which one can become the New Emperor of Emperor Ming, only depends on Su Hang.

There is no comparison, only assessment, a lot less exciting, but Bibi, the Emperor chosen in this way is the greatest welfare of the entire Underworld, because the Underworld does not need a powerful Emperor to suppress, All it takes is a spiritual belief. As for the suppression of the underworld, the Ten Temples Yan Luo is enough.

Eight people, no accident, there is a seat of Chen San, in addition, Duan Lin also entered!

Ten Yan Jun did not understand the intention of Su Hang, so once again to promote Duan Lin, whether to stay or leave, only to Su Hang to decide.

The hall of the Ghost School is already well-placed. Su Hang sits on the main seat and the Ten Hall Yan Luo sits beside. In addition, Haotian, Lantern and other celebrities from the Xuanhuang Realm also attended as important guests invited by the local government .

There are also a lot of media from the underworld. On the occasion of choosing such an event as the Emperor of the Underworld, since it is fair and equitable, it will naturally be broadcast live.

Facing the camera, Su Hang was still the eldest **** the sedan chair. For the first time, she felt a little uneasy.

"Emperor Master, time is almost up!" King Qin Guang said sideways to Su Hang.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Let them all come up!"

Qin Guang Wang Zunling ordered, and soon, eight young people walked into the auditorium cautiously.

In the middle of the auditorium, eight tables were placed. The eight of them walked to the front first, and saw Su Hang and the Ten Temples.

Su Hang’s identity has long been broadcast to the Underworld. Almost all ghost people know that there is a heavyweight to appear in this election.

This character, whose identity is higher than that of the Ten Temples, is the teacher of the Emperor Ming, known as the Emperor.

Emperor Ming, what an ancient and powerful existence, and Master of the Emperor Ming, it is definitely more powerful and more ancient.

Several people couldn't help peeking at the stage, and their hearts were terribly nervous.

Su Hang waved his hand, "Let's sit down first!"

Chen San listened to this voice, and then looked at the people on the stage, and he was stunned for a while. After a while, he recovered and followed the crowd back to his seat.

Emperor teacher? Air brother? He turned out to be the emperor teacher?

It has been more than a year since Chen San came to the prefecture. He knows that Su Hang is very clever, so that people have arranged an errand for him in the underworld, and Ten Temples Yan Luo also takes care of him.

He was very clear that these were all because of Su Hang's face. He knew that Su Hang was eating well in the underworld, but he could not have imagined that Su Hang's identity would be so precious.

Is this still the kid I met? How old is the Ming Emperor, as a master of the Ming Emperor, to what extent will Su Hang be ancient?

For a while, Chen San's heart was a little difficult to calm down.

When he was alive, Chen San was very unsatisfactory. Except for his brothers and brothers, very few people took a straight look at him. Instead, he hung up and went to the underworld and became a ghost. Chen San discovered that it seems to be here. He seemed to be a judge at home because of his relationship, and he went smoothly all the way. Because of his ability to do things, he was also accepted as a disciple by Cui Xun. Some people said that he was reincarnated by Zhong Kui. Popularity.

This made Chen San once thought that this should be the life he deserves, this is the life he still has.

When he first came to the underworld, he still had many complaints and dissatisfaction, and he was thinking about returning to the sun, but now it is different. If I knew that the underworld was so good, it could be mixed with such wind and water, I am afraid he would have been coming.

Therefore, the old saying that there is a relationship between misfortune and happiness is not unreasonable.

At this time, when I saw Su Hang again, I didn't expect it to be in this examination room. Chen San's mood was messy. He was sitting on the seat for a while, and his mind was already a paste.


At this time, King Qin Guang said, "The Emperor of the Nether Emperor is in the Zen position, but the Underworld cannot be without a day. Er waits for eight people, but the Emperor Ming will test the first eight. Now the Emperor's Master is coming. , Choose one and take over the position of Emperor Hades!"

Everyone heard that the expression on his face became more and more serious and nervous. The Emperor of the Underworld, the supreme existence of the Underworld, are all old ghosts who have been doing so for many years. When did I think of this before? Will it be your turn? Today, he is really caught up with himself, to be honest, no one is not excited.

A grand prize of 100 million is placed in front of you, with a probability of one-eighth winning, that kind of mood is really not to mention!

King Qin Guang said for a long time, then turned to Su Hang, respectful salute, said, "Emperor teacher, all candidates are ready, please ask the emperor teacher to ask questions!"

Su Hang nodded slightly and glanced around. Among these eight people, men and women, young and old, the oldest ghost, looked like he was 80 or 90 years old.

For the realm, the highest is the same as the realm, and the lowest is Duan Lin, a congenital soul.

However, as mentioned earlier, the Emperor's choice, strength is not important, especially for Su Hang. The most important thing is virtue. If he is virtuous, even if it is just a wandering soul, Su Hang can divide minutes. Elevate him to the heavenly realm, even the avenue realm.

If the strength is strong enough, and the virtue is too bad, then Su Hang can't do anything. The virtue is born by nature. The so-called Jiangshan is easy to change its nature, and no one can be able to change you.

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