Super Study God

Chapter 2490: Taoist Labyrinth!

There is a Neihe Bridge on the Forget River. All the souls who will enter the reincarnation must cross the Neihe Bridge. Drink a bowl of Meng Po soup at the bridge head of Neihe, forget the past, and enter the reincarnation.

There are ghosts on duty on the bridge, and those who do not have the reincarnation procedures are not allowed to enter. This makes many eager to enter the reincarnation who have not completed the procedures, or do not want to drink the bowl of Meng Po soup, venture to wade across the river and go to the six reincarnation.

But is it so good to forget Chuan? Almost every day, countless ghosts fall into the Forgotten River, and they can't be relieved. The old man He Nai is the rescuer of these ghosts.

The merits accumulated in his body have almost become manifest. Such merits, placed in the prefecture, should be able to be exchanged for a judge with more than four ranks.

As for others, Duan Lin's insufficiency is almost entirely irrelevant. Chen San, as a judge for more than a year, has handled several major cases and accumulated some merits, but it is naturally impossible to compare with the existence of He Nai. Yes, among the eight, it can only be regarded as a medium. However, this guy is now well-known in the prefecture. During these two days, his reputation has grown a little bit against the sky.

Perhaps it is really as Wang Dongsheng said, the Cui family is helping him to propagate, with the gimmick of Zhong Kui's reincarnation, broadcasted by major media, it can be said that it has attracted a large number of fans.

In the vote on the local government network, Chen San can be said to be far ahead, nearly twice the number of votes than He Naike, the second place.

Although He Na is undoubtedly a good ghost, he is just a good ghost and has a good reputation. Of course he should thank him, only those ghosts that he rescued, as for the other ghost people, he just has a good reputation.

If they are all compared to fame, maybe many ghost people will choose him, but this is the choice of Emperor, the more important point is prestige. The gimmick of Chen San, Zhong Kui’s reincarnation, fits this point. For most ghost people In general, Zhong Kui is a great admirer, and even Chen San has a heart of worship.

Therefore, under the intentional propaganda and guidance of the media, Chen San has the most votes and the highest voice, which seems to be a matter of course.

Of course, the ghost vote is only one of the reference conditions. Who can become the Emperor of the Netherworld still depends on the opinion of the Emperor Master. The Emperor Master does not look at everything. Everything is in vain. Absolute power represents absolute rights.

But I don't know what problem the Emperor Master is going to give them?

At this moment, not only the scene, but countless ghosts and people outside the stadium are watching this scene.

The eight people in the field were all very nervous at the moment. If they weren't ghosts, they might be sweating.

Su Hang said, "First of all, congratulations to you. You can enter this final exam. You were selected by countless ghosts in the underworld. It is enough to prove your excellence. I personally hate the exam, but the emperor can only There is one who has to take the test again, but I don’t have to worry about it, but even if I lose in the end, the ten Yan Jun will properly arrange you..."

"This examination is not so much a matter of choosing the Emperor of the Underworld, it is better to promote talents and recruit talents for the prefecture. All of them are recommended by the various states and governments. Everyone who matches the virtue will not be the ten Yan Jun. Treat you badly..."

"Xie Di Shi, Xie Yan Jun!"

After listening to Su Hang's speech, the crowd continued to shout, but their mood was not as disturbed as before. Even if they couldn't afford to be the underworld emperor, at least there was a retreat. After all, the emperor master had already spoken, and the ten palace Yan Jun would naturally arrange for them One official and one half.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I have been thinking for a few days, what question should I give you, and later I think about it, I feel wrong, I simply don't want to, I contacted Hongjun Taoist last night, he gave me a Something, I have a question for you!"

Everyone was in an uproar, but it was Hongjun Daozu's question? But I do not know what the problem is?

Even the ten temples next to Yan Luo and many guests were a little surprised. You should know that the position of the Emperor Ming was originally assigned by Hongjun Daozu. Now, the question is made by Hongjun Daozu and witnessed by the emperor. , It is more reasonable, justified!

Eight people are even more excited, and even if they can get a test of this scale, even if they get only zero points, that's no regrets!

Su Hang didn't say anything. A reel appeared in his hand and he threw it directly into the air. The reel flew into the field and unfolded from top to bottom.

Everyone looked at the scroll, but it was a word, and there were many words of "Dao" written on it.

Various strokes, various fonts, the total sum of zero and zero, I am afraid there are dozens of them!

Everyone looked suspiciously at Suhang.

Su Hangdao, "The above words are written by Hongjun Taoist. This is actually a labyrinth. Each of the above words is a puzzle. Forty-nine words are forty-nine puzzles. After a while, eight of you can enter. Whoever can get out of the maze first will be the Emperor!"

Everyone was suddenly, looking at the word one by one, eyes full of awe, the puzzle left by Hongjun Taoist, it is definitely not a general puzzle.

"Emperor Master, what if it can't come out?" King Qin Guang asked.

Everyone else is obviously very concerned about this issue. After all, it is a puzzle left by Hongjun Daozu. Who can guarantee that it can be completely solved?

Su Hangdao, "I will only wait for three days. If no one can solve the puzzles in the painting and come out of the maze, then the one who solves the most puzzles will win!"

After finishing talking, Su Hang looked around, "Well, what other objections are there!"

Everyone shook their heads!

Su Hang immediately waved his sleeves, and the eight people went directly to the calligraphy and painting, and were thrown into different positions by Su Hang.

Qin Guangwang and others all looked at the painting, and the words were still the same, even if they didn't know what puzzles were inside, and everyone couldn't clearly see the situation in the painting.

Su Hang waved his sleeves abruptly, and the calligraphy and painting suddenly became much larger. The Dao characters on it quickly disappeared, resulting in eight Danqing ink paintings. The above painting is exactly the situation of the eight people in the maze of calligraphy and painting.

Three days, it is already very But compared to the forty-nine problems, it seems very short!

This may have to wait, Su Hang did not leave the intention to observe, and stood up now, "Wait and wait here to observe, the problem in the painting, you can also look at it, Avenue 50, days Yan Sijiu may be good for Seoul!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Master!"

Everyone sipped, and Su Hang flew away with the pig.

This picture was given to him by Hong Jun. He also believes that the subject of Hong Jun will be able to select the man of fate without bias. Everything will be known after three days!

He didn't have the interest to stay and wait for the result, and the pig told him that the breath appeared again.

Sure enough, he still showed up. Suhang decided to leave the seat decisively, first to remove the hidden danger.


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