Super Study God

Chapter 2586: Seal me to try!

? "Oh, why do you say that?" Su Hang looked at the old man in surprise, but he didn't know if the old guy was addicted to flattering, so he said so deliberately!

This Yangliu real person, the skill of his mouth is really first-class, and a lot of crackling words are full of praise.

It sounds comfortable, but at Suhang Air, it shook his head again and again. The real reason that Yang Liuzheng said was almost the same as those Su Su thought before. It was just a bunch of nonsense.

Looking at Su Hang’s expression, Yang Liuzheng looked at her and was deeply afraid that the horse fart wasn’t made. It was photographed on the horseshoe and quickly said, “Fate has been reincarnated for many years, and I’m pretty sure that the reincarnation is in the Xuanhuang Realm Native natives, and, for all these years, the only one who can break away from the Xuanhuang Realm is you, plus what I said before, is this not enough to explain?"

After that, Yang Liuzheng stared at Su Hang with real eyes, hoping to arouse Su Hang's resonance!

Su Hang smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said, "If I really reincarnated my destiny, would I be trapped in this quasi-kingdom realm? Just now that you have also met, I have tried to seal myself, but it turned out..."

Speaking of this, Su Hang didn't want to go any further. Looking back, it was a bit of a secondary two. If they were seen by Cang Tian and a few of them, I am afraid that there will be a lot of ridicule.

"No, no!" Yang Liuzheng waved his hand. "If you are really destiny, how can you seal yourself? Since it is already destiny, do you still need to seal it?"

Su Hang's brow furrowed slightly, and it seems that Yang Liuzhen's words still make some sense!

"You said you were trapped in Quasi Realm King Realm, God, there is no reason, how long do you practice? Can that be called sleepy? When you say this, look at us first, I'm all stuck here. Thousands of trillions of years, this is called sleepy!" Yang Liuzheng added, a bit depressed between words.

Su Hang hesitated for a moment, "But I already have the ability to break through the realm of the realm of the world. Several realm kings said that I still lack a little confidence. I think about it. The meaning of their self-confidence is not to make me Self-proclaimed? But after self-proclaimed, it is in vain again, I am really a bit confused now!"

"That may be Brother Su, you misunderstood!" At this time, Yang Liu real coughed a little, "How can the mystery of the realm of the realm of the realm of kings be so easy for you to penetrate, but one thing is certain, they are all convinced of you Can be the King of the World!"


Su Hang thought about it, Yang Liu was right, if Cang Tian they can't be sure that they can achieve the realm of realm king, then what they said lacks a little self-confidence, it is meaningless.

"You think about it, why are they so determined? You know, destiny is reincarnated, who else can achieve the realm of the realm of kings without fate?" Yang Liuzheng raised such a question.

Without waiting for Su Hang to say anything, Yang Liu gently patted the table, "Since they know that fate is reincarnated and went to Xuanhuang Realm, then it should not be difficult to know who the fate reincarnated for, and they value you so much, there should be only one reason. , Because you are the great opportunity for all the saints to sacrifice their lives and to follow, and make great achievements!"

Su Hang froze for a while, and the atmosphere in the room froze for a long time. "You lousy old man, don't go to the night. It's really a bit humiliating. I will say a few words to you. I'm afraid I have to believe it. Fate. ?Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was still very excited, but listening to Yang Liuzheng's preaching, he suddenly figured it out. Was he destiny reincarnated? Is it so important? Rather than engage in those illusory ones, it is better to face the reality. How can the reality now in front of him break through the realm of the realm as soon as possible and seek revenge from the gang of realm as soon as possible.

Yang Liuzheng smirked, "Brother Su, if you don't believe it, you want to prove it, it's simple, you try to seal me!"

After talking, Yang Liuzheng looked at Su Hang with a pair of eyes, with a smile.

Su Hang's mouth twitched slightly, "You old thing, but it's a good abacus, I want to take advantage of me, no way!"

"Eh..." Yang Liu was a little embarrassed. "Brother Su, the seal is just a sentence. For you, there is no loss, and it can help you verify the doubts in your heart. Why not do it?"

Su Hang waved his hand and said, "No, no, even if I want to find someone to verify, I won't find you. There is more than one quasi-kingdom in the world. I won't make you cheaper! "


Yang Liu was a little embarrassed when she heard this, and it took so long to speak, and she dared to say nothing!

Su Hang’s remarks are true, not to mention whether he reincarnated his destiny. Even if he is, he can’t just confide others, especially the bad old man in front of him.


There was white fish belly in the sky, and it passed like this all night. Su Hang didn't sleep, and the willow didn't sleep. The two were in the room and didn't know what they were talking about.

It was just dawning the next day, and the entire Black Raven City was active. The heavy rain last night came and went quickly and did not cause any impact on the Black Raven City. The rain on the street was already dry. about there!

Grandpa Sparrow's birthday, the ten-year sparrow contest, everything goes on as usual, which can be called the first grand event of Little Black Raven City!


The words are divided into two

Chen Xiaoli has been in retreat for several days. The Lingguo feast was in full swing by several wives of Pan Sheng.

There is no strong airtight force in the world, and the second world king is about to appear in the Promise Sky, which has almost spread. This time, the fruit banquet is more lively than ever!

In addition to several good realm kings, many ancient chaotic gods came to Wuji Mountain early.

Although the momentum is not as good as the previous heavenly ceremony, but it is not much worse.

In addition to attending the Lingguo feast and tasting the Lingguo, perhaps, the gods also came to congratulate the birth of the New Territories King. How many years have the Chaos World not been outside the Realm King Realm, if Chen Xiaoli broke through the Realm King, they You can also ask for advice!

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