Super Study God

Chapter 2587: Fate!

The birth of the New Territories King, it must be the first-class event in the chaotic world. At that time, I am afraid that the entire Chaos forces will be re-arranged. All the saints naturally want to congratulate them. , Can not allow anyone to neglect!

Zhongsheng is looking forward to it, but at this time, Chen Xiaoli's two younger brothers have encountered difficulties!

Promise back the mountain, retreat on the cliff!

Pan Sheng sits in front of the cliff and guards Chen Xiaoli. If Chen Xiaoli breaks through the realm of the realm of kings, it will inevitably cause a disturbance of the strength of the Quartet.

Ordinary people certainly don’t have the guts to touch the mold, but they are afraid of the existence of the realm of the realm. Chen Xiaoli has become the realm of the realm, and this will go up and down. In Chen Dasheng’s view, most of the people will not sit back and watch the trouble. It's not impossible.

Therefore, it is necessary to guard Chen Xiaoli. Nevertheless, Chen Dasheng still feels uninsured. After all, with his strength, he should be ranked among the Chaos Kings, but said Hong Zhen is close, or One or two more, he is afraid that he can't hold it!

But fortunately, this time coincided with the Lingguo feast, and several good world kings came, and Cang Tian also arrived yesterday, which made Chen Dasheng feel at ease.


Chen Dasheng looked up and looked at Chen Xiaoli. Chen Xiaoli sat cross-legged on a stone platform with a stone monument standing behind him. It was the life monument brought back from the Temple of Destiny. The three words Chen Xiaoli on the stone monument were still shining in Ye Ye!

It's been so many days, why haven't you seen a breakthrough?

Chen Dasheng frowned, feeling vaguely awkward in his heart. However, he had experienced a breakthrough in the realm of the realm of the world. He can understand the breakthrough very well. I thought that after the fate was sealed, he almost became enlightened.

Chen Xiaoli's situation is a little special, because it is a life monument that they cultivated themselves, and the seal has to be a bit glorious. It is understandable after a delay of a few days, but after the excitement, he always feels something. What's not right, where is it, but it can't be said.

While Chen Dasheng had a bad hunch, Chen Xiaoli, sitting in front of Ming Bei with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Chen Dasheng's heart was tight, thinking that there was something unexpected, but he saw Chen Xiaoli's brows closed, with a very depressed face, between the eyebrows, doubts, distress, and the color of helplessness!

"Great victory!" At this time, Chen Xiaoli called Chen Dasheng.

Chen Dasheng quickly got up and walked over, "What's the matter, sister?"

Is it a breakthrough? No, he didn't feel any change of Chen Xiaoli, and the realm also naturally stayed in the quasi-king realm, and did not cross that threshold!

Chen Xiaoli took a deep breath and shook his head. "Dasheng, you said, are we wrong?"

"Mistaken?" Chen Dasheng frowned lightly. "Sister, what do you mean?"

Chen Xiaoli was stunned for a long time before slowly speaking, "As before, I always feel that I am missing something. I haven't felt the opportunity in these few days of retreat. The Realm of King Realm is still far away, I can't see it, I can't touch it, it's chaotic. Chaos, unclearness, victory, you said, will we be wrong at the beginning!"

Chen Dasheng heard that his brows were like squeezing a rock layer that had been squeezed for tens of millions of years. "It doesn’t make sense. Your name is already on the monument. That proves that your sister has been sealed. It makes no sense. It may be that the time has not passed for the breakthrough of the law. It is only a few days. Sister, you will retreat for a few days and try again!"

Chen Xiaoli smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "I'm useless, I can't feel the opportunity, even if I'm closed for a long time, there will be no breakthrough!"

Speaking of which, Chen Xiaoli turned to look at the monument, his expression on his face was very complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

For a long time, Chen Xiaoli sighed a long time, "After waiting for so many years, I thought I could get what I wanted. I never thought that the bamboo basket would be empty. Alas, victory, I feel, I feel a little tired!"

Tired, really tired, tired of heart!

Chen Xiaoli said it in one sentence, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and the whole body shook and almost fell down.


Chen Dasheng quickly reached out and held his hand, his eyes suddenly became wet, and his voice choked.

The feelings between the sisters and brothers can't be understood by anyone else. When Chen Dasheng didn't make a fortune when he was an ordinary person, he had no parents in his childhood, and was brought up by his sister. In order to earn money to raise this younger brother, Chen Xiaoli pitted his family and cheated. Xijia, being the goddess, Chen Dasheng also had a conflict with Chen Xiaoli.

However, when Chen Dasheng grew up, she really understood her sister’s suffering. Chen Xiaoli paid everything for him, from the little girl to the old girl, and misunderstood lifelong events. Life should be very happy.

For this sister, Chen Dasheng has always felt owed and has been trying to make up for it. Now that it is so, his heart is really uncomfortable.

"There is no reason!" Chen Dasheng quickly relieved, "Sister, don't think too much, I am wrong, it may be wrong, but they are still counted on him, even if he is Not destiny, but also destiny..."

"Destiny?" Chen Xiaoli turned to look at Chen Dasheng, with a bit of doubt between his eyebrows.

Chen Dasheng nodded, "Yes, life disciple, I was also a life was born with fate. The existence of the realm of the realm of kings can be called life disciple, apostle of fate..."

After much pause, Chen Dasheng explained, "Fate has been with me. Although I don't know what form he exists in, and although he finally left me, I can feel his real existence, and destiny reincarnated into the Xuanhuang Realm, Although it may be a person or a thing, this Su Hang is very doubtful. I believe that even if he is not destiny, he should be connected to destiny, just like me at the beginning!"

Chen Xiaoli's eyes regained some radiance, "So?"

Chen Dasheng said, "The destiny's intentions are lingering and unpredictable. We are more likely to be cheated this time. Perhaps destiny is subconscious, and we simply don't agree with this seal, but no matter what, destiny will always return. No matter whether he is Su Hang or not, I will surely ask for this opportunity for you to seal up. My sister has been devoted to her for all these years. Only by practicing, fate should not let you down!"

Chen Xiaoli smiled bitterly, "When will that have to wait?"

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