Super Study God

Chapter 2589: Get the lights!

But Su Hang can't believe the Xueshen system now, because some high-level things, the Xueshen system will not unlock its specific information. Only when its realm is enough will those information appear.

For example, now let him scan the Taoist device of the Shenxian Xianjie, basically there is not much information.

The lamp in front of me looks ordinary, but it is because of this ordinary that it may show that it is not ordinary.

Imagine if it was really an ordinary lamp, it could exist for so many years and still be regarded as a holy thing by so many people, could it be a simple thing?

The willow beside him said, "There is no way to identify the weapon of destiny, but it is a figurative weapon of the power of destiny. As long as you can get it, it will encourage your luck. Close to it, you can feel it all over your body. Shu Tai has its benefits. Cultivation is necessary for rapid improvement. If you can let it recognize the Lord and absorb the destiny stored in it, haha..."

Speaking of this, Yang Liuzheng laughed a lot, and said nothing more. The meaning of his words, I believe that Su Hang's heart is like a mirror.

That is equivalent to merging the protagonist aura of others. The more destiny, the stronger the protagonist aura, the more unlimited the future.

"Are you sure, this splendid lamp is a destiny lamp?" Su Hang asked.

Yang Liuzheng shook his head, "How can I be sure, but if I want to make sure, Brother Su took him over to see if I can see it? If it is really left by Fu Yaozi's Daoist, it is highly possible. It is a destiny lamp!"

Su Hang snorted, "That's the sacred object of Black Raven City, do you say you can take it?"

Yang Liuzheng smiled, "So, you are still too shallow in your experience. This group of people has no eyes and no real treasure. If the lamp is really a destiny lamp, wouldn’t it be a pearl and dust if you stay here, take it, Just give them exactly the same lamp, who can tell the difference?"

Su Hang heard that, his brow was slightly wrinkled, this old guy is really a sly cunning!

"Aren't you saying that the weapon of destiny has spirits, aren't you afraid that it will run away?" Su Hang asked.

Yang Liuzheng smiled, "If you can run, you can run, what can you do? If it can recognize you, of course it is best. If you don't, you can leave it to do more. What is the relationship between running and not running?"

What this said really makes sense. If you can hold it, you can hold it. If you can’t hold it, then it’s something that you don’t deserve. You don’t deserve it. Do you still run it?

At this time, the sacrifice was over. Under the auspices of the Black Raven House, the 21 elders of the size and size of the Black Raven City, and the outstanding descendants selected by them, had already begun to compete in the ring.

The people of the ancient world are tough, and the way to solve problems is very straightforward.

All manifested magical powers, transformed into beasts, above the ring, full of chickens, ducks and geese, all of a sudden, chickens and geese jumped, duck feathers flying in the sky!

For this level of battle, for Su Hang, there is no point at all, it is very boring, just like watching a group of children fighting.

"Why, Brother Su, do you have an idea? If you don't have an idea, you're about to get old!" Yang Liuzheng blew Hanya Zi, a very looking expression, perhaps waiting for Su Hang to say that he was not interested, he was good for himself Put your hands into the pocket.

Su Hang heard the words and shook his head gently, who would be cheaper, could not be cheaper this bad old man.


Su Hang snapped his fingers, and the space froze in an instant, and time stopped!

The whole Black Crow City was quiet at this moment, and everyone's movements stopped, and the two fighting chickens and ducks on the ring were frozen in the air.

Time and space are still, for Su Hang, it is already a very simple rule of art. In the entire Black Crow City, only Su Hang and Yang Liu are left, and they are not affected by this rule.

She Xiaoman was fixed next to her, sitting in a position, her mouth slightly open, holding a bodhi in her hand, and sending it to her mouth, her eyes were looking at the ring below, and she looked like a beautiful painting. .

"If it is not the weapon of destiny, I will clean up you again!" Su Hang left a sentence, got up and patted the trouser legs, and then slowly walked towards the altar on the altar.

Yang Liu saw it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and stood up with a wooden staff, and stumbled to follow Su Hang to the altar.

The world is still, two people and one light.

After a while, Su Hang came to the light and looked up and down carefully. The light was higher than that of Su Hang. Above the lamp head, the golden **** Peng seemed to be staring at him tightly, as if he might be alive at any time. A little bit of the world's momentum!

Among the Peng's claws, the burst of firelight was magically unaffected by the rules of the time and space of the Soviet Airways, still burning.

In the firelight, there is a breath, which makes people feel very friendly, like a pair of warm hands, holding your heart, warm, as if you are in a hot spring, very comfortable and comfortable. call.

"It seems, really!"

The real eyes of Yangliu couldn't help but light up. It was just speculation. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he has settled down. This bird magic lamp must be the destiny lamp left by Fu Yaozi.

Turned his face and looked at the Su Hang next to him, the weapon of destiny was inexplicable. If in real life, Yangliu saw this treasure, I was afraid that regardless of three, seven, twenty-one, he would grab it directly, but now, he was seriously injured. He doesn’t have that ability anymore, he’s not stupid. If he does it now, he’s afraid that he won’t get it, so he will be given a job by Suhang first!

"Brother Su, what are you waiting for, take it!" Yang Liu said in a real If Su Hang took this thing, he would be grateful to him, and then he might not be able to wipe his face.

Su Hang pondered for a while, and then stepped under the lamp, holding out a hand and grabbing the lampstand.

Grab it, then you are not afraid to run away!

Su Hang's heart was full of joy, and the real person of Yangliu was also happy, and it seemed that he was destined, but he was destined.


Suddenly, Su Hang's expression stiffened, as if something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" Yang Liu asked, seeing Su Hang frowning.

Su Hang didn't answer him, he used his hand, trying to lift the bird magic lamp, however, the bird magic lamp was not moving!

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