Super Study God

Chapter 2590: It knows you are cheating on it!

????????? With a little more effort, the bird magic lamp seemed to be welded to the ground, still motionless.

?????? I tried it several times in succession, which was the case. Su Hang was afraid to break the lampstand and had to give it up temporarily, let go of the lampstand, stood up straight, stared at the bird lights in front of him, and looked around.

???????? Yang Liu was surprised, and then stepped forward to try it, but his old arm and old leg, where can compare with Su Hang, also failed to get a magic lamp.

?????? "Weird, weird!"

???????? Yang Liu real licked his mouth, the expression on his face was very wonderful, although he was seriously injured, his strength was greatly reduced, but this strength is not covered.

?????? The existence of the quasi-kingdom realm, in the wave of the hand, the world can be destroyed, a small lamp, can't even get it?

???????? Is this light heavy? Not necessarily, you must know that when the black raven city people sacrificed just now, this lamp was carried out of the black raven mansion, swaggered across the city, and sent to this altar.

???????? It is impossible for the two of them to be strong in the quasi-kingdom realm, and the strength is not as great as the citizens of the Black Raven City?

???????? Su Hang reached out and touched the lamp, "It is indeed extraordinary, old guy, what does it mean?"

Really Yangliu raised his eyebrows, "Isn't that obvious, it clearly doesn't recognize us!"

?????? Su Hang's face shook slightly, could he not know this? I just want to ask, how can I make it recognized!

???????? Yang Liu real hesitated for a while, "It is the power of Fuyaozi's destiny, it should be nostalgia for the old master, Brother Su, if you want it to follow you, you have to conquer it. Row!"

?????????? "Conquer?" Su Hang could not help crying and conquering a lamp?

?????????? Yang Liu is really humane, "Let's try together. If we can't conquer it, we will destroy it!"

???????? The meaning of Yangliu's words is clearly saying that you can't be cheaper, and you can't be cheaper.

?????? This mentality is really a bit wrong, but for Su Hang, the things that hurt others and do not benefit oneself, can't do it yourself!

???????? What's more, this is Fuyaozi's destiny tool, if Fuyaozi can return in the future, he will definitely come to find this thing, if ruined, Fuyaozi can return to the top again, all Is a problem.

????????After all, although the aura of the protagonist will be reset in the rebirth of life, if Fu Yaozi awakens and consciousness and remembers the previous life, he will definitely come back to find this thing.

?????????? Destroyed, only Yangliu can do it.

???????? Hesitating for a moment, Su Hang reached out and touched the lamp body again, "Are you waiting for the Fuyao? Right? He is now robbed in the Xuanhuang Realm. You are waiting like this. Let’s go with me. Fuyao and I are old and can help you find him!"

???????? Say it in one sentence, but the willow next to him was stunned, helping the bird magic lamp find Fuyao? Su Hang, this guy, still want to be a good person?

???????????? The destiny tool is inexplicable. Since it is encountered, it is natural to take it as one’s own and encourage one’s own luck. ?

?????????? Yang Liuzheng could not understand, in his opinion, this guy of Suhang, Bacheng just wanted to use this as an excuse to deceive the bird magic lamp first.

???????????? At this time, Suhang tried again, however, the bird magic lamp was still firmly on the ground and could not be shaken.

???????????? Yang Liu is really humane, "Useless, it knows you are cheating on it!"


???????? Su Hang was speechless for a moment, and looked back at Yangliu, not to mention that he was all heartfelt words, even if it was really a lie, Yangliu really should not say it!

?????????? What do you say so, then the yellow mud enters the crotch, not just Xiang!

???????? Really realized that he was wrong, he laughed aloud, "I mean, it is better to take it!"

?????????? Su Hang was too lazy to take care of him and turned to the Sparrow Lamp to continue, "Maybe my words are hard for you to believe, but they are indeed heartfelt words, in my present state, destiny The device is not very useful for me. I take you to find Fuyao, not to help you, but to help my friends. I am also a person from the outer world of Huang Xuan, Fuyao and I are old..."

?????????? Su Barabala said a lot, at this time, suddenly felt the flames of the bird magic lamp shook, the breath moved slightly!

???????? Immediately, a faint golden light burst out on the body of that bird magic lamp!

?????? "Huh?" The eyes of the real willow next to Yang Liu were all bright, and the bird magic lamp reacted. That is to say, it was indeed moved by Su Hang.

???????? Conquer the destiny weapon, can it still be like this? Yang Liuzheng felt that he had learned that it could be cheated.

????????However, when both of them were a little excited and looking forward, they saw that the bird's magic lamp had turned into a foot, and it seemed that there was a screaming **** Peng crying, and then I saw that the Peng Diao on the lamp spread its wings slowly, as if it had suddenly come alive, spreading its wings and rising into the air.

???????? "No good, it wants to escape!" Yang Liuzheng's complexion changed, where was Su Hang moved, and clearly wanted to escape!

???????? The voice didn't fall, and I saw that Yang Liuzhen wanted to pick it up, but the next second, Yang Liuzhen felt that his wrist was caught by someone. Looking down, he caught him. It is Su Hang.

?????????? Obviously, the Soviet Union did not let him block, and the Soviet Union itself did not mean to block.

?????????? The old friend, Su Hang did not want to take it as his own meaning, Fu Yaozi and him, has also been considered an old friendship, if Fu Yaozi is still alive, he must be called Su Brother, moreover, this thing may also be related to Fuyaozi's achievements in the future. How can he, a big brother, selfishly break the path of an old friend?

???????? It's going to go, then let it go, Su Hang only speaks a fate, something that doesn't belong to him, it is meaningless to stay.

?????????? "Brother You..." Yang Liuzhen is very helpless, but this is a destiny. You don't want it, you can leave it to me, just let it go. Leaving, it is just a violent disaster!

???????? However, there is no way for the real person of Yangliu, Su Hang is next to him, if he acted rashly, I am afraid that Su Hang would do him!

???????? The two watched the bird's lantern flying from the altar. The godpeng was wrapped in golden light. First, he circled the altar and circled a beautiful arc. Leaving the altar!

???????? It’s a pity that Yang Liu was a real person, but the next scene made him stunned. The bird of magic lights flew directly to the viewing seat in between, and at this time, the space and time was fixed on the viewing seat, only One person, She Xiaoman!


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