Super Study God

Chapter 2629: Dare to try one!

Xiao Jingchen heard the words and shook his face slightly. "It's also pitiful to see you. Since this body is useful to you, then this body can be borrowed for your use first. I will ask you for it later, but you can't hurt this child." Soul, otherwise I can't spare you!"

Xiao Jingchen felt that his acting skills were not on the line. Since he had won the treasure, he quickly withdrew, leaving a threat, and drove away!

To be honest, as the realm thinks, for such an expert, how can an ordinary disciple get him to pay such attention, nothing more than trying to search for benefits from the realm, as far as this disciple is, Does it matter if death is alive?

Watching Xiao Jingchen leave, the realm was sitting on the ground, as if he had just been turned by others.

Thinking of me as a real world demon, I have fallen to such a point. I am afraid that it is the worst villain in the entire chaotic world?

At this time, there was really an urge to find a place to hit and die. It was too bullying, it was really bullying!

It's just to grab a big deal. It took so much effort to find thirteen treasures. In the end, all these robbers were robbed, and none of them were left for myself. It was too much!

After taking a few deep breaths, the realm gradually calmed down, "But only a few treasures of destiny, do you think you can knock me down with this? It's ridiculous, you a few remembered me, today's humiliation, future It must be repaid 100 times, let's just wait and see!"

After talking, the realm put away the storage bag and storage ring and flew away directly. This time, it seemed that finally no one came to stop the road!


At the same time, far away from the Ziyang Palace, Su Hang's gaze recovered from the black light mirror.

"Oh, this guy actually has revenge, it seems that he can't spare him!" Suhang felt that he should take another shot and let this guy run away, but it was a trouble for him, after listening to the last sentence of the realm.

After all, the old saying is good, not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves!

"Cough!" At this moment, Yangliu coughed and stopped Su Hang. "Let him go, this man is a big baby!"

Su Hang turned to look at Yangliu. He had sent a message to Yangliu through the Xuanguang mirror. He let Yangliu block the road and robbed him.

Sure enough, he used his money to eliminate disasters for others. At this time, he also helped the world demo to talk!

Yang Liu smiled, "Although the strength of this man is not very good, but he has the ability to find a baby is a good hand, let him go, let him help us find treasure, not better, anyway, he can't turn over any waves!"

Su Hang shook his head, "That's not uncommon. The chaos is so big that the tiger returns to the mountain and wants to catch him? I'm afraid it's a little difficult!"

"What difficulty can it be!" At this time, the last wave of Xiao Jingchen who came back from the robbery came and entered the pavilion. "He took my disciples from Ziyang Palace. The disciples of Ziyang Palace are all imprinted. That imprint He will be imprinted into the soul through the flesh, his soul is contaminated with the imprint, and I can’t escape my control anywhere!"

Su Hang heard his words, opened his mouth slightly, looked at Xiao Jingchen, and then looked at Willow, "Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy, you two, but one is more cunning than the other, I have some sympathy for the realm!"

These two old guys are far more playable than Suhang. No wonder Xiao Jingchen did not rescue Lu Li, but left the realm to take it away. It turned out that he wanted to borrow Luli's body to mark the spirit of the realm, so that he could find it later. he!

Yang Liu smiled, "So, this man is now a treasure hunter, let's keep him to find treasure for us!"

What's more, Su Hang wants to scold the willow for the world demon, this guy should not be too cheap.

However, when I think about it, I don't seem to be good.

Xiao Jingchen walked over and sat down in the pavilion. "Weak meat and strong food, who calls him the weak? It is his blessing to contribute to us. If he is changed, he is afraid that he will do better, so, ah, Never have mercy on your opponent!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, although Xiao Jingchen said cruelly, but had to say that it made sense, perhaps, it should be true to a certain extent!

"That person, is it bad?" At this time, She Xiaoman next to him asked.

Speaking of pity, these three people took turns robbing others, which made her unbearable to read, but she did not dare to express her views!

The three of them were asked at once, especially Yangliu, Jiemo and he seemed to have no guilt, he just operated in that wave, but he was completely blackmailed, and he looked more like a bad guy.

Su Hangdao, "I was still in the Xuanhuang Realm, and it was not long before I broke through the heavenly realm. I was blocked by this servant. If no expert helped me, I would have been killed. Now that Feng Shui is taking turns, I let him live a life. It’s all benevolence!"

She Xiaoman listened and stopped talking. Compared with the life and death feud, they just operated by Su Hang just like that. It really is nothing!

At this time, Su Hang turned to Xiao Jingchen and Yang Liu, "Two, should we talk about something else!"

There was a meaning in his eyes. When the two listened and looked at each other, they seemed to understand something.

Xiao Jingchen stood up immediately, "I still have some things to deal with on the peak. Let's take a step first, let's talk again when we have time!"

Without saying a word, he went outside, and Su Hang quickly stopped, "How did Xiao Lao go so urgently, I didn't say I want to grab your baby!"

Xiao Jingchen turned to look at Su Hang, his beard trembling gently, "Dare you say no?"

"No, it's not!" Su Hang shook his head. "You can get the treasure, don't you have a lot to lose, so you can't say it's robbing, but you should say it's remuneration!"

When Xiao Jingchen heard this, was a little ecstatic, and immediately said, "Are you kidding me a joke? You got five of them, but I only got three of them. It's me who lost it. How can you pay it back? I am so sorry to ask me for remuneration. Besides, did I give you the dragon bone..."

"That's not the same!" Su Hang shook his head. "You let me pass it to Tai Ao. I will help you run errands. It stands to reason that you should also ask you for some travel expenses..."

"Fuck off, that's not the case!" Xiao Jingchen quickly waved his hand, "Yang Laobao, you are looking for him..."

Su Hang looked back, and Yang Liuzheng was scrambled, carrying She Xiaoman crouching like she was going to escape.

"Dare to try one!" Su Hang's eyes widened.

Yang Liu was shocked, and stopped quickly, looked up, and pointed behind Su Hang, "Run, run..."

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