Super Study God

Chapter 2630: Find out your identity!

Su Hang turned his head and looked at it. He couldn't help but feel the cold, and he ran away. Xiao Jingchen took advantage of his attention to Yangliu and turned away, leaving Su Hang with a gust of wind.

Is this too real? Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry, he couldn't get Xiao Jingchen, but this willow could not let him run away!

"Stop for me, dare to run, and interrupt your legs!" Immediately looking back, seeing Yang Liu wanted to run, Suhang immediately drank.

Yangliu shivered and smiled, saying, "Brother Su, you see me so pitiful, why bother me?"

Su Hang was speechless, "When you just grabbed something, you are not pitiful!"

"Then how could it be robbed, he disturbed my Master, and I asked him to pay my Master's guilt..." Yang Liu argued.

Su Hang sneered, "Since it is your master's indemnity, why don't you see you giving your baby to your master, what's the matter if you figure it out yourself?"

Yang Liu shook his face, "My Master is young and treasured, and it will inevitably cause trouble. I just help my Master temporarily keep it. Besides, we don't care about Brother Su!"

Su Hang was stunned. After the old man worshipped She Xiaoman as a teacher, his back was straightened a lot. How dare he talk to himself?

"Old guy, are you owed to clean up?" Su Hang's face suddenly turned black.

Yangliu took a step back subconsciously, now faintly behind She Xiaoman, the special code really regarded She Xiaoman as the guardian!

She Xiaoman was embarrassed, but she didn't know what to say.

Su Hang pointed at Yangliu and said a little funny, "You think there is a little man protecting you, I can't do anything with you, right? Okay, let's just wait and see!"

Yang Liu heard the words, his face changed slightly, and he knew that Su Hang had taken him to heart, but then he thought about it, our Master is here, there is She Xiaoman, Su Hang will definitely not treat him like that.

It’s naive, naive!

Indeed, due to She Xiaoman's relationship, Su Hang was inconvenient to move him. However, he thought She Xiaoman could become his patron saint. That was really naive. Su Hang wanted to cure this old kid. There are one hundred ways.

"Don't come and ask me at that time!" Su Hang said to Yangliu, which sounded more like a ruthless talk!

Yang Liu paused, how precious is the treasure of destiny, he knew better than anyone else, he didn't want to be exploited by Su Hang, the baby started, where is the reason to go out?

He thought to himself that Su Hang must just joke with him more, and besides, relying on the big tree of She Xiaoman, Su Hang would certainly not treat her like that.



However, Yang Liu hadn't had too much time to be angry, and she covered her **** and cried and found Su Hang that night!

"What's the matter, aren't you so bullish?" Su Hang glanced at Yangliu in the room, a little yin and yang said!

Yangliu Rongchen was leaning on his waist, crutches in one hand, and covering the back door in one hand, neither sitting nor standing, and a tearful face on a dry face.

"Senior Brother Su, Senior Su!" Yang Liu sat halfway on the stool with a weird and funny posture. "Don't poke, don't poke, is it wrong if I'm wrong? My old bone can't stand you like this. Ah, ouch!"

Su Hang picked up the tea on the table and took a casual sip. "What are you saying? What's wrong with you? Don't try to touch me!"

Yang Liu looked up at Su Hang, and his face was wrinkled with pain because of the pain. "Brother Su, I was wrong. I shouldn't have hit you before. You have a lot of adults, spare this time..."

With that said, Yang Liu took the initiative to take out a wooden box, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Su Hang.

Su Hang looked at the box of the previous realm, and there is no doubt that it is a treasure of destiny.

This old thing, actually took the initiative to hand it over, it seems really tortured!

Su Hang looked down at the box and didn't reach for it. He only said, "You're in luck, people are old Xiao, but he told me more than once, he only took three!"

Yang Liu heard the words, his face shook slightly, and of course he could hear the meaning hidden in the suspenseful words of Su Hang.

Hesitation, struggling, pain!

"Cough!" Su Hang coughed softly and waved his hand lightly, "Okay, let's put things here first, you go back first!"

Yang Liu's heart twitched, Su Hang said this, he could hear it, it was still not down, and he would certainly adjust himself!

An instrument of destiny, he couldn't fill this man, it was too greedy, Yang Liu had scolded it in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Oh, by coincidence, I seem to have only three!" Yangliu, an old slipper, said quickly, and then quickly took out a box and placed it on the table, "Oh, I dropped another one!"

Su Hang's forehead is covered with black lines. This old guy's acting skills are too bad, but he is still acquainted and knows to advance and retreat.

In fact, Su Hang did not intend to rob him. His purpose was simply to let him figure out his position and identity. Don’t think that she was there, he could kick his nose on his face.

At this time, Su Hang looked at Yangliu meaningfully, "I didn't rob you?"

Yang Liu shook his head quickly, "How did Brother Su say this? I accidentally lost it. I don't know who will pick it up..."

When I said was terrible, like it was too bad for Suhang to take it away.

With a satisfied smile on Su Hang’s face, “Okay, let’s expose this, but I have to remind you that the remaining three treasures are nominally your master’s. If you dare to use them privately, I can Will trouble you!"

Yang Liu heard the words, and the expression on his face was even more ugly. "Brother Su, I'm too miserable..."

Su Hang waved his hand and did not say too much to him, "I have something to ask you!"

Yang Liuqian laughed, "You said!"

They have already used honorifics. He is really afraid of Suhang now!

Su Hangdao, "We have also gained a lot of treasures of destiny, but how can we absorb the destiny in this treasure for our own use?"

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