Super Study God

Chapter 2652: The edge of the sword!

"Don't do that or that!" My mother waved her hand. "As a man, dare to be a dare, no matter what purpose you used to agree to this at that time, but since you agreed, and people have come to your door. , You don’t have any reason to refuse, not to mention, you also said that the girl saved your life, and people must know how to show grace..."

"Mom, there are many ways to return!" Su Hangdao.

The mother interrupted him, "There are indeed many ways to return, but people only recognize this kind of thing. If this kind of thing is not handled properly, the benefactor becomes an enemy, and it is not worth the loss. I don't want others to say that my Su family is ungrateful! "

Su Hang was speechless for a moment, but this thing came suddenly. He really did not think about how to deal with it.

"Don't worry about this matter, wait until the girl has received it!" The mother changed the subject and looked at Su Hang with a helpless expression. "Son, when will you save me a snack?"

Su Hang couldn't help crying and laughing, and said I don't have to worry about it.

"In a few days, I will leave!" Su Hang said suddenly.

"Let's go again?" The mother heard that, her brows frowned, and she looked very displeased. "This is just a few days back, and you go again? Won't you hide it intentionally?"

"Where!" Su Hang quickly shook his head and explained, "I came back in micro clothes this time. Your son is now the patriarch of Tian Wai Tian Dao. He is patrolling the world, but just come back to see..."

The mother paused, "I don't care what day and day you are, what kind of suzerain, I only know that you are my son, your most important task now is to hurry me and your dad to hold grandson..."

Su Hang sweated, "Mom, can't you say this, we are working hard, and this matter is not in a hurry!"

My mother gave Su Hang a glance, "If you are a Chinese New Year, don't talk about this, how can there be a New Year atmosphere!"

Halo, Su Hang is speechless, even if he is already expensive as the Lord of Heaven and Heaven, can he still escape this new year's routine?

"When are you leaving?" Su Mu asked.

Su Hang thought about it, "Maybe, in a few days!"

Mother Su stared at Su Hang for a long time, "Anyway, go back quickly, home, you don't want to hide!"

Su Hang couldn't help crying, he meant to hide, but where could he hide? I was afraid that his mother would follow the old rules and find a rooster to worship him.


Fortunately, Qin Chuan was gone, otherwise, if let him know about it, I'm afraid it wouldn't take Suhang lightly.

The next day, after breakfast, Min Yunfeng found Su Hang and seemed to have something else to talk to Su Hang.

In a gazebo on the small lake in the backyard, a few gold carps were swimming down the bridge, and the aura in the mountain was awesome. These fish also looked full of aura.

"Brother Su..." Min Yuntian said, looking very polite.

Today's Su Hang is not what it used to be. Although Min Yuntian has already cultivated Jin Danjing, but in this Su's villa, Jin Danjing is really too common, even if you pick a maid out, Min Yuntian dare not guarantee that he can do it!

Therefore, Min Yuntian should be polite. He must be low-key when going out.

"Master Minyuan, you're welcome, call me Su Hang!" Su Hangdao.

Min Yuntian paused and smiled, "I'll call you Xiaohang then..."

In Min Yuntian's view, after all, he will become a family. If Min Rou marries, Suhang will have to call him grandpa in the future, which is too polite to be out of sight!

Seeing Su Hang was not against it, Min Yuntian said, "Actually, I don't hide from you, the marriage between you and Rouer at that time, I and many people were somewhat opposed, but only deterred by the majesty of Senior Longze, I had to Promised, but now I have only discovered how wise Mr. Longze is. It is really foreseeable. Early in the morning, I saw that you are a dragon and a phoenix..."

"Master Min Yuan, please don't tout me. If you have anything, just say it!" Su Hang couldn't help crying, and said Long Ze, that was the marriage that Long Ze had forced him to order, so that there would be this now. situation.

Min Yuntian smiled, "but I don't know, Xiaohang, do you have any news about Senior Longze?"

Longze's news? Su Hang paused. Think about it. He hasn't seen Long Ze in a long time. Su Hang can't say anything about Long Ze's current situation.

"What are you doing with him?" Su Hang did not rush to answer, but asked about Min Yuntian's motives.

Min Yuntian didn't mean to hide, and said, "This is a long story. Xiaohang, you should also know that Senior Longze has some connection with our Taoyuan ancestor. Our Taoyuan ancestor was once entrusted by Senior Longze. , To help him keep the tiger soul sword, it can be said that there is a lot of friendship..."

Su Hang still knew a little bit about this matter. When he went to Taoyuan, he saw Longze taking a knife. Although it was only a broken blade, it can be seen that Longze and Taoyuan really have a relationship.

"I wonder how much you know about Tiger Soul Sword?" Min Yuntian asked suddenly.

Su Hang heard this and didn't know how to answer it. Tiger Tiger Sword, could he not understand? That's what he refined.

One hundred thousand years ago, during the ancient times, the Soviet Air refined a total of three quasi-track devices. UU reading, one sword and one sword, the tiger spirit sword is one of them.

The three quasi-artifacts were Xuanyuan Sword to Ji Xuanyuan, Tiger Soul Sword to Chiyou, Dinghai God Needle Iron to Shihai Aquarium, and later fell into the hands of Sun Wukong.

After 100,000 years, the three quasi-pathological devices have advanced into the ranks of the pathological devices. It can be said that it is also a rare treasure in Xuanhuang Realm, and it is famous in the practice world!

"I know a little bit. I heard that it was made by a special cow in the ancient times, what's wrong?" Su Hangdao said, and bragged about it by the way!

Min Yuntian didn’t know that Su Hang was boasting, and said right away, “Xiao Hang, you’re right, but what you don’t know is that this Tiger Sword has a natural rival, that is the Xuanyuanjian. When the two meet, there will be a battle... "

Su Hang only listened quietly and didn't mean to interrupt Min Yuntian!

Min Yuntian continued, "In my Taoyuan Forbidden Land, there is a Tiger Soul Seal, which was fostered by the Tiger Soul Sword for so many years. The Tiger Soul and the Taoyuan Mountain Soul were bred in the sword. After Senior Longze took the Tiger Soul Sword away, the Tiger Soul Seal and it Always feel..."

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