Super Study God

Chapter 2653: Go to the Wuxiang Mountain!

????????"Not long ago, Tiger Soul Yin was suddenly agitated, bursting with fierce murderous force and soldier front, and Taoyuan Mountain was shocked. The Taoyuan people were very frightened. This has never happened before. What's more, it's speculated whether the Tiger Soul Sword was taken away by Longze's predecessors, and there was nothing to suppress the mountain soul..."

????????"But I am very clear that this is not the suppression of the mountain soul and nothing, but because the tiger soul seal sensed the crisis of the tiger soul sword, and, I dare to assert that it should be the tiger soul sword and Xuanyuan sword encounter Go!"

?????????????? Speaking of this, Min Yuntian paused, looked up at Su Hang, "Swords meet, there will be a battle, never die, this is destiny!"

???????????? Destiny? Su Hang feels a little ridiculous. A monk in Jindan Realm actually told himself his destiny?

???????????? This is like a baby in a kindergarten, talking about the Pythagorean theorem in front of a university professor.

???????????? Min Yuntian said, "The Tiger Soul Sword is not complete. At that time, Chi You and the Yellow Emperor battled, and the Tiger Soul Sword was already defeated for a while. Senior Long Ze held a broken blade to fight with Xuanyuan Sword ,I am afraid……"

?????? Min Yuntian's face showed that he was a little worried.

?????? Su Hang frowned slightly, the Tiger Soul Sword was in Longze's hand, Xuanyuan Sword was in Ji Xuanyuan's hand, Ji Xuanyuan was Chu Tiankuo's reincarnation, and, as far as Su Hang knows Ji Xuanyuan has awakened the ancient memory, and now the cultivation practice has no idea how far it is. According to Su Hang's estimation, even if you don't reach Heavenly Dao Realm, the peak of Tianzun Realm should not be able to run.

???????? And Longze, Longze is a zombie body, if there is no wrong guess, it should be Chiyou reincarnated, and Ji Xuanyuan has a worldly grudge, but, what is the strength of Longze...

???????? When Suhang met Longze, Longze was nothing more than Yuanying Realm. It was only a few years. Even if he made rapid progress, where could he go?

???????????? If Long Ze encounters Ji Xuanyuan, Su Hang wants to come, not to mention the Tiger Soul Divine Sword is incomplete, even if the knife body is complete, it is absolutely impossible to be Ji Xuanyuan's opponent!

??????????????"Xiaohang, you are familiar with Senior Longze, so this time I came to you, in addition to talking about marriage, I wanted to ask you about Senior Longze’s whereabouts. !" Min Yuntian said.

?????????????? Su Hang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and the consciousness instantly covered the entire Xuanhuang Realm, and every corner was searched.

?????????????? But it's a pity that I didn't find Longze or Ji Xuanyuan, even the breath of Tiger Soul Sword and Xuanyuan Sword were not retrieved.

?????????? Su Hang was puzzled. He didn't think anyone in this Xuanhuang Realm could escape his search!

???????????? Opening his eyes, Su Hang looked at Min Yuntian, "When did Tiger Soul Seal begin to react?"

?????? Min Yuntian thought for a moment, "It was probably six days ago, there have been several times in succession, but since four days ago, I have not seen Tiger Soul Seal again!"

???????? Four days ago? Su Hang pondered for a while. With his current quasi-king king's strength, he couldn't find the whereabouts of Longze from Xuanhuang Realm. There were only three possibilities. One is that his strength is greater than his existence, and the other is that he does not exist. Now, hung up, the third possibility, maybe he left Xuanhuang Realm.

?????????? "Xiaohang, do you know where Senior Longze is?" Min Yuntian asked.

???????? Su Hang shook his head, "I haven't seen it in a long time, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will let people find..."

?????? Min Yuntian nodded, "I'm relieved if you say this."

?????? Suhang did not say much. Longze and Taoyuan do have some origins, and they have the same origin as Suhang. No matter Longze or Ji Xuanyuan, Suhang is not happy to see anyone.

???????? Whatever sword meets there must be a battle, Su Hang sneered. No matter how strong the sword is, it is only a weapon. The weapon does not have the right and evil, good and evil. Be swayed by the magic soldier.

?????????? So, according to Min Yuntian, the Tiger Soul Sword and the Xuanyuan Sword should indeed meet, but the two of them will not necessarily do it. After all, even if one is killed, then at least it should be With one alive, it is impossible for Soviet Airways to find out their existence.

With the strength of Ji Xuanyuan, it is almost difficult to meet several opponents in Xuanhuang Realm. Su Hang has a hunch that Ji Xuanyuan has not awakened the memory of the world and left Xuanhuang Realm?

?????????? Although it is a bit weird, after all, without Dadao Realm, without masters leading the way, it is impossible to leave the Xuanhuang Realm, and, if you break through Dadao Realm, Dao Zong will definitely have a record.

?????????? It’s life or death, so where does Suhang go? He doesn’t know. He can’t do much right now. He can only let the people under his hand check it first.


?????????? Two days later, Min Rou came to Rong, and Su Mu met Min Rou, and naturally was infinitely satisfied.

???????? When I saw Min Rou at the beginning of the year, Min Rou was only sixteen years old, and now, it's over twenty, and the original flowers and bones have grown up too, young and pretty, beautiful!

???????? In Su's words, this is a debt owed by Su Hang, which must be repaid. In order to let Xue Xuan relieve them, Su Mu also went into battle personally, talking one by one.

In any case, after seeing Min Rou, Su Mu settled this matter to the finale, and it can be seen that Su Mu really exhausted the third generation of the Su family.

???????? Think about it too, the village is the same age as her, her grandchildren are more than a dozen, can she be in a hurry?

???????? For Su The master of the quasi-kingdom, it’s not too simple to have a child, but Su Hang still says that everything goes with it, goes with it most important!

?????????? After staying in the villa for a few days, my mother forcibly set the marriage date, and Su Hang left. Without the appointment of the Xiangshan Mountain, you still have to go. After all, King Qin Jie accompanied him The safety factor has increased a lot.

?????????? Qin Chuan was waiting for him at the Dragon Palace. Su Hang returned to the Dragon Palace with a bit of depression. He called Su Jin first and urged him to marry him. .

???????? Su Hang thought simple, can this burden let me suffer alone, your grandma urged me, I will urge you chant, who has no son yet?

Su Jin said earlier that he wouldn't consider this matter before his mother returned, but now it's different. Su Hang brought She Xiaoman back, and these two things don't conflict, so, This time Su Hang moved to face the universe and asked Su Jin to marry him. And this matter was handed over to the aunt Yin Yuer to handle!

... m.

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