Super Study God

Chapter 2669: 10 Yin and Yang are out of battle!

???? Quickly check everyone's injuries, except for Cangtian, Pansheng and Dizun, all the others in the Cangtian side are injured to varying degrees, and the Hongzhen side is not much better. Besides Hongzhen, Biaozun and Changsheng The emperor did not suffer much.

????It can be said that this time the battle was broken and the losses were heavy!

??? Originally, with their strength, they can escape safely, but in order to prevent the explosion of the formation explosion energy, they can only leave it to force it down, so injuries are inevitable.

Everyone is puzzled how to explode, and everyone is puzzled, but when Cangtian's gaze looked at that Gen'er Mountain again, everything seemed to be sudden!

?? "Ten Yin and Yang are out of battle?" Next to Hong Zhen's face also showed a bit surprised.

In front of Gen'er Mountain, in the gray chaos of chaos, a circle of black gas filled circles, slowly rotating like a grinding disc, seems to be mocking everyone.

????At this moment, Cang Tian seemed to understand a little bit, he was always uneasy when he broke the battle, what felt a bit wrong!

??? At the time of the breakup, Gen'er Taoists didn't shoot, but just watched them break the breakout, which was not normal at all.

??? It turned out that this fellow even put another formation after Shiyang Yin's absolute battle, and the level of this formation was not lost to Shiyang Yin's absolute battle.

????Hong Zhen can see it, and Cangtian naturally knows that after the ten-yin yin dynasty is broken, the black formation method exposed is called the ten-yin-yin dynasty.

Cangtian Dao said, "This Liu Lao Dao, for today, but has invested a lot of money, to use ten yin and yang squads in Zhiyangquan's eyes, where is this old thing, and where is this kind of formation?"

????"The anode is yin, Cang Tian brother, it is a bit difficult to break this circle!" Hong Zhen said, but he was very excited between his eyes.

????For him, the more the Gener Taoist means, the stronger the performance, the more tempting he is!

Looking back, everyone sat cross-legged on the ground, either repairing the injury or restoring their skill.

????? "Cang Tian brother, how to say?" Hong Zhen turned to look at Cang Tian.

????? Everyone is at a loss, and no one knows whether Gen'er Taoist still has a follower. If he continues to break through, then come back again, I am afraid that few people can bear it.

????? However, this step has already been reached. If you give up, it is a pity to give up, it is a pity, not to mention that there is someone on the mountain who they have to rescue.

????? Looking back at the crowd, Cang Tiandao, "Wait for them to recover, then plan again!"

???Hong Zhen nodded slightly, "These ten yin and yang are in absolute battle, and all of them are the essence of the most yin. If we go in, we are afraid that it will not be appropriate, but we have only three female kings. To break this array, I am afraid... …"

???Cang Tian shook his head and said, "This place is chaotic to Yangquan's eyes, not to Yin, even if the anode produces yin, this array has lost its time and place, and its power is not so great, at least it will not take ten yang and Yin. That horror!"

???Hong Zhen nodded his head, agreeing with Cang Tian's point of view, "Everything is still to be careful, so as not to be calculated by the old Liu!"



???? "Haha..."

???On the top of Gen'er Mountain, Gen'er Taoist reclined on a big rock, as if he had just slept and yawned, looked outside the mountain, and saw the embarrassment of the eighteen kingdoms, and he laughed heartily Got up.

???"Eighteen Realm King, but so!"

???? There is a bit of evil smile on Gen'er Taoist's face. It can be said that this time the Eighteen Realm Kings were given to Yin by him. The ten yin and yang extinctions are quietly clothed, and the anode produces yin, generating massive to yin essences in the formation. Detonated the entire ten yang yin absolute battle.

??? Who can bear this? If you are not a master of the realm of the realm, under such a terrible yin and yang explosion, I am afraid that it will have disappeared.

If the king of all realms did not press down with all his strength, the power of the explosion just now might have spread to most of the plane world of the entire chaotic world.

????? Seeing that the King of the Realm was still wandering outside the mountain, obviously they did not give up, Gen'er Taoist stood up, stretched out, and he didn't seem to care about the attachment of the King of the Realm.

??? Gen'er Taoist doesn't think he can stop the Eighteen Realm Kings with his remaining ten yin and yang, and he doesn't think he can resist the siege of the Eighteen Realm Kings by himself. For him , As long as it can support him to get what he wants, that is enough!

??? His eyes stayed at the bottom of the mountain, and Gen'er Taoist turned and walked towards the Wuxiang Ding, which was burning on Quan's eyes.

???Chaos has no sun, moon and stars, and does not count the years, but it does not mean that there is no time. Gener Taoist figures are counted. It has been about three or two months since Suhang entered the trip, and the time should be almost!

??? Gener Taoist understands well that after this incident, he will become the public enemy of the entire chaos, but he is not worried at all, as long as he can refining his destiny and help him reach a new level of strength, who needs to be afraid? When the time comes, Hong Tian Hongzhen will not be in the eye!

???? Turning around Wuxiang Ding, Gen'er Taoist frowned, how could this fire seem much smaller?

????In the eyes of the fountain, the eruption of the essence of the sun can be described as massive, but this fire is a bit abnormal and a little small!


??? Gener Taoist blew his Eyebrows twisted in one place.

??? "Humph, Tim!"

???? Gener Taoist snorted, and a long stick appeared in his hand, poked directly into that spring's eyes!


???Quanyan surged out, a greater amount of the essence of the sun squirted from the Quanyan, this Gen'er Taoist, forcibly gave Gen'ershan a big eruption.

???The vast essence of Zhiyang even sprayed directly into the air. Cangtian and others outside the mountain were completely shocked when they saw this scene. The picture was so beautiful that they couldn't bear to look straight at it, making people blush!

???Wang Xiangding was washed into the air, fell for a long time, and fell back onto the spring eyes again. The spurt of the essence of Yang was faster than before. Under the urging of the Gener Taoist, the flame suddenly became larger. , Wrapping Wu Xiang Ding into a fireball, burning red all over!

??The Gen'er Taoist at this time is obviously anxious. If he can't find his destiny in time and wait for the Eighteen Realm Kings to break up the mountain, I'm afraid it will be him who is cold!

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