Super Study God

Chapter 2670: Break through the world king?

?????? Seeing the scene on Gen'er Mountain, the kings outside the mountains seemed to understand something, and immediately proceeded to break through the formation, very close to encircle Gen'er Mountain.

????? Gen'er Mountain eruption, from yang to yin, the essence of the yin and yin in the ten yin and yang formations is also rising, the power of the entire formation is doubled, do not start early, wait for this formation to grow, and then break the formation is more difficult!

????So, the King of the Realm can't take care of the others anymore, and quickly broke the formation, each taking what he needed!

Seeing that the Eighteen Realm Kings entered the battle, Gen'er Taoist finally panicked. He didn't expect Wuxiang Ding to be on fire. This was unexpected for him, so he could only find a way to give Wu Xiang Dingtian ignited.

????? Under the urging of Gen'er Taoist, Wuxiang Ding turned into a huge fireball, spinning rapidly above the spouting spring eyes.

????I don’t know how long it took, the flame on Wuxiang Ding slowly faded away, and a certain amount of joy appeared on Gener Taoist’s face, which caused a supernatural power to extinguish the flame on Quan’s eyes, and immediately waved his hand, Manipulating Wuxiang Ding fell next to Quanyan.

???? The flames subsided, revealing a red body, Gen'er Taoist was overjoyed, with a lot of anticipation on his face, quickly walked to the front of Ding, waved his sleeve again, Ding Gai flew up, flipped in the air a few times The circle fell with a bang, hitting a big hole.

???? After waiting for a long time, finally until today, Gen'er Taoist is extremely excited!

???? "Fate, fate, when you abandoned me, today, it is your turn to ask me, but unfortunately, late, when I swallow you, the entire chaotic world will be dominated by me!"

????? Gener Taoist laughed three times, shouted wildly, and flew directly to the tripod!

????However, just standing on the edge of Ding, the smile on Gen'er Taoist's face came to an abrupt end, and I saw a iron rod like a soldering iron slowly sticking out from the Ding, reaching the Gener Taoist's Chest.

???? Gener Daoist stayed in place with a dumbfounded, unbelievable expression, "How? How is it possible? How can you still be alive?"

????Dingzhong, the flame is still burning, a naked man standing at the bottom of the Ding, holding an iron bar in his hand, his eyes are red, who is not Su Hang?

??? Gen'er Taoist people can't believe their eyes at all, and they haven't refined this boy for so long, but haven't even killed this kid?

??? This is unscientific. There must be something wrong with it. How could this boy withstand such calcination? He is not the existence of the realm of the realm of the world, moreover, even if the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm, it is hard to say that he can be unscathed in this tripod!

It must be the wrong way to open the tripod. Gen'er Taoist closed his eyes several times and opened his eyes vigorously. However, there was no illusion in front of him, this kid was still alive, and he looked energetic and vigorous, Tough and straight!

??? "You seem disappointed?"

???? Su Hang held the big fairy stick in one hand and covered the crotch with one hand, his eyes flashed with anger, but his voice was extremely cold!

???? Gener Taoist quickly recovered, and his face was abnormally cold, "I pointed the stick at me, don't you think this picture is too shameful?"

????Nima, Su Hang really had the urge to squirt this guy to death, "Old..."

???? With a curse, Su Hang jumped out of Ding directly and stood on the edge of Ding. The steaming flame on his body quickly extinguished. His heart moved, and he found a coat and put on shame.

After being so scolded by Su Hang, Gen'er Taoist was also a little angry, and pressed the fire and asked, "What means did you use? With your strength, it is impossible to survive in a phaseless trip!"


???? Su Hang snorted, and Daxian stick touched Gener Taoist chest, "If you think so, then you are too naive, there is nothing impossible in this world, but, I have to thank you If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to make such a big progress so fast!”

The Gener Taoist heard the words, his face was black, and he stared at Su Hang with bright eyes. "Are you breaking through the realm of the realm?"

???Speaking of this, Gen'er Tao shook his head again, denying what he had just said, "Impossible, how can you break through the realm of the realm, boy, don't be complacent, even if you break the realm of the realm of the realm, I will still kill you , As long as it kills you, fate can’t run away anymore, it’s a big deal to extract it from your body, it’s more work!”

??? "So confident?" Su Hang looked at Gen'er Taoist with a cold face.

????"Try to know!" Gen'er Taoist snorted with a cold hand, and a fistful of the big immortal stick that would rest on his chest flicked aside, looked forward, and punched Suhang directly Chest.


??? Knowing the power of Gen'er Taoist, Su Hang has been guarding against it. He has just emerged from Wuxiang, he is holding his belly and nowhere to let it go.

???? With a cold snork, Suhang directly greeted him, and with this punch, Suhang used all his strength, almost without reservation!


???? There was no energy leakage, and all the power was poured onto the opponent's body.

???? The battle of masters is not greater than the movement of anyone, but the lethality of the opponent, even if it is only a trace of power leakage, for the real powerhouse, it is a waste of luxury, only the full power They are all exerted on the opponent, causing the most damage, which is the ultimate battle.

The face of Gen'er Dao changed greatly, and the whole person flew back suddenly, only a few ups and downs in the air ~ ~ only to unload the power of Su Hang.

??? The result was surprising. After a punch, Su Hang stood on top of Dingyan, but his body shook, but did not back half a minute.

???Everything on the mountain has not been hurt, it is conceivable that the two have achieved the ultimate control of power.

??? With this trick, the Gener Taoist actually fell off, and Su Hang was a little bit dumbfounded. Because he just broke through, he had no idea of ​​his own strength, so he sometimes wondered whether he was too strong or his opponent was too strong. Weak.

??? "You really broke through the realm king?"

The Gener Taoist stood not far from Su Hang and looked at Su Hang with shock. He had just punched his punch. Although he didn't have the power to reach the Realm of King Realm, it was enough to run rampantly in the Realm of King Realm. This kind of power still fell in the battle with the Soviet Air, so it can be seen that this kid has the power of the realm of realm.

??? Is it possible that this kid was sealed by fate in Ding Zhong? Really achieved the realm of realm king? However, there is no reason, after the rebirth of fate, has not returned, how can it still have the ability to seal?

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