Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2692: Guanmiao Street!

Su Hang nodded angrily, "Yuan Zu Mirror is a God-level Taoist weapon, and the world of the realm of the realm of the king can be photographed, there will be no fake!"


Pan Yu was stagnant, and the whole person froze there, unable to speak for a long time, only to feel that his brain was like a mess of mud, so messed up that he still had a previous life? The woman in the mirror is her past life? Who is that man?

"Miss, I think it's awkward at this time. Let's go back to the Promise World first and ask the master to ask, he must know the cause and effect!" Pan Yudao said.

Pan Yu paused and said in a low voice, "Lao Hu, you have followed my dad for so long, accompanied my dad to become the king of the world, and watched me grow up since childhood, don't you know anything? "

Hu Bugui shook his head again and again, "Miss, if I knew anything, would I follow the Miss to find the Yuan Zujing..."

Suddenly, Hu Bugui emphasized, "Miss, just listen to me. Let's go back to the master and ask clearly. I am now extremely suspicious of the old slave. The scheme of the surname Meng is wrong. There must be some calculations. I’m small, I’m afraid he’s a master!”

Pan Yu pondered for a while, then slowly raised his head, "Whether it is a calculation, went to Xiaoguan Temple in Rongcheng, I see it!"


Hu Bugui was really helpless when he listened to this remark. This young lady, her character, was really too autonomous to listen to him at all.

At this time, Su Hangdao said, "Exactly, I also want to see, where is this person really sacred!"

"You?" Pan Yu looked up at Su Hang.

Su Hangdao, "Yuan Zu Jing, I have never shown anyone. This person knows that Yuan Zu Jing is in my hands, it must be not equally idle, just right, I want to meet him!"

Beside, Hu Bugui blows his beard, "If that person has a bad heart, I can't hold back, how can it be?"

Su Hang waved his hand gently, "This worry seems a bit redundant. If he really has that, if he really has that evil intention, how could it be so much trouble, as early as the capital can solve you, as I see it, He is more like this way, leading me to appear!"

Hu Bugui listened and shook his head, "If he wants you again, it's even more impossible to use this method to directly come to Suxi to find you!"

Su Hang took a deep breath, "So, as Pan Girl said, what exactly is his purpose, you will know at a glance!"

Hu Bugui said, "Brother Su, you are going to go by yourself, don't catch our young lady!"

"He said plainly, but he wants to see your lady!" Su Hang shook his head. "And, Lao Hu, you don't have to worry too much, I will protect your lady!"

"You? Why?" Hu Bugui asked.

"Why?" Su Hang chuckled. "I have broken through the realm of realm king, Laohu, is that enough?"


Hu Bugui and Pan Yu were both stunned. They stared at Su Hang in amazement. Is this guy breaking through the world king?

What a joke?

However, looking at Su Hang's expression is obviously not a joke.

This cowhide has been blown up, and it has been a long time since I saw it, so quietly, that Suhang has broken through the realm of the realm? This is too fantasy, right? Has the world changed so much?

For a long time, Hu Bugui stabilized his mind, "No matter what you said is true, Brother Su, let's go to the appointment, yes, but, as you said, we must ensure the safety of my young lady and not let her suffer The slightest injury!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Since I promised, I will naturally do it!"

Hu Bugui turned and looked at Panyu. He also knew that Panyu would not care about his opinion at all. He would not listen to whatever Panyu said. There was no way but to promise to go to Rongcheng for an appointment, but in fact, Whether he agreed or not would not affect the result.

What he can do now is to let Su Hang guarantee Panyu's safety to the greatest extent.

Su Hang is naturally full of confidence. You know, he is now a master of the magnificent realm of the world. He does not believe that anyone can hurt someone from his own hands!


Rongcheng, Xiaoguan Temple Street.

This is an old street inside a ring. There used to be a Guandi Temple, so it got its name, but now the temple is gone, it is just an ordinary old street.

Now Xiaoguanmiao Street has become a famous mutton soup street in Rongcheng. There are many merchants selling mutton soup. Every winter solstice, this street can be said to be overcrowded.

Suhang University has also visited several times, just to drink the legendary world's first lamb soup.

What is unique is that there are many kinds of shops on this street. It is a glass door with a couple of thick makeup and beautiful women sitting behind it. There are a dozen or so shops on the street.

Perhaps it is the characteristic of the old city, or it may be the reason why the mutton soup is so hot. This street has basically reached the stage of maturity in the food and beverage industry!

It is almost summer now, and the streets have been deserted a lot. After the season, the mutton soup shop has basically no business, and even the performance of these 20 stores is not very good.

"Where can I find it?" Su Hang Panyu shook his head. This street is not big. For them like this, it can be said that looking for someone is simple, but , It depends on the existence of the person you are looking for!

The consciousness encompassed the entire street, and there wasn't any discovery at all. There wasn't even a suspicious suspicion. It was Panyu. The consciousness swept away and made a big red face. Obviously, I saw something I shouldn't see.

"Aren't you familiar? Find a place first, sit and wait!" Pan Yu said.

Su Hang nodded. At the excuse of Xiaoguanmiao Street, there was a T-shaped intersection. There was a loft in the middle of the intersection. This attic was beautifully repaired, much better than the surrounding old house shops.

However, this attic seems to be not very good for Feng Shui. At the T-junction, the gate is facing the side without the road. It was originally from the Quartet, and the result was that the Cailu was blocked in the opposite direction of the gate, and the other three parties entered the wealth. It came out, a good feng shui treasure, so it became a money bureau. Su Hang did not come here many times, but in memory, every time he passed here, this loft will change the owner!

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