Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2693: Which world king are you?

This time, it was a brand-new decoration, but I didn't know which owner changed it.

Although the decoration is more magnificent than the surrounding stores, but the business is still bleak, it can be said to be a monk.

Looking up, the huge plaque has huge words on it!

The world's first lamb soup!

Really the world's first lamb soup, this boss's tone is really not small, thinking that hanging the name of the world, can suppress the wealth of Sifang? It is too naive.

The security guard at the door, the aunt of health, the waiter, all gathered at the door to chat, and the red and green beside them seemed to have just opened for a few days.

Seeing that Su Hang's three people were coming, several waiters quickly greeted them. They greeted the three people on the second floor with great enthusiasm. They said that they were elegant rooms on the second floor.

The three of them were crying and laughing, and the business in this store was so bleak that this is not the case, where is it not quiet, and where is it not?

In the elegant room, three people sat down and ordered a pot of mutton soup, two pounds of lamb, two pounds of lamb, and they chatted and waited.

Pan Yu sat at the window and looked out from time to time, seeming to be looking for someone, a restless look!

"How do I feel, this place is so familiar, as if I saw the scene in Yuanzu mirror yesterday!" Pan Yu said suddenly.

Su Hang froze for a moment, and then put the sheep's miscellaneous things in his mouth back again. He walked to the window and looked at it. Sure enough, this place was like the scene in the picture of Panyu's previous life last night.

Although there are some small differences in architecture, the more Suhang looks like it, it can almost be determined that it is the same place.

What's going on? Su Hang froze, was Pan Yu's previous life here? Unreasonable, impossible!

The previous life of Panyu is less than hundreds of millions of years ago, let alone hundreds of millions of years ago, even if it is the earth, there were still dinosaurs walking around the ground at that time, it was quite wild!

Is it possible that Yuan Zujing was really wrong? Isn't it possible?

On the other side, Hu Bugui is also a little confused, and is confused about the situation.

Pan Yu turned his head and looked at Su Hang. The three of them stared at each other with big eyes, and they all looked dumbfounded.

Back to the seat and sat down, Su Sudao said, "Please don't be restless, wait for the man to show up. Just ask!"

"Humph!" Hu Bugui groaned angrily, and said, "It must be that the surname Meng is pretending to be a ghost, hum, don't let me see him, otherwise he must screw his head down!"

It can be seen that Hu Bugui is really angry. This time, in his opinion, it was clearly someone calculating, and actually hitting the abacus on her own lady was really abominable!

Pan Yu's face was so upset that she was expecting the person to show up. She asked a little understanding, but she was afraid that the person would show up. This kind of psychology is really complicated!

"Cough, I seem to hear someone say that I have to screw my head off!"

At this time, a voice came from outside the door, Su Hangmeng raised his head and saw a tall and tall figure walked into the room!

Jianmei has staring eyes, a graceful posture, flat hair and short hair. She is wearing a black senior suit and looks like she is in her thirties.

As soon as this person appeared, Hu Bugui shrank his unconscious neck, as if he felt a very dangerous situation, but when he saw the appearance of the coming person, Hu Bugui froze, and then angered, "Okay, really it is you, you How dare you come?"

Su Hang also looked at the man in front of him at this time, secretly comparing himself with this person. This person was taller and more burly than him, and he looked better than himself. As for this strength, Su Hang pulled out the system of learning and swept away Although he had been prepared for a long time, he was shocked and could not find information about this person.

However, looking at this person's appearance, it is clear that last night, the man in the picture of Pan Yu's previous life was only more mature than the young man.

Hu Bugui doesn't care about anything else. He rushed up and wanted to do this.

"Old Hu, don't be rude!" Pan Yu yelled, but she just waited for this man to appear. There are many questions to ask, how can Hu not be returned to something bad?

Hu Bugui's clenched fists slowly closed back, biting his teeth with a black face, waiting for the mysterious man in front of him, "Who are you, why pretend to be a fortune-teller and count my lady?"

The look was like swallowing the man in front of me!

"A lot of beard, stop a little!"

Faced with Hu Bugui's anger, the man didn't care at all, just smiled and reached out and patted Hu Bugui's shoulder gently.

Immediately, Hu Bugui's face changed drastically, and he sat back directly on the seat. The whole face was red and purple, as if he had been crushed by countless mountains, and he couldn't scream, he couldn't scream, or even moved. Unable to move, so anxious that I can only turn my eyes!

"Your Excellency!" Su Hang said at this time.

Just throwing his hands up and putting Hu Bu into his uniform, this man's strength is not trivial.

The man smiled faintly, his eyes turned around and landed on Panyu's body, "Girl, would you mind building a table?"

Pan Yu paused, facing this person, she didn't know how to answer it, but this person had already made a choice for her. Without waiting for Pan Yu to speak, she sat down in the empty seat opposite Pan Yu.

"The eighty-six kings of I don't know which one you are?" Su Hang asked. From this person, he could not feel the threat, but he could not feel the breath of this person. Just an ordinary person.

The man waved his hand and ate two bites of lamb before he said, "No one is!"

neither? Su Hang frowned, apparently not believing, if he wasn't the King of the Realm, how could he treat Hu Buzhi at will in his own face?

Just want to ask, the man looked up at Su Hang while eating, "I know you, your name is Su Hang, and now this chaotic world should be 87 kings of the world!"

Su Hang paused. It seemed that this person didn't just know that he had Yuan Zu Jing.

"Your Excellency is hidden!" Su Hang's eyes always stayed on this person, and he did not leave for a moment. "Hu Bugui is my friend. Please also show mercy to your men!"

The man waved his hand gently, and Hu Bugui, who was fixed on the stool and holding an old red face, instantly seemed to be relieved, and he directly collapsed on the chair, breathing heavily and sweating. It's raining!

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