Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2694: Take you home!

Hu Bugui looked at the man in front of him with a dreadful face. If he now showed the original shape, he was afraid that he had already retracted into the turtle shell.

???? "Don't be noisy, otherwise, I can ask the waiter to order me a bowl of old turtle soup!" the man said with a smile.

??? It is a warning to Hu Bugui, but in this regard, it is indeed a single word to break the origin of Hu Bugui.

??? Hu Bugui didn't dare to speak, only Su Hang said, "Your Excellency seems to know us very well, can you tell us your name?"

The man gently waved his hand, "My surname is Meng. As for the name, it's not good to listen to, don't mention it!"

??? "It turned out to be Brother Meng!" Su Hang arched his hand at the man, and then said, "Then I will be straight, how can Brother Meng know that I have Yuan Zu mirror?"

???Su Hang seems to be careless, but his mind is on this man. Every expression on his face and every muscle change on his face can't escape Su Hang's eyes.

Panyu also looked at this person. She was both puzzled and curious about the origin of this person.

The man was slow, a piece of lamb came down, took a teacup and drank, turned to look at Su Hang, and showed a sunny smile, "Nothing special, I want to know, so I know?"

???? It was so easy to say that Su Hang frowned, and his forehead was covered with black lines, "Brother Meng's answer is a little too far-fetched!"

???? "Far? I don't think so!" The man shook his head, still looking at Su Hang with a smile, "As long as I want to know, I can even know what color pants you are wearing today!"

???? Nima! Su Hang heard this, and a face instantly twitched, "Brother Meng is miscalculated. I didn't wear it at all today!"


???Panyu sprayed directly, making a big blush, looking at the two in front of him with amazement.

???? "Ha ha ha..." The man smiled ha ha, "Little Brother Su is really a wonderful person, to be honest, I don't like to wear that stuff...hahaha..."

??? Pan Yu's face with black lines, how can these two men talk about this topic in a grand manner in the presence of a woman?

???"Cough cough!" Pan Yu coughed softly. At this time, she finally couldn't help but say, "Mr. Meng, right? You asked me to borrow Yuan Zujing before, then came here to find you, Now, can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

The man heard the words and looked at Pan Yu with a pair of eyes, "Did the Pan girl borrow the Yuan Zu mirror? Can the Yuan Zu mirror be used in the past life?"

???? His eyes are weird, Su Hang feels that this person looks at Pan Yu's eyes, making him a little familiar, just like when he met She Xiaoman once.

????It's impossible that this man is really entangled with Pan Yu's previous life? Su Hang couldn't help but whisper secretly in his heart.

?????? Faced with this man's question, Pan Yu didn't know how to answer for a moment, but nodded, waiting for the man to give her an explanation!

????"Then I don't know what Pan Girl saw?" the man said softly.

???? Pan Yu was stagnant, could you tell this person not only that I saw my past life, but also a man who looked like you?

????? Because of this man’s problem, the atmosphere was slightly embarrassing. Su Hang poured half a cup of soy milk into his cup. "Don’t Brother Meng claim to know everything? This question still needs to be asked?"

????? The man paused, seeming to be a little displeased, he looked at Su Hang helplessly, "You are very unlucky!"

Su Hang drank soy milk and waved his hand, "Brother Meng had any intentions. Let me just say that neither Me nor Pan Girl likes to turn around. Brother Meng has taken so much trouble to lead us here. What is the purpose?"

Beside ????, Pan Yu also nodded slightly. She didn't like this kind of covert feeling, just wanted to know the truth!

The man smiled softly, and said to Su Hangdao, "Where is it all troublesome, I haven't thought of anything to lead you here, you appear here, I was somewhat surprised, I just thought, Should I show up and meet!"

??? Su Hang's face twitched slightly, "So, am I acting passionate?"

??? "Hehe!" The man smiled, and the word Hehe had a profound meaning. There was no chance for Su Hang to look at Panyu. "My purpose is very simple. This time I came to Tianxuanhuang Realm, just to bring you go away!"

???? "Take me away?" Pan Yu froze in situ, facing the hot eyes of the man opposite, some dare not look up at him, "Why, why?"

The man smiled, "Since you have seen Yuan Zu Jing, you should know the general situation, I, take you home!"

???? "Go home?" Pan Yuman was stunned. "Where's home?"

??? The man smiled, "Of course it is back to our home!"

???? "Our home?" Pan Yu was even more embarrassed. What is our home?

??? "Miss, don't listen to him talking nonsense!" Hu Bu next to him caressed and quickly shouted, no matter how terrifying this man is!

Panyu is indifferent, as if thinking about this man now, her mind is very chaotic, and she doesn’t know what she is thinking. She only knows that the appearance of this man really makes her kind of strange. feel.

????What Yuan Zujing saw is true? Is this man really a partner of his previous life?

???? Now has lost the previous calmness and is confused.

???? "Come home with me!" The man's voice seemed like some kind of magic.

????At this time, Su Hang couldn't help but say, "Brother Meng, how do you feel a bit familiar with you? Is it true that you learned from real people in the sky? You cheated the girls, one set! "

????The man listened to this and frowned slightly, and turned to look at Su Hang, "Brother Su, you are also a person who has experienced wives and ions. You should be able to understand my mood at the moment, the image in the mirror of Yuan Zu , You should have seen it too, it’s impossible, do you think I’ll lie to you?"

??? Speaking of which, the man took a deep breath, "I would like to take her away if you're welcome, ten of you, I'm afraid I can't stop it!"

??? Su Hang is stagnant, is it so crazy?

???He has always refused to accept people, let alone provocations. If he is in a chaotic world at this moment, he might have a fight with this person, but now it is on the earth, with the power of the realm of the realm, a sneeze can turn the solar system To ruin, not to mention the earth.

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