Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2695: The strongest and fiercest man!

If you can’t do it, you must try not to do it. Su Hang thought for a while and said, “Yuan Zu Jing, I did see it. Perhaps, as Brother Meng said, the girl’s previous life had a marriage with you, but the fact is In any case, only you know that Pan Niang’s hidden knowledge hasn’t been revealed yet. When you come, you say you want to take her away.

The man heard the words, frowned gently, and exhaled, saying, "Then what do you think is not abrupt?"

Su Hang smiled, "Look at Pan Girl now, she is completely confused. Maybe she doesn't even know where she is now!"

Speaking of this, Su Hang looked at the man, "No matter what kind of person you are, how capable you are. If you are really good for Pan Girl, wait for Pan Girl to awaken and hide her knowledge. Of course, the premise is that she really has a previous life. She was willing to go with you at that time, no one had a reason to stop it, and, Brother Meng, you also know what identity the Pan girl was, the daughter of the Panjie King, but it was not you who took it away!"

The man heard the words, squeezed his chin, looked at Panyu, and thought for a moment, "It makes a lot of sense, but for so many years, I don't have to hurry at this time, just, I have to go See an old friend..."

Speaking of which, the man looked at Panyu, "Wait for me to come back!"

The affectionate expression on that face made Su Hang, who was next to him, feel all over his body, and Pan Yu was of course even more blushing!

I won't wait to say more, the man patted the table and stood up, "I'm asking for this meal today, you use it slowly!"

After he got up, he went, and said he left, Pan Yu wanted to stop, but he didn't know how to speak. r?anw?e?n

Su Hang gestured to the two of them, then they got up and chased them out alone!

"Brother Meng came to Rongcheng, how can you be treated!" Following the man downstairs, Suhang first paid the bill at the front desk.

It cost more than 400 yuan, two pounds of lamb and two pounds of lamb, and no wonder this business is not good!

"Then let Su Su spend the money!"

The man didn't care, Su Hang followed him and walked to the door.

Su Hang waved his hand, "I don't know what brother Meng is going to see?"

"An old friend, I haven't seen you for many years!" Standing at the door, the man looked up at the sky, "It seems to be supreme!"

Godless? Su Hang was a little alert when he heard this, friend? Godless? Supreme heaven is the real world of Wang Hong, the real friend of this person, is this Hong Zhen?

Is this person Hong Zhen? Although the surface does not change color, Su Hang's heart sank!

If this surnamed Meng has something to do with Hong Zhen, then his motives are worth scrutinizing. Su Hang will subconsciously put him on the hostile side!

What Su Hang thought, the man didn't care, stood at the door, turned to look at Su Hang, "I have few friends, you may be one of them!"

"Oh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then raised an eyebrow, "Should I feel honored?"

But my heart is vomiting, maybe? Is it a worthy of showing off to be your friend?

The man shook his head, "My name is Meng Nan, Brother Xiao, we will meet again!"

Meng Nan? Until this moment, Su Hang did not know the full name of this mysterious man, of course, provided that his name is true.

"It turned out to be Brother Meng Nan, there will be a period in the future!" Su Hang arched his hand and wrote down the name in his heart, and then asked Yangliu and a few old guys to ask him, I believe he could understand the origin of this person.

This kind of existence should disdain to leave a pseudonym!

Meng Nan reached out and slapped gently on Suhang's shoulder, said a word in Suhang's ear, then turned to a taxi, and left.

Leaving Su Hang alone, standing at the intersection in front of the door, gazing at the direction of the car leaving, the whole person seemed to be petrified, with his mouth slightly open, with an incredible amount of eyes.


In the private room on the second floor, the water in the pot is almost dry. The waiter has added soup twice. The meat in the pot is almost cooked. However, Pan Yu and Hu Bugui have their own concerns. There is no appetite at all. Lamb is in the mouth, it tastes the same as chewing wax!

Su Hang slowly pushed the door in and lowered his head, as if thinking of something!

"He, he left?" Pan Yu immediately asked!

Su Hang did not answer, but slowly walked to the seat and sat down, looking a bit dazed.

Hu Bugui stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Su Hang. "Brother Su, what's your question, Miss?"

Su Hang then recovered, looking at Panyu, "What?"

Hu Bugui looked helpless. "The young lady asked you, did the man just leave? I said, Brother Su, did the man tell you something? How did you go down and become desperate?"

Su Hang heard the words and smiled and shook his head. "Where is there any soul that doesn't stay at home, he has already left, I just feel that this person is a little weird!"

"Huh!" Hu Bugui snorted coldly, "It's not just strange, I think he just doesn't have good intentions, and dare to hit our young lady's idea? Don't pour urine to take photos of yourself? Deserves us Miss home?"

Su Hang looked at this almost anxiously corrupted Hu Bugui, "Why didn't you say that when the man was there?"

Hu Bugui shook his face a I was a little embarrassed. There is a saying that people don’t want to tear down. Why are you really tearing me down. I was here just now. Is it?

"Huh, this guy is bad at heart!" Hu Bugui continued to scold, "My lady can't even look down on you, can you still look at him?"

What is this nonsense? Su Hang's face was black, "Lao Hu, are you praising me or scolding me?"

"Why am I scolding you? I scold Meng's mate!" Hu Bugui shouted, "Only the strongest and fiercest man is eligible to win the hearts of our young lady!"

sweat! The strongest and fiercest man, if this is the case, marry the sky!


For the trip to Rongcheng, for Su Hang, there was not much gain, and Pan Yu and Hu Bugui left the same day, saying that they were a little homesick and ready to return to Promise!

Presumably, the emergence of Meng Nan, information about the unknown past life, disturbed her heart, remember to want to go back to his father to confirm it, Pan Sheng should give her a reasonable explanation!

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