Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2895: Shujindai!

????After all, everyone said they were lonely and seeking defeat. The first generation of the Void Temple is only his named disciple. The cowhide is so coquettish that he will not put the Void Temple in his eyes. Directly help out, obviously is pretending to be strange!

????? "Come and see, maybe he said this to you!" Cang Tian said to Su Hang.

??? Suhang listened, got up and walked to the case, looked down, the words on the rice paper were written by the sky, the ink had not been dried, and the content was the proverb that the sky had said before.

???? "The place where it originates, the place where it destroys, the place of cause and effect, everything is nothing!"

????? Cangtian’s words are still well written, but Su Hang’s attention is not on the words. After a long look, he is thinking about the meaning of these words in his mind. This is a place. What? The hiding place of the third prince Gemiao!

????? "I thought of a place!" After a long time, Su Hang's mind seemed to have a flash of light!

????? "Oh?" Cang Tian looked at Su Hang in doubt, what did this kid really find?

????? Su Hangdao, "The origin of the chaotic world and the void world is destined. In my opinion, the destiny should be on the tomb of the god. In the war of the beginning of the world, the fierce gods of the early days were buried in the tomb of the gods The mountain ended and there were countless robes of the early gods and fierce gods, so naturally there is a place of cause and effect..."

????? Su Hang felt that what he said made sense, "There is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Maybe, that Ge Miao is hiding in Shenmu Mountain!"

?????The more it is said, the more Suhang feels, as he said, Shenmushan is too possible!

??? After listening to the sky, he frowned gently, and seemed to be carefully considering the analysis of the power of Suhang.

????But in the end, Cang Tian shook his head, "But, what explanation does the origin cause? What explanation is there for nothing?"

???? Su Hang heard a stagnation, perhaps considering whether to force a wave of explanation!

?????"However, if you say this, you are reminding me!" Cang Tian pinched his chin, it seems to have thought of something, "If you really want to say the origin of the chaotic world and the void world, it may not necessarily mean It’s God Tomb Mountain!"

????? "Oh? Where would that be?" Su Hang looked at Cangtian, who had experienced the war of the past, and he had no doubt more about this issue.

???? "Kill the God Platform!"

???? Cangtian spit out three words.

????? Kill God Tower? For Su Hang, this is a completely strange place name, and where is the killing **** platform, why does Cang Tian say that the cause and effect of the early world, the origin and the fate are here?

Cangtian stood up, as if caught in a distant memory, "In the early days of the year, chaos had just opened up, and no world had been opened up. Everything was ignorant. Our generation of gods are in fate. Was born under the creation of the world, but there were still many powerful primordial creatures in the chaotic world at that time. This existence, led by the Yuehua San people, was powerful and rampant. They thought that this chaotic world was theirs. The realm was forcibly opened up by fate and took away their dwellings, so they were not controlled by fate, and united to fight against fate, and we must turn chaos back into nothingness!"

?????"So, the destiny built the killing **** platform, Pangu, which is your previous life, shook his arm on the killing **** platform, the chaotic gods responded one after another, since the creation of the world, the first **** war, it started So, the killing **** platform is the origin!"

????"With the support of destiny, all the primordial fierce gods headed by the Yuehua San people were cleared one by one, and the primordial fierce gods who were beheaded on the killing **** platform can be said to be countless. It was cut on the stage of killing the gods, destroying both form and spirit..."

????"I still remember that the last time, more than 300 fierce gods were beheaded on the Killing God Platform. After that, the battle of God ended, so the Killing God Platform was also the place of extinction!"

????? "There are countless fierce gods beheaded on the killing **** stage, and naturally it is the biggest cause and effect. As for all emptiness, then it is better to explain, because, on the killing **** stage, it is nothingness! "

???? After listening to Cang Tian's speech, Su Hang's expression on his face was solemn, "That is to say, the three princes Ge Miao, most likely hiding in the killing **** platform?

"Not necessarily!" Cang Tian shook his head, "Maybe Brother Meng Nan reminded us that Ge Miao's hiding place, but it is also possible, he wanted to tell us that to resolve this crisis, you have to rely on Kill God Tower!"

??? After hearing this, Su Hang pondered for a moment, "Then let's go to the killing **** station first, where is the killing **** station?"

???Cangtian Dao, "After so many years, Killing God Terrace has long lost its divinity and turned into a barren mountain in chaos. I haven’t been there for a long time to see it, but that place has been killed by too many powerful people. In addition, a natural aura has been formed, and most monks are instinctively reluctant to come close."

???? Su Hang nodded slightly, anyway, since Meng Nan left the proverbs, and Cang Tian thought it was there, it must be seen.

?????"If Ge Miao is really hiding in the killing **** station, we are going here, I am afraid that there will be dangers, we have to consider long." Cang Tiandao, he is not as reckless as Su Hang, a little bit worried.

??????? Su Hang is no different, if he and Cang Tian went to run this one, not to mention whether it was really dangerous, after all, Cang Tian is now related to the Void Temple, although Su Hang said Believe him, but instinctive precautions are still necessary. As the so-called two do not look at the well, in case the sky tricks him into selling, who is he going to reason with?



??????? After discussing with Hongjun and others, there was no need for extra words. Hongjun, Eshen and Qinchuan all felt that they should take this trip, so the five left Tianwaitian.

At the same time, Su Hang, as the Lord of Heaven and Heaven, summoned the kings of the realm, and asked the kings of the realm to come to the killing **** station immediately after hearing the news. What must always be, after the baptism of countless years, has become an unnamed barren mountain in chaos, the range of tens of thousands of light years nearby, there is no chaotic life, dead Shen Shen, as if there was nowhere else.

???????? Su Hang and others carried a bit of anxiety in their hearts. No one knew what would happen and what would happen in front of him, even Hong Jun, who had the magical power, was playing drums at the moment.

???????? Although it is said that the third prince Ge Miao has the strength of the Seventh Grade Supreme Realm, that is, the Seven Color Realm King Realm, there are also seven color realm kings who can compete with it, but who knows whether Ge Miao has Hidden strength, how much strength do you have?

??????? This is like two people blowing gold, you know your hole cards well, and you also know that the opponent has a card that is the same as the biggest card in your hand. In this way, you win What are the odds?

???????? The closer it is to the Killing God Terrace, the more obvious this kind of anxiety, although after too many years, the Killing God Terrace has lost its divinity, but this area still exudes strong The strong killing spirit makes people unconsciously tense, as if there is incomparable danger lurking all around.

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