Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2896: Chaos area!

??????? Moreover, the chaotic gas in this area seems to be special, compared with the chaotic gas outside the area, it seems that there is something more, as if the altitude is too high, and it is lack of oxygen. Anyway, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable, which is probably why the creatures in the chaos are not willing to come here, let this large area become a cause of extinction.

?????????? "This place is really a land of poor mountains and bad waters. I feel that my skills are faintly suppressed." Qin Chuan said, this is the first time he came to this place. I have heard of it and haven't been there in person.

?????????? Hong Jun said, "In the war of the past, there were countless fierce gods who were captured and chopped off at the killing god's platform. After these fierce gods were cut, they were cultivated as a whole In the area, over time, this area is filled with the air of the beginning, which is mixed with the air of chaos, and it has evolved to look like this over time. Therefore, after entering here, the chaotic monk will feel uncomfortable and suppressed. "

??????????? Hong Jun explained that several people nodded slightly.

?????????? When Suhang entered this area, he felt it. This area is mixed with many forces of nothingness. The so-called force of nothingness is the beginning of what Hongjun said. The power is also the power of Hongmeng said by Chu Bang.

??????????? The names are different, but their names are different, but they are all talking about one thing. These days, Su Hang has achieved a lot on the Hongmeng Road, so he can clearly feel the area here. In the middle, there is a mixture of Hongmeng and Chaos.

??????????? Erqi entangles each other here, not to mention that this place may really be a great place to perceive the way of Hongmeng, but unfortunately did not know it earlier.

????????????? Not far from the killing **** station, everyone stopped, at this time, the heavens said, "Ge Miao resurrected the **** tomb mountain many early gods, although these gods should still play There is not much combat power, but these existences all have the body of the beginning, which is the so-called void body, and the means under the rules of chaos can hardly hurt them..."

??????????? As he said, Cangtian turned his right hand and took out several swords. "These swords are the void weapon, which can hurt the life of the early days. Each Daoist takes one of them. Right."

??????????? Void Tracker?

?????????? Everyone is a little puzzled, especially Hong Jun, who has some doubts in his heart, how can there be so many void devices in the sky? You can take out three or five pieces at hand, and they are all sword-shaped void devices.

?????????? What is the Void Dao, Hong Jun is very clear. At that time, when the gods war, fate gave the gods the Void Dao, in order to let the chaotic gods win in the gods war Otherwise, fighting the fierce gods in the beginning is basically difficult to harm the other party.

??????????? After the Great War of the year, most of the Void Dao were recovered by fate in various ways. Even the Killing God Terrace was deserted into a barren mountain, and the sky was from Where did so many void devices come from?

??????????? Hong Jun had doubts about Cang Tian in his heart. When he saw that Cang Tian took out so many void devices, he was even more puzzled.

??????????? Only Su Hang knows that the Void Temple Prince has already been lodged in the sky, take out a few pieces of Void Dao, can it be a strange thing?

??????????? "Oh, let me pick it first." Seeing Hong Jun they were puzzled, Su Hang stood up first, since there are treasures, don't do it in vain, would he be polite?

?????????? The hand just stretched out, before it was too late to speak, but Cangtian closed his hand first, "Your life-reversing cone is much stronger than mine."


??????? Su Hang heard his words, and then pouted his lips, and then relentedly put his hands back.

???????? Hong Jun looked at the situation, seeing Su Hang, so obviously Su Hang has unloaded its precautions against the sky, although doubtful, but also relieved, "I have been with me for many years, this is also a A Void Dao device, two Dao friends, come on."

??????? As he said, Hong Jun raised the dust in his hand, and that dust was the Void Dao given by fate during the war of the past. That day he was in Shenmu Mountain, he used this dust to hurt Hell.

Qin Chuan and Eshen did not say much. The two stepped forward and took a sword from Cang Tian's hand, and tried their hand feeling. Perhaps it was good. Both were a little curious. This void device What is the difference between chaos and Taoism?

???????? Cang Tian put away the remaining swords, turned around and looked up, a barren mountain in front of him looked like a dung of cow dung in the distance, exuding a nameless Breath, it seems to be forcing all life that wants to be close.

????????? "Is this the killing **** platform?"

????????? Su Hang looked far away. Although he has lost his divinity, he can also see that this mountain is not waiting for leisure. Although many years have passed, it is like a late old man, but The murderous gas hidden in his body is still very scary. If a person comes to the foot of this mountain, I'm afraid I can't stand.

?????????Hong Jun said, "Here is where the fate came from. It's a pity that it has become like this, which makes people sigh, but this kind of place may really be The hideouts of the fierce gods in the beginning."

????????? Su Hang nodded, this place is full of great power, Ge Miao and those who were resurrected the first fierce god, should like to stay here, if Su Hang is Ge Miao, insist Choosing a place to settle in chaos, then surely choose here.

????????? "All of you are afraid that it may take some time for you to come. You, as soon as you go up the mountain, danger will happen at any time, so you need to be careful!" Cang Tian reminded.

The people nodded and were about to go up the mountain to find out what happened. At this time, they suddenly heard a loud bang on the mountain, like a sonic boom, a shock wave came, and the surrounding chaos was shaken.

???? A few people immediately watched the mountain and saw more than ten black shadows shooting down from the mountain, immediately encircling them in the middle.

????? One by one weirdly shaped, some with three heads and six arms, some with beast heads, some with green fangs, and some with grinning eyes.

??????? A pair of eyes, extremely cold, as if there is no emotion at all, before waiting for Su Hang and others to speak, the first few weirdos spread out, and one of them is wrapped around the cloth, and the ugly weird man is from behind When I walked out, I just knew that it was a leader!

?????? To say how ugly this person is, this can no longer be regarded as ugly. It can only be said to be disgusting, and I don’t know whether it is rotten or born like this. The body is filled with an unknown liquid like yellow mud. Wading down.

????Although the appearance looks very strong, but this looks really unbelievable. There are many ugly people that Su Hang has seen. I can't find anything to describe this person at a time. It is completely a quagmire. Toad coming out!

?????? "Wait for the bold courage, dare to break into my master's mountain gate? Want to die?" The man snorted directly, obviously full of hostility towards the arrival of Su Hang and others.

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